更新时间:2024-11-13 04:56:24作者:留学世界
1. 转动、旋转
首先,"turn"可以表示物体的转动或旋转。比如,我们可以说:"The earth turns on its axis."(地球绕着自己的轴旋转。)或者:"Please turn the doorknob to the left."(请向左转门把手。)
2. 转变、改变
除了表示物体的转动,"turn"还可以表示一种变化或转变。比如,我们可以说:"The weather turned cold overnight."(天气在一夜之间变冷了。)或者:"She turned into a completely different person after her trip."(她在旅行后变成了完全不同的人。)
3. 轮到、到...时候
另外,"turn"也可以表示轮到某人做某事或者某件事发生的时间。比如,我们可以说:"It's your turn to do the dishes tonight."(今晚轮到你洗碗了。)或者:"It's my turn to choose the movie this time."(这次轮到我选电影了。)
4. 变成、成为
此外,"turn"还可以表示某物或某人从一种状态变成另一种状态。比如,我们可以说:"The caterpillar turned into a butterfly."(毛虫变成了蝴蝶。)或者:"He turned into a successful businessman."(他成为了一名成功的商人。)
5. 转向、转身
1. turn [tɜːn]
这是最常见的读音,也是最标准的发音。它表示“转动”、“旋转”的意思,可以用作动词或名词。比如,“Turn left at the next intersection.”(在下一个十字路口向左转),“It's your turn to do the dishes.”(轮到你洗碗了)。
2. turn [tɜːrn]
这个读音与第一种相似,但重音位置不同。它通常用作名词,表示“拐弯处”、“转折点”。例如,“At the next turn, you'll see a big tree on your right.”(在下一个拐弯处,你会看到右边有一棵大树)。
3. turn [tɝːn]
这个发音与前两种略有不同,重音在第一个元音上。它可以作为动词或名词使用,意思是“改变方向”、“变化”。例如,“The weather has turned cold.”(天气变得寒冷了),“He took a wrong turn and got lost.”(他错过了拐弯处,迷路了)。
4. turn [təːn]
这个读音与前三种完全不同,重音在第二个元音上。它表示“翻转”、“翻倒”的意思,通常用作名词。比如,“She did a perfect turn on the balance beam.”(她在平衡木上做了一个完美的翻转),“The car turned over and caught fire.”(汽车翻倒并着火了)。
5. turn [tʌrn]
1. Turn作为动词,意为“转向;转身;转变;旋转”等,常用于描述物体或人的运动。
- Please turn left at the next intersection.(请在下一个十字路口左转。)
- The car suddenly turned and crashed into a tree.(汽车突然转向撞上了一棵树。)
- She turned her head to look at me.(她转过头来看着我。)
2. Turn也可以表示“改变;变得”,通常用于描述情况或状态的变化。
- The weather has turned cold recently.(最近天气变得寒冷了。)
- He has turned into a completely different person since he got rich.(自从他发了财,他就变成了一个完全不同的人。)
3. Turn还可以表示“翻转;翻身”,通常用于指人或物体的动作。
- She turned the page and continued reading.(她翻开书页继续阅读。)
- He quickly turned his body to avoid the punch.(他迅速翻身躲避那一拳。)
4. Turn也可以表示“轮流;交替”,常用于描述多个人或物体依次进行某项活动。
- Let's take turns telling our stories.(让我们轮流讲述我们的故事。)
- The seasons turn from summer to autumn.(季节从夏天变成秋天。)
5. Turn还可以表示“成为;变成”,常用于表达某种转变或转折。
- The caterpillar will eventually turn into a butterfly.(毛毛虫最终会变成蝴蝶。)
- He turned from a shy boy into a confident man.(他从一个害羞的男孩变成了自信的男人。)
6. Turn也可以表示“翻译;转换”,常用于描述将一种语言或形式转换成另一种。
- Can you turn this sentence into English?(你能把这个句子翻译成英语吗?)
- The company is turning its focus from traditional media to digital media.(这家公司正在将重点从传统媒体转向数字媒体。)
7. Turn作为名词,意为“轮流;机会;方向”等。
- It's your turn to do the dishes tonight.(今晚轮到你洗碗了。)
- I finally got my big break and it's my turn to shine.(我终于得到了大机会,现在轮到我发光发热了。)
- She looked in every direction, trying to find the right turn.(她四处张望,试图找到正确的方向。)
8. 双语例句:
- She turned her head and saw him standing there, looking at her with a smile on his face.
- The leaves on the trees are starting to turn yellow, indicating the arrival of autumn.
- She turned from a student into a teacher, and now she's turning into a mother.
- Can you turn this document into a PDF file for me?
- After years of hard work, it's finally my turn to be promoted.
1. turn into 转变为
2. turn out 结果是
3. turn on 打开/启动
4. turn off 关闭/关闭电源
5. turn up 调高/出现/露面
6. turn down 拒绝/调低/关小声音
7. turn over 翻转/交出/移交
8. turn around 转身/转向/改变方向
9. turn back 返回/折回
10. turn to 转向/求助于
11. turn over a new leaf 翻开新的一页(开始新的生活)
12. in the long run 最终,最后,从长远来看
13. take turns 轮流做某事
14. at every turn 每一次,无论何时何地,处处都是;在每一个转折点上
15.turn a blind eye 对某事视而不见,故意忽略
16.turn the tables 翻盘,扭转局势
17.turn of phrase 说法,措辞
18.turn a deaf ear 对某事充耳不闻,故意忽略
19.turn tail 逃跑,转身就走
20.take a wrong turn 走错路,做错决定
1. Rotate - 转动,旋转
2. Spin - 旋转,自转
3. Twist - 扭转,扭曲
4. Revolve - 旋转,绕轴旋转
5. Pivot - 转动,中心点旋转
6. Swivel - 转动,回旋
7. Rotate around - 围绕...旋转
8. Spin around - 围绕...自转
9. Turn around - 转身,环顾四周
10. Twirl - 旋转,打结
11. Gyrate - 旋转,回旋
12. Wheel - 转动,车轮滚动
13. Circle - 环绕,围绕
14. Whirl- 旋风般地移动
15. Roll- 滚动
16.Swing- 摇摆, 移动
17.Turn over- 翻过来, 翻倒
18.Turn up- 卷起来, 打开
19.Turn down- 关小, 关闭
20.Turn off- 关闭, 停止运行