更新时间:2024-11-12 01:12:29作者:留学世界
1. trailer是一个英文单词,读作/ˈtreɪlər/,发音时需要注意以下几点:
- 第一个音节“trai”读作/treɪ/,强调发音要清晰,不要读成/treə/。
- 第二个音节“ler”读作/lər/,注意不要把/r/的发音拖长。
- 整个单词的重音落在第一个音节上,即“trai”上。
2. 在英语中,“trailer”的意思有两种:
- 一种是指挂在汽车后面用于运输货物或旅行居住的大型拖车,也称为“travel trailer”或“caravan”。这种意思下,“trailer”的复数形式为“trailers”,读作/treɪlərz/。
- 另一种是指电影预告片,在这种情况下,“trailer”的复数形式为“trailers”,读作/treɪlərz/。
3. 在美国英语中,“trailer”的意思还可以指“semi-trailer”,即半挂车。这种情况下,“trailer”的复数形式为“trailers”,读作/treɪlərz/。
4. 如果你想表达一个人或事物跟随另一个人或事物移动的意思,可以用短语“in the trailer of”。例如:“The dog was sitting in the trailer of the truck.”(狗坐在卡车的拖车上。)
5. 另外,作为动词,“trailer”有“跟随”的意思,常用于短语“trailer behind”。例如:“The children were trailing behind their parents.”(孩子们跟在父母后面。)
6. 如果你想表达“追踪”或“查明”的意思,可以用短语“on the trailer of”。例如:“The police are on the trailer of the suspect.”(警方正在追踪嫌疑人。)
7. 总结一下,“trailer”这个单词的读音是/treɪlər/,复数形式为“trailers”,读作/treɪlərz/。它有多种意思,包括挂车、电影预告片以及半挂车,在句子中的用法也有所不同。
8. 最后提醒一点,在英语中,“trailer”这个单词很少出现在口语中,更多地是出现在书面语和专业场合。如果你想表达类似的意思,可以使用更常见的词汇,比如“trailer park”(拖车公园)、“movie preview”(电影预告片)等。
9. 希望本小节能帮助你正确地读出和使用“trailer”这个单词,在日常生活和学*中更加得心应手。记住要注意发音和用法的差异,避免出现错误。谢谢阅读!
1. trailer的定义:trailer是指电影、电视节目或游戏等媒体作品的预告片,通常在正式上映之前播放,用来吸引观众的注意力。
2. trailer的发音:trailer的英语发音为/treɪlər/,读作“trei-luh”。
3. trailer的用法:通常在英语中,我们可以使用以下几种方式来描述trailer:
- Watch the trailer for the new movie.
- Did you see the latest trailer for the TV show?
- The game's trailer has already received millions of views.
4. 双语例句:
- Have you watched the trailer for the upcoming Marvel movie? It looks amazing!
- I always get excited when a new trailer for my favorite TV show is released.
- The game's Chinese trailer has just been released, and it's getting a lot of attention from fans.
1. Trailer park:拖车公园,指的是一种居住区域,居民都住在拖车里。
2. Trailer hitch:拖车钩,用于连接拖车和汽车的装置。
3. Trailer trash:拖车垃圾,贬义词,指的是社会地位低下、生活贫困的人群。
4. Trailer home:拖车房屋,指的是一种可移动的住宅。
5. Trailer rental:拖车租赁,指的是租用或出租拖车的服务。
6. Teaser trailer:预告片,通常在电影上映前发布,用于吸引观众注意并提升期待度。
7. Travel trailer:旅行拖车,在旅行时作为临时住所使用。
8. Horse trailer:马匹运输拖车,在运输马匹时使用。
9. Utility trailer:实用拖车,在搬运货物或工具时使用。
10.Toy hauler trailer:玩具运输拖车,在携带摩托车、自行车等玩具时使用
1. Preview - this term can be used as a synonym for "trailer" when referring to a short video or clip that gives viewers a taste of what's to come.
2. Teaser - similar to preview, this word can also be used to describe a short video or clip that teases or hints at something bigger.
3. Sneak peek - another way to say "trailer" is "sneak peek," which refers to a quick look at something before it is officially released.
4. Teaser trailer - combining the previous two terms, this phrase describes a short video that teases and gives viewers a preview of an upcoming release.
5. Promo - short for promotion, this word can also be used as a synonym for "trailer" when referring to a promotional video or clip.
6. Ad - while typically used for advertisements, the word "ad" can also be used as a synonym for "trailer," especially in the context of movie trailers.
7. Preview reel - another term for "trailer," this phrase specifically refers to the short video clips shown before a movie in theaters.
8. Teaser reel - similar to preview reel, this phrase describes the collection of teaser trailers shown before a movie in theaters.
9. Spot - often used in the advertising industry, this word can also be used as another term for "trailer."
10. Clip - while not commonly used, this word can still be considered as a synonym for "trailer," especially when referring to short videos promoting an upcoming release