更新时间:2024-11-10 08:21:27作者:留学世界
1. 概述
2. 名词
3. 动词
作为动词,tie最常见的意思是“系、捆绑”,例如,“请把这条领带系好”(Please tie this necktie)。此外,tie也可以表示“联系、结合”,例如,“我们要努力把学*和实践紧密地结合起来”(We should strive to tie learning and practice closely together)。
4. 形容词
作为形容词,tie通常表示“平局的”或“相等的”。例如,“这场比赛以平局结束”(The game ended in a tie);“两人成绩相等”(The two of them got a tie score)。
5. 其他用法
1. 发音:Tie的发音和英文单词"tai"相似,但是要注意不要把"ai"读成中文的"爱",而是发音更接近于英文中的"a"。
2. 音标:Tie的音标为/taɪ/,其中/y/发音为/i/,/ɪ/表示短元音。
3. 重复练*:要想准确地读出"Tie"这个单词,最好的方法就是反复练*。可以在听力练*中多听几遍这个单词,并尝试模仿原声读出来。
4. 口型:正确的口型也很重要。在说"Tie"时,嘴唇要放松自然,舌头放平,上下牙齿轻轻接触即可。
5. 小提示:如果你觉得发音有些困难,可以尝试先念出字母"T"和"I"的发音,再慢慢结合起来读出完整的单词"Tie"。
6. 幽默提示:记住了吗?不要再把"Tie"读成中文里的领带了哦!不然会被人误会你在说话时突然想起了领带
1. Tie作为动词,意为"系、捆、绑、扎"等,常用于以下几种情况:
- She tied her hair in a ponytail. (她把头发扎成马尾辫。)
- The thief was tied to a chair. (小偷被捆绑在椅子上。)
- The shoelaces are too long, please tie them up. (鞋带太长了,请把它们系紧。)
2. Tie也可以表示"连接、联系"的意思,常用于以下场景:
- The two countries are tied by strong economic relations. (这两个国家通过强大的经济联系在一起。)
- Family ties are important for maintaining relationships. (家庭关系对于维持人际关系很重要。)
3. Tie还可以表示"平局、打成平手"的意思,在体育比赛中常用到:
- The game ended in a tie, with both teams scoring 2 goals. (比赛以平局结束,双方各进2球。)
- The tennis match was tied at 5-5, and they had to play a tie-breaker to determine the winner. (网球比赛打成5比5平,他们不得不进行抢七决胜局来决定胜负。)
4. 双语例句:
- He used a rope to tie the boxes together so they wouldn't fall off the truck during transport.
- The two countries are tied by a long history of cultural exchange and trade.
- The final score was a tie, so the teams had to play an extra period to determine the winner.
1. Tie the knot - 结婚
2. Tie the game - 打平比赛
3. Tie the score - 平分比分
4. Tie the shoelaces - 系鞋带
5. Tie a bow - 打蝴蝶结
6. Tie-dye - 染色(衣物)
7. Tied up in knots - 焦虑不安
8. Tied to someone's apron strings - 依赖某人
9. Tiebreaker - 决胜局/抢七局(体育比赛)
10. Necktie - 领带
1. Bind: This word is often used to describe the action of tying something together or securing it in place. It can also refer to a strong connection or relationship between people.
2. Fasten: Similar to "bind," this word means to secure something in place by tying it or attaching it tightly.
3. Knot: A knot is a type of tie that involves twisting and looping a rope or string to create a secure fastening. It can also refer to a complex problem or situation.
4. Attach: This word means to connect or join something together, often by using ties or fasteners.
5. Link: To link means to connect two things together, either physically or figuratively. It can also refer to a connection between people or ideas.
6. Connect: Similar to "link," this word means to join two things together, often by using ties or fasteners.
7. Join: To join means to bring two things together and unite them as one. It can also refer to becoming a member of a group or organization.
8. Strap: A strap is a long, narrow piece of material used for tying things together, such as on backpacks or shoes.
9. Lace: Lace is a type of delicate fabric with intricate patterns that is often used for tying shoes or clothing together.
10. Cinch: This word refers to something that is easy and effortless, like tying a cinch knot, which is known for its simplicity and strength.
11. Lash: To lash means to tie something tightly with ropes, straps, or cords.
12. Secure: This word means to make something safe and stable by attaching it firmly in place with ties or fasteners.
13. Loop: A loop is created by twisting and crossing over a rope, string, or other material in order to make a secure tie.
14. Hitch: A hitch is another type of tie that involves wrapping a rope or cord around an object and tying it tightly.
15. Braid: To braid means to intertwine three or more strands of material in order to create a strong and decorative tie.
16. Tether: A tether is a rope or chain used for tying something in place, such as an animal or a boat.
17. Strap down: This phrase means to secure something firmly in place by using straps or ties.
18. Fastener: A fastener is any type of device used for joining two things together, such as a button, buckle, or zipper.
19. Clasp: A clasp is a type of fastener that involves two pieces fitting together and locking in place, often used on jewelry or bags.
20. Knot up: This phrase means to tie something into knots, often used when something becomes tangled or messy