
update是什么意思 update的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-12-03 08:53:59作者:留学世界


update是什么意思 update的中文翻译、读音、例句





那么,在中文中如何翻译update呢?根据不同的语境和含义,我们可以将其翻译为“更新”、“升级”、“最新消息”等。比如,“请及时提供有关这个项目的最新消息(update)”可以翻译为“Please provide the latest update on this project”。



1. update的读音

update一词的读音为 /ʌpˈdeɪt/,其中“up”为重读音节,发音为/uːp/,“date”为轻读音节,发音为/deɪt/。

2. update的中文翻译


3. update的例句

(1) I need to update my resume before applying for this job.


(2) The software will automatically update itself when you connect to the internet.


(3) Can you give me an update on the project progress?


(4) We need to keep our customers updated about any changes in our products.


(5) The news channel provides regular updates on current events.



1. update的含义:update一词源自英语,意为“更新、升级”。在翻译行业中,update通常指对某一信息、数据或内容进行更新、修订或补充。

2. update的中文翻译:update的中文翻译有多种,常见的包括“更新”、“升级”、“修订”等。根据具体语境,也可翻译为“最新消息”、“最新情况”等。

3. update的读音:update的读音为/ʌpˈdeɪt/(美式英语)和/ˈʌpdeɪt/(英式英语)。

4. 双语例句:

- The software company released a new update for its popular photo editing app.(这家软件公司发布了其流行的照片编辑应用程序的新更新。)

- Please make sure to regularly update your antivirus software to protect your computer from viruses.(请务必定期更新您的防病毒软件,以保护您的计算机免受病毒侵害。)

- I need to give my boss an update on the project's progress tomorrow.(我明天需要向老板汇报项目进展情况。)

- 你可以给我发一条最新消息吗?(Can you send me an update?)

- 我们每天都会收到关于新闻和时事的最新情况。(We receive updates on news and current events every day.)


1. update on:关于...的更新情况

例句:Can you give us an update on the project's progress?(你能给我们介绍一下项目的最新进展吗?)

2. update with:更新,与...保持联系

例句:I will update you with any new information about the event.(我会及时向你更新关于活动的任何新信息。)

3. update to:更新到最新版本

例句:Make sure you update to the latest version of the software for optimal performance.(请确保将软件更新到最新版本以获得最佳性能。)

4. update from:从...更新到...

例句:I need to update from Windows 7 to Windows 10 for better compatibility with new programs.(我需要从Windows 7更新到Windows 10,以便更好地兼容新程序。)

5. update about/on:关于...的最新消息/情况

例句:The company will provide an update on its financial situation at the annual meeting next week.(公司将在下周的年度会议上提供其财务状况的最新消息。)

6. keep updated/keep someone updated:保持更新/让某人保持了解最新情况

例句:Please keep me updated on any changes to the schedule.(请让我了解日程安排的任何变化。)

7. regular updates:定期更新

例句:The website provides regular updates on industry news and trends.(该网站定期提供行业新闻和趋势的更新。)

8. update frequency:更新频率

例句:The update frequency of this app is once a week.(这个应用的更新频率是每周一次。)

9. update notification:更新通知

例句:You can turn off the update notification if you don't want to be bothered by constant reminders.(如果你不想被不断提醒,可以关闭更新通知。)

10. update log:更新日志

例句:You can check the update log to see what changes have been made in the latest version of the software.(你可以查看更新日志,了解最新版本的软件有哪些变化。)


1. Upgrade

- 中文翻译:升级

- 读音:/ʌpˈɡreɪd/

- 例句:

a. I need to upgrade my computer so I can run the latest software.


b. The company is planning to upgrade their production facilities next year.


2. Revise

- 中文翻译:修订、修改

- 读音:/rɪˈvaɪz/

- 例句:

a. The author revised his manuscript several times before it was published.


b. We need to revise our marketing strategy in order to attract more customers.


3. Renew

- 中文翻译:更新、续约

- 读音:/rɪˈnjuː/

- 例句:

a. I need to renew my driver's license before it expires.


b. The company renewed their contract with the supplier for another year.


4. Modify

- 中文翻译:修改、调整

- 读音:/ˈmɒdɪfaɪ/

- 例句:

a. We need to modify the design of the product to make it more user-friendly.


b. The company modified their pricing strategy to stay competitive in the market.


5. Update

- 中文翻译:更新、升级

- 读音:/ʌpˈdeɪt/

- 例句:

a. Don't forget to update your software regularly to ensure its security.


b. The company updates their website with new content every week.


6. Amend

- 中文翻译:修改、修正

- 读音:/əˈmend/

- 例句:

a. The contract needs to be amended before it can be signed by both parties.


b. The government is proposing to amend the current tax laws.


7. Overhaul

- 中文翻译:彻底检修、大修

- 读音:/ˈəʊvəhɔːl/

- 例句:

a. The car needs a complete overhaul after being driven for over 100,000 kilometers.


b. The company is planning to overhaul their production process to increase efficiency.


8. Refresh

- 中文翻译:更新、使焕然一新

- 读音:/rɪˈfreʃ/

- 例句:

a. We need to refresh our product line to keep up with the changing market trends.


b. The company refreshed their brand image with a new logo and slogan.


9. Rejuvenate

- 中文翻译:复兴、恢复活力

- 读音:/rɪˈdʒuːvəneɪt/

- 例句:

a. The company needs to rejuvenate their sales strategy to attract younger customers.


b. The new CEO has successfully rejuvenated the struggling company.


10. Renovate

- 中文翻译:翻新、改造

- 读音:/ˈrenəveɪt/

- 例句:

a. The old building was renovated and turned into a modern office space.


b. The company is planning to renovate their production facilities to increase efficiency.




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