更新时间:2024-11-11 02:05:28作者:留学世界
1. told是一个英语单词,读作/told/,意为“告诉”、“讲述”。
2. 这个单词常用于表达某人向他人传达信息或知识的行为,也可以表示某人被告知或得知某事。
3. 在日常生活中,我们经常会听到类似的用法,比如“我告诉你一个秘密”、“她告诉我她的计划”、“我被告知会议延期了”等等。
4. 除了作为动词使用外,told也可以作为过去分词形式出现在句子中。比如“我已经被告知会议延期了”。
5. 此外,told还可以用作名词,在这种情况下意为“故事”、“叙述”。例如,“他对孩子们讲了一个有趣的told”,意思是他给孩子们讲了一个有趣的故事。
6. 总而言之,told是一个非常常用且多功能的英语单词,在日常交流中经常会遇到。希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解和运用它
1. 先来看看单词中的字母组合“told”。其中,“t”和“d”的发音都是舌尖轻触上颚后迅速离开,但“t”是清音(不带气息),而“d”则是浊音(带有气息)。所以在发音时,“t”要比“d”更轻一些。
2. 接下来要注意的是单词中的元音字母“o”。这个字母在英语中有多种发音方式,而在单词“told”中,它被发成了短元音/ɒ/。这个发音与汉语拼音中的“o”相似,但要注意把舌头放平,不要拱起。
3. 最后一个字母“l”的发音也需要注意。它并不像汉语中那样清晰地发出来,而是和前面的元音连读成/dl/。所以整个单词应该读作/təʊld/。
4. 如果你还不确定自己是否正确地掌握了这个单词的发音,可以在网上搜索“told发音”,找到相关的发音视频,跟着视频中的人读几遍,直到自己也能够正确地模仿出来。
5. 此外,如果你想要更加深入地学*英语发音,可以尝试使用一些专门的发音软件或者参加线上的发音课程。这些资源都能够帮助你提高英语发音水平。
1. told的基本用法
- He told me the truth. (他告诉我真相。)
- She told her story to the police. (她向警察讲述了她的故事。)
- The teacher told us to be quiet. (老师告诉我们要安静。)
- They never told anyone about their secret. (他们从未向任何人透露过他们的秘密。)
2. told作为及物动词
- She told her children a bedtime story in English. (她给孩子们讲了一个英语睡前故事。)
- He always tells me jokes to make me laugh. (他总是给我讲笑话来逗我笑。)
- The doctor told him to take the medicine three times a day. (医生告诉他每天要服用三次药。)
3. told作为不及物动词
- The news quickly spread and everyone told. (消息迅速传开,每个人都在说。)
- I told the whole story to my friend. (我把整个故事都讲给了我的朋友听。)
- The children were so excited that they couldn't stop talking and telling. (孩子们太兴奋了,他们停不下来说话和讲述。)
4. told的其他用法
- I was told that the meeting has been postponed. (有人告诉我会议已经延期了。)
- She was told to arrive at the airport two hours before her flight. (她被告知要提前两小时到达机场。)
- They were all surprised when they were told the news. (当他们听到这个消息时,都感到很惊讶。)
1. be told:被告知,被告诉
例句:I was told that the meeting has been postponed to next week.
2. have been told:被告知过
例句:I have been told that this restaurant serves the best pizza in town.
3. tell someone something:告诉某人某事
例句:She told me a secret that she had never told anyone else.
4. tell someone about something:向某人介绍/谈论某事
例句:He always tells me about his travel experiences in different countries.
5. tell someone off:训斥/责备某人
例句:My boss told me off for being late to work again.
6. tell apart:辨别出,区分开来
例句:It's difficult to tell the twins apart because they look so similar.
7. tell on someone:告发/出卖某人
例句:I can't believe you would tell on your own brother like that!
8. tell the truth:说实话
例句:Please tell the truth, I promise I won't be mad.
9. as far as I can tell:据我所知
例句:As far as I can tell, she is not happy with her new job.
10. tell a lie:撒谎
例句:I can always tell when my son is telling a lie.
1. Told - Said
"Can you please tell me the time?" "Sure," she said with a smile.
2. Told - Informed
I was told that the meeting has been rescheduled to next week.
3. Told - Advised
My doctor advised me to take some rest after my surgery.
4. Told - Shared
She told me her deepest secrets and I promised to keep them safe.
5. Told - Narrated
Grandma always tells us stories from her childhood.
6. Told - Disclosed
He finally told me the truth about what happened last night.
7. Told - Replied
I asked him about his plans for the weekend and he told me he was going camping.
8. Told - Conveyed
The teacher told us about the upcoming field trip and we were all excited.
9. Told - Expressed
She told me how much she loved her new job and I could see the happiness in her eyes.
10. Told - Communicated
My boss told me that I have been doing a great job and it made my day!