更新时间:2024-11-10 11:11:27作者:留学世界
1. 词源解析:timeless一词由time和-less两部分组成,意为“没有时间限制的”。
2. 发音指南:timeless的发音为/tʌɪmləs/,其中重点在于第一个音节的读法,发音时要注意舌尖抵住上齿龈。
3. 简单易记:可以将timeless拆分为time+less,类似于“没有时间”的意思,这样更容易记忆。
4. 意义解读:timeless一词常用来形容永恒、不朽的事物,也可以表示无法被时间所限制的。
5. 实用搭配:常见搭配有“a timeless classic”(永恒的经典)、“a timeless beauty”(永恒的美丽)等。
6. 反问式引入:难道你不想拥有一段timeless的回忆吗?或者是拥有一件永远不会过时的时尚单品?
7. 幽默调侃:不管你是喜欢追逐时尚潮流还是保持经典风格,学会读懂timeless都能让你更加in!
8. 举例说明:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》这部作品已经被翻译成多种语言,在任何语言中,“romance”这个词都是timeless的。
9. 情感共鸣:timeless这个词带有一种浪漫的情怀,让人想起那些永远不会被时间抹去的美好回忆。
10. 总结归纳:无论是读作“time-less”还是“time-liss”,都能体现出这个词所蕴含的不朽意义
1. What is timeless?
Timeless is an adjective that describes something that is not affected by time or does not become outdated. It can also refer to something that has a lasting or eternal quality.
2. How to use timeless?
Timeless can be used in various ways, such as:
- Describing a piece of art, music, or literature that remains relevant and appreciated throughout different eras.
- Describing a fashion trend or style that never goes out of fashion.
- Describing a person's character or personality that is enduring and unaffected by time.
- Using it as a synonym for "classic" or "eternal."
3. Examples of timeless in sentences:
- The Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo da Vinci is considered timeless due to its enduring appeal and significance in the art world.
- The little black dress is a timeless fashion staple that every woman should have in her wardrobe.
- The love between Romeo and Juliet is portrayed as timeless and everlasting in Shakespeare's play.
- The architecture of ancient Greek temples has a timeless beauty that still amazes people today.
4. 双语例句:
- 这幅画作的美丽是永恒的,它具有一种永恒的魅力。(The beauty of this painting is timeless, it has an eternal charm.)
- 这首歌曲是经典中的经典,它将永远被人们所喜爱。(This song is a classic among classics, it will always be loved by people.)
- 她的优雅和温柔是永恒的,不会受时间的影响。(Her grace and gentleness are timeless, they are not affected by time.)
- 这部小说描写了一个永恒的爱情故事,感动了无数读者。(This novel tells a timeless love story, it has touched countless readers.)
1. Timeless beauty - 永恒的美丽
2. Timeless style - 永恒的风格
3. Timeless charm - 永恒的魅力
4. Timeless elegance - 永恒的优雅
5. Timeless appeal - 永恒的吸引力
6. Timeless fashion - 永恒的时尚
7. Timeless design - 永恒的设计
8. Timeless classic - 永恒的经典
9. Timeless tradition - 永恒的传统
10. Timeless grace - 永恒的优雅之姿
11. Timeless sophistication - 永恒的精致品味
12. Timeless romance - 永恒的浪漫情怀
13. Timeless nostalgia - 永恒的怀旧情怀
14. Timeless memories - 永远难忘的回忆
15. Timeless love - 不朽的爱情
16. Timeless wisdom - 传世之智慧
17. Timeless values - 不朽的价值观
18.Timeless lessons-永不过时的教训
19.Timeless principles-永不过时原则
1. Everlasting
Everlasting是timeless的同义词,指的是永恒不变的,具有永久性的。例如:The love between them is everlasting.
2. Eternal
Eternal也可以作为timeless的同义词,表示永恒的,无始无终的。例如:The beauty of this painting is eternal.
3. Ageless
Ageless是指不受时间影响,永远保持年轻和美丽,与timeless含义相似。例如:She has an ageless beauty that never fades.
4. Time-honored
Time-honored表示经久不衰的,历史悠久的,与timeless一样都有传承和持久性的含义。例如:This time-honored tradition has been passed down for generations.
5. Enduring
Enduring是指持久存在或持续存在的,与timeless都有长久性和不易改变的特征。例如:Their friendship is enduring, no matter how much time passes.
6. Perpetual
Perpetual意为永恒不变的,常常用来形容事物或状态具有长期持续性。例如:The cycle of life is perpetual, always repeating itself.
7. Unchanging
Unchanging表示不变的,与timeless一样都指事物保持原状或状态长期不变。例如:His love for her remains unchanging over the years.
8. Immutable
Immutable也可以作为timeless的同义词使用,指不可改变或不可动摇的。例如:The laws of nature are immutable, they cannot be changed.
9. Undying
Undying是指永不消逝的,与timeless都有永恒性的含义。例如:Their undying love for each other is an inspiration to others.
10. Unfading
Unfading表示不会褪色或消失的,与timeless都有持久性和不变性的意思。例如:Her beauty is unfading, it remains constant throughout the years