更新时间:2024-12-02 17:09:02作者:留学世界
1. Tiger(老虎)
2. Turtle(海龟)
3. Toucan(巨嘴鸟)
4. Tarantula(狼蛛)
5. Tarsier(小灵猴)
6. Tapir(貘)
7. Tasmanian Devil(塔斯马尼亚恶魔)
8. Tenrec(刺猬)
9. Tern(燕鸥)
10. Thorny Devil (多刺恐龙蜥蜴)
11. Takin (岩羊)
12. Tamandua (树懒)
13. Tamarin (美洲小猴)
14.Tanuki (日本浣熊)
15.Tapaculo (树霸鹟 )
16.Tarpan (波兰野马)
17.Tarpon (银大马哈鱼)
18.Tarsier Monkey (小灵猴 )
19.Tasmanian Wedge-tailed Eagle (塔斯马尼亚楔尾鹰)
20.Tayra (美洲獴)
21.Tegu (蜥蜴)
22.Ten-spined Stickleback (十棘刺鱼)
23.Tent-making Bat (篾匠蝙蝠)
24.Ternate Fruit Bat (特纳特果蝠)
25.Thin-spined Porcupine (细刺箭猪)
26. Thylacine(袋狼)
27. Tick(蜱虫)
28. Titi Monkey(黑头狨猴)
29. Toad(蟾蜍)
30. Toco Toucan(巨嘴巨嘴鸟)
31. Tokay Gecko(大型壁虎)
32. Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey(北越倒地长臂猿 )
33. Topi Antelope(托比羚羊 )
34. Tortoise(陆龟 )
35. Totoaba Fish(托托阿巴鱼 )
36. Tree Kangaroo(树袋熊 )
37. Tree Shrew(树鼩 )
38. Triceratops(三角龙 )
39. Tuatara Lizard(土拖龙 )
40. Tuna Fish(金枪鱼)
41. Turkey Vulture(秃鹫 )
42. Tusked Frog(象牙蛙 )
43. Tuskfish(海猪鱼 )
44. Two-toed Sloth(双趾树懒 )
45. Typhoon Rabbit(台风兔)
46. Tadpole Shrimp(蝌蚪虾 )
47. Tailorbird(裁缝鸟 )
48. Tammar Wallaby(小袋鼠 )
49. Tapeworm(绦虫 )
50. Tarantula Hawk Wasp(狼蛛鹰蜂)
51. Tasmanian Pygmy Possum(塔斯马尼亚袋小负鼠 )
52. Tasmanian Tiger Quoll(塔斯马尼亚虎獾 )
53. Tawny Frogmouth(土色角鸮 )
54. Teal Duck (水鸭)
55. Ten-spined Stickleback (十棘刺鱼)
56. Tennent's Leaf-nosed Bat (坦能特叶鼻蝠)
57. Termite (白蚁)
58. Thecodontosaurus (牙兽龙)
59.Theropod Dinosaur (兽脚类恐龙)
60.Thrush (画眉类)
61.Thunderbird (雷鸟)
62.Thylacosmilus (剑猫科动物,已灭绝。是一种像老虎的肉食性有袋动物。它生活在南美洲的晚中新世到早更新世。)
63.Tiger Beetle (虎甲虫)
64.Tiger Moth (老虎蛾)
65.Tiger Salamander (老虎蝾螈)
66.Tiger Shark (虎鲨)
67.Tiglon (狮虎混合物)
68.Toadfish (鼠鱚)
69.Toadstool(毒蘑菇,比如家兔毒蘑菇。 )
71.Topshell(顶针贝,一种海生动物。 )
72.Topi Antelope(托比羚羊 )
73.Trachodon(一种植食性恐龙,已灭绝。它生活在白垩纪晚期的北美洲。 )
74.Tradescantia(三叶草属植物,也叫铁线草属植物。 )
75.Tree Creeper(树形鸟类)
76.Treehopper(树跳甲科昆虫,也叫树跳甲科动物。 )
77.Tree Kangaroo(树袋熊)
78.Tree Shrew(树鼩)
79.Trilobite(三叶虫,已灭绝的节肢动物。它们生活在寒武纪到二叠纪时期的海洋中。 )
84.Trumpeter Swan(大天鹅)
85.Tuatara Lizard(土拖龙)
86.Tube Worm(管虫,一种海洋生物。 )
87.Tucuxi Dolphin (小型河豚)
88.Tufted Puffin (冠海雀,一种海洋鸟类。 )
89.Tuna Fish (金枪鱼)
90.Tundra Swan (小天鹅)
91.Turkey Vulture (秃鹫)
92.Turquoise Parrot (蓝绿长尾鹦哥,澳大利亚的一种珍稀濒危鸟类。 )
93.Tussock Moth (毛虫,也叫毛毛虫。 )
94. Two-toed Sloth (双趾树懒)
95. Typhoon Rabbit (台风兔)
96. Tadpole Shrimp (蝌蚪虾)
97. Tailorbird (裁缝鸟)
98. Tammar Wallaby (小袋鼠)
99. Tapeworm (绦虫)
100. Tarantula Hawk Wasp (狼蛛鹰蜂)
101. Tasmanian Pygmy Possum(塔斯马尼亚袋小负鼠)
102. Tasmanian Tiger Quoll(塔斯马尼亚虎獾)
103. Tawny Frogmouth(土色角鸮)
104. Teal Duck (水鸭)
105. Ten-spined Stickleback (十棘刺鱼)
106. Tennent's Leaf-nosed Bat (坦能特叶鼻蝠)
107. Termite (白蚁)
108. Thecodontosaurus (牙兽龙)
109.Theropod Dinosaur (兽脚类恐龙)
110.Thrush (画眉类)
111.Thunderbird (雷鸟)
112.Thylacosmilus (剑猫科动物,已灭绝。是一种像老虎的肉食性有袋动物。它生活在南美洲的晚中新世到早更新世。)
113.Tiger Beetle (虎甲虫)
114.Tiger Moth (老虎蛾)
115.Tiger Salamander (老虎蝾螈)
116.Tiger Shark (虎鲨)
117.Tiglon (狮虎混合物)
118.Toadfish (鼠鱚)
119.Toadstool(毒蘑菇,比如家兔毒蘑菇。 )
121.Topshell(顶针贝,一种海生动物。 )
122.Topi Antelope(托比羚羊 )
123.Trachodon(一种植食性恐龙,已灭绝。它生活在白垩纪晚期的北美洲。 )
124.Tradescantia(三叶草属植物,也叫铁线草属植物。 )
125.Tree Creeper(树形鸟类)
126.Treehopper(树跳甲科昆虫,也叫树跳甲科动物。 )
127.Tree Kangaroo(树袋熊)
128.Tree Shrew(树鼩)
129.Trilobite(三叶虫,已灭绝的节肢动物。它们生活在寒武纪到二叠纪时期的海洋中。 )
134.Trumpeter Swan(大天鹅)
135.Tuatara Lizard(土拖龙)
136.Tube Worm(管虫,一种海洋生物。 )
137.Tucuxi Dolphin (小型河豚)
138.Tufted Puffin (冠海雀,一种海洋鸟类。 )
139. Tuna Fish (金枪鱼)
1. Tiger(虎)
Tiger is a large carnivorous animal with distinctive orange and black stripes on its fur. It is known for its strength, agility, and hunting skills. In Chinese, it is called 老虎 (lǎo hǔ).
2. Turtle(龟)
Turtle is a reptile with a hard shell on its back. It moves slowly on land but can swim quickly in water. In Chinese, it is called 龟 (guī).
3. Toucan(巨嘴鸟)
Toucan is a colorful bird with a large, brightly colored beak. It is native to tropical regions of South America and known for its loud call. In Chinese, it is called 巨嘴鸟 (jù zuǐ niǎo).
4. Tarantula(狼蛛)
Tarantula is a large, hairy spider that can be found in warm climates around the world. It is known for its venomous bite and can grow up to 4 inches in size. In Chinese, it is called 狼蛛 (láng zhū).
5. Turkey(火鸡)
Turkey is a large bird native to North America and commonly used as food during Thanksgiving celebrations in the United States. In Chinese, it is called 火鸡 (huǒ jī).
6. Tapir(貘)
Tapir is a herbivorous mammal with a long snout and short trunk-like nose. It can be found in tropical forests of South America and Southeast Asia. In Chinese, it is called 貘 (mò).
Tarpon is a large fish found in warm coastal waters around the world. It is known for its strength and fighting abilities, making it a popular game fish. In Chinese, it is called 大西洋大马哈鱼 (dà xī yáng dà mǎ hā yú).
8. Tasmanian Devil(塔斯曼尼亚恶魔)
Tasmanian Devil is a carnivorous marsupial found only on the island of Tasmania, Australia. It has a stocky build and a fierce temperament, earning it the nickname "devil". In Chinese, it is called 塔斯曼尼亚恶魔 (tǎ sī màn ní yà è mó).
9. Tarsier(狐猴)
Tarsier is a small primate with large eyes and long fingers found in Southeast Asia. It is known for its ability to turn its head 180 degrees and jump long distances. In Chinese, it is called 狐猴 (hú hóu).
10. Tenrec(天竺鼩)
Tenrec is a small mammal native to Madagascar with spiny fur and a long snout. It feeds on insects and can roll into a ball for protection. In Chinese, it is called 天竺鼩 (tiān zhú qióng)
1. 用法:t开头动物的英文名字通常用于动物学、生物学等领域的命名和分类。它们也常被用作儿童学*英语时的词汇练*。以下是139个t开头动物的英文名字及其用法介绍。
2. 双语例句:
1) Tiger (老虎) - Tigers are powerful predators in the wild.
2) Turtle (海龟) - The turtle slowly made its way across the beach and into the ocean.
3) Toucan (巨嘴鸟) - The toucan is known for its colorful beak and loud calls.
4) Tarantula (狼蛛) - Tarantulas are large, hairy spiders that can be found in many parts of the world.
5) Tasmanian Devil (塔斯马尼亚恶魔) - The Tasmanian Devil is a carnivorous marsupial found only on the island of Tasmania.
6) Tiger Shark (虎鲨) - The tiger shark is one of the most dangerous sharks in the ocean.
7) Turkey (火鸡) - Turkeys are often eaten during Thanksgiving in the United States.
8) Tarsier (狐猴) - Tarsiers have large eyes and can be found in Southeast Asia.
9) Tapir (貘) - The tapir is a large herbivorous mammal native to Central and South America.
10) Tawny Owl (褐林鸮) - The tawny owl is a common bird of prey found in Europe and Asia.
3. 总结:t开头动物的英文名字涵盖了各种不同类型的动物,从陆地到海洋,从小型昆虫到大型哺乳动物都有涉及。它们不仅有着独特的外表和生活*性,也是英语学*中重要的词汇资源。希望本小节能为读者提供有用的信息和知识
1. Tiger - 老虎
2. Turtle - 海龟
3. Toucan - 犀鸟
4. Tarantula - 毒蛛
5. Tarsier - 岛猴
6. Tasmanian Devil - 塔斯马尼亚恶魔
7. Tapir - 貘
8. Tadpole - 蝌蚪
9. Termite - 白蚁
10. Thorny Devil - 刺蜥蜴
11. Tuna - 金枪鱼
12. Tortoise - 龟类
13. Tree Frog - 树蛙
14. Tsetse Fly - 舌蝇
15. Turkey - 火鸡
16. Tiger Beetle- 虎甲虫
17.Tarpon- 大西洋雨果
18.Tarantula Hawk- 毒天牛
19.Tern- 燕鸥
20.Thorny Oyster- 刺贻贝
21.Tiger Shark- 鲨鱼
22.Toadfish- 叉牙海龙
23.Trout- 鳟鱼
24.Tuatara- 新西兰奇龙
25.Tuna Crab- 金枪鱼螃蟹
26.Tortoiseshell Butterfly- 龟甲蝶
27.Tree Kangaroo- 树袋熊
28.Triggerfish- 牛眼鱼
29.Trilobite Beetle- 三叶虫甲虫
30.Turtle Dove- 鸽子
31.Taipan- 太平蛇
32.Tamarin Monkey- 狨猴
33.Tarpan Horse- 波兰野马
34.Thorny Devil Fish- 刺鱼
35.Tree Viper- 树蝮蛇
36.Toy Poodle- 玩具贵宾犬
37.Trumpeter Swan- 嘴笛天鹅
38.Tuatara Lizard- 新西兰奇龙蜥蜴
39.Tuna Mackerel- 金枪鱼马鲛鱼
40.Thin Lipped Grey Mullet - 灰色红唇乌鲂鱼
41. Tawny Owl - 褐林鸮
42. Thorny-headed Worm - 刺头虫
43. Tadpole Shrimp - 蝌蚪虾
44. Tiger Beetle Larva - 虎甲虫幼虫
45. Tiger Moth - 虎天牛
46. Tufted Deer - 长须鹿
47. Tree Frog Egg Mass - 树蛙卵团
48. Tarantula Spiderling - 毒蛛幼体
49. Tarsier Bushbaby - 岛猴灵长类动物
50. Thorny Dragon Lizard - 刺龙蜥蜴
1. Tiger - Felis tigris
2. Turtle - Testudines
3. Toucan - Ramphastidae
4. Tarantula - Theraphosidae
5. Tuna - Thunnini
6. Tapir - Tapirus
7. Tree frog - Hylidae
8. Tarsier - Tarsiidae
9. Tasmanian devil - Sarcophilus harrisii
10. Termites - Isoptera
11. Titmouse - Paridae
12. Tamarin - Saguinus spp.
13. Triceratops - Triceratops horridus
14. Toadfish - Batrachoididae
15. Thorny devil - Moloch horridus
16. Trumpeter swan - Cygnus buccinator
17.Turkey vulture- Cathartes aura
18.Tuatara- Sphenodon punctatus
19.Tapeworm- Cestoda
20.Tetra- Characiformes
21.Tortoise- Testudinidae
22.Thresher shark- Alopias vulpinus
23.Tern- Sterninae
24.Trout- Salmonidae
25.Toad- Bufonidae
26.Tarpon- Megalopidae
27.Thornbill- Acanthizidae
28.Tree kangaroo- Dendrolagus spp.
29.Trumpetfish- Aulostomus maculatus
30.Tiger beetle- Cicindelinae
31.Tilefish- Malacanthidae
32.Termite mound beetle- Termitotrox cupido
33.Three-toed sloth- Bradypodion spp.
34.Tree shrew- Tupaiidae
35.Trumpet snail-Turritella communis
36.Tiger shark- Galeocerdo cuvier
37.Turbot- Scophthalmidae
38.Tapaculo- Rhinocryptidae
39.Trumpet tree- Cecropia peltata
40.Treecreeper- Certhiidae
41.Third eye lizard- Chlamydosaurus kingii
42.Tiger salamander- Ambystoma tigrinum
43.Tube worm- Polychaeta
44.Trumpeter bird- Psophia crepitans
45.Trilobite beetle- Phloeodes diabolicus
46.Thrush- Turdidae
47.Tree frog - Phyllomedusa spp.
48.Turtle dove - Streptopelia turtur
49.Tuatara lizard - Sphenodon spp.
50.Teal duck - Anas crecca
51.Thresher shark - Alopias pelagicus
52.Triggerfish - Balistidae
53.Tree snake - Dendrelaphis spp.
54.Tortoise shell butterfly - Nymphalidae
55.Toadstool coral - Scleractinia
56. Tiger beetle - Cicindela spp.
57. Tarsier monkey - Tarsius spp.
58. Tunny fish - Thunnus spp.
59. Tarantula hawk wasp - Pepsis formosa
60. Tree kangaroo rat - Dipodomys spectabilis
61. Tufted titmouse - Baeolophus bicolor
62. Thorny-headed worm - Acanthocephala
63. Tiger moth - Arctiidae
64. Titi monkey - Callicebus spp.
65. Tree hyrax - Dendrohyrax dorsalis
66. Tsetse fly – Glossina spp.
67. Toco toucan - Ramphastos toco
68. Tree lobster - Dryococelus australis
69. Tiger snake - Notechis scutatus
70. Tarsier tarsier - Tarsius tarsier
71. Tortoise beetle - Cassidinae
72. Thorny devil lizard - Moloch horridus
73. Tree pangolin - Manis tricuspis
74. Tawny frogmouth- Podargus strigoides
75.Texas horned lizard- Phrynosoma cornutum
76.Tadpole shrimp- Triops spp.
77.Turkey buzzard- Cathartes aura
78.Tiger quoll- Dasyurus maculatus
79.Tiger keelback snake- Rhabdophis tigrinus
80.Tree frog tadpole- Hyla spp.
81.Trumpeter hornbill- Bycanistes bucinator
82.Three-toed box turtle- Terrapene carolina
83.Tiger beetle larvae- Cicindela chinensis
84.Tree snail-Trochomorpha spp.
85.Thorn-tailed rayadito-Aphrastura spinicauda
86.Trumpetfish-Aulostomus maculatus
87.Tiger salamander larvae-Ambystoma tigrinum
88.Three-toed sloth moth-Epiphile ocellaris
89.Turtle-headed sea snake-Emydocephalus annulatus
90.Trumpet vine-Campsis radicans
91.Termite queen-Isoptera spp.
92.Thorny-headed worm larvae-Acanthocephala spp.
93.Tree shrew-Dendrogale spp.
94.Teal ducklings-Anas crecca
95.Tilefish larvae-Malacanthidae spp.
96.Trumpet tree flower-Cecropia peltata
97.Treecreeper nest-Certhiidae spp.
98.Third eye lizard hatchling-Chlamydosaurus kingii
99.Tiger salamander eggs-Ambystoma tigrinum
100.Tuatara egg-Sphenodon punctatus
101.Tapaculo nest-Rhinocryptidae spp.
102.Trumpeter bird chick-Psophia crepitans
103.Trilobite beetle larvae-Phloeodes diabolicus
104.Thornbill chick-Acanthizidae spp.
105.Tree frog tadpole metamorphosis-Phyllomedusa spp.
106.Turtle dove chicks-Streptopelia turtur
107.Teal duck eggs-Anas crecca
108.Triggerfish larvae-Balistidae spp.
109.Tree snake shedding skin-Dendrelaphis spp.
110.Tortoise shell butterfly caterpillar-Nymphalidae spp.
111.Toadstool coral polyp-Scleractinia spp.
112.Tiger beetle pupa-Cicindela spp.
113.Tarsier monkey infant-Tarsius spp.
114.Tunny fish eggs-Thunnus thynnus
115.Tarantula hawk wasp larvae-Pepsis formosa
116.Tree kangaroo rat pup-Dipodomys spectabilis
117.Thunderbird moth-Cycnia inopinatus
118.Thorny-headed worm cystacanth-Acanthocephala spp.
119.Tree hyrax baby-Dendrohyrax dorsalis
120.Tsetse fly pupa-Glossina pallidipes
121.Tree lobster egg-Dryococelus australis
122.Three-toed box turtle hatchling-Terrapene carolina
123.Tiger quoll joey-Dasyurus maculatus
124.Tiger keelback snake hatchling-Rhabdophis tigrinus
125.Tadpole shrimp cyst-Triops spp.
126.Turkey buzzard chick-Cathartes aura
127.Tiger moth pupa-Arctiidae spp.
128.Titi monkey infant-Callicebus spp.
129.Tree pangolin baby-Manis tricuspis
130.Tawny frogmouth chick-Podargus strigoides
131.Three-toed sloth moth caterpillar-Epiphile ocellaris
132.Turtle-headed sea snake hatchling-Emydocephalus annulatus
133.Trumpetfish larva-Aulostomus maculatus
134.Tiger salamander larva-Ambystoma tigrinum
135.Three-toed sloth moth pupa-Epiphile ocellaris
136.Trumpet vine flower-Campsis radicans
137.Termite queen laying eggs-Isoptera spp.
138.Thorny-headed worm egg-Acanthocephala spp.
139.Tree shrew baby-Dendrogale spp