更新时间:2024-12-03 18:20:03作者:留学世界
那么,“ushered”的意思又是什么呢?其实它有两种常见的含义。第一种意思是指被引领或带领进入某个地方。比如,“She ushered us into the meeting room.”(她把我们带进了会议室。)第二种意思是指迎接或欢迎某人。例如,“The host ushered the guests into the party.”(主人将客人迎入了派对。)
除了这两种基本含义外,“ushered”还有一些其他衍生意思。比如,它可以表示开创或引进某种新事物。“The new technology ushered in a new era.”(这项新技术开启了一个新时代。)此外,它也可以用来形容某人被引进某个新的阶段或状态。“He was ushered into adulthood after graduating from college.”(他在大学毕业后进入了成年阶段。)
1. 什么是ushered?
2. 如何正确发音ushered?
3. 举例说明
比如,在句子“I was ushered into the room by a kind gentleman.”中,“ushered”这个词就应该读作/ˈʌʃərd/。
4. 注意事项
5. 练*方法
- 听音标:可以通过查看音标/ˈʌʃərd/来帮助你更准确地发音。
- 重复发音:多次重复听和说这个单词,直到你能够准确地模仿发音。
- 朗读练*:找一些例句,大声朗读并注意自己的发音是否正确
1. ushered的基本用法
Ushered是usher的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“引领、迎接、引导”。它是一个动词,常用于描述某人将他人引入某个地方或某种状态。例如:The guide ushered us into the museum.(导游把我们带进了博物馆。)
2. ushered的双语例句
- The hostess ushered us into the banquet hall with a warm smile on her face.(女主人面带微笑把我们引领进宴会厅。)
- The new policy has ushered in a new era of economic growth for the country.(新政策为该国带来了经济增长的新时代。)
- The arrival of spring has ushered in a season of new beginnings and fresh starts.(春天的到来迎来了一个新的开始和全新的起点。)
- The company's latest product has been ushered onto the market with great success.(公司最新产品顺利登陆市场。)
- The president's speech was ushered with applause and cheers from the audience.(总统的演讲得到观众们热烈的掌声和欢呼。)
3. ushered与其他动词搭配
- Ushered in:引入、迎来;例如:The new year is often ushered in with fireworks and celebrations.(新年通常以烟花和庆祝活动迎来。)
- Ushered out:带出、赶走;例如:The security guard ushered the troublemaker out of the building.(保安把捣乱者赶出了建筑物。)
- Ushered to:引领到;例如:The waiter ushered us to our table in the corner.(服务员把我们引领到角落的桌子。)
4. ushered的同义词
- Lead:引导、带领;例如:The tour guide led us through the ancient ruins.(导游带领我们穿过古代遗迹。)
- Guide:指引、引导;例如:The teacher guided her students through the difficult math problems.(老师指导学生们解决难题。)
- Escort:护送、陪同;例如:The security guard escorted the celebrity to her car after the event.(保安在活动结束后护送名人到她的车上。)
1. ushered in: 迎来,开启
例如:The new technology has ushered in a new era of communication.
2. ushered out: 送走,把...带出去
例如:The security guard ushered the troublemaker out of the building.
3. usher in/out: 引领,引导
例如:The teacher ushered her students into the classroom.
4. be ushered into: 被引导进入
例如:The young actress was ushered into the spotlight with her latest role.
5. be ushered to: 被引导到...
例如:The guests were ushered to their seats by the ushers.
6. be ushered through: 被快速处理,被迅速通过
例如:The VIPs were ushered through customs without any delays.
1. Guide: ushered的同义词之一是guide,它的意思是“引导、指引”,也可以用来指“带领、陪同”的意思。例如:“The tour guide ushered us through the museum.”(导游带领我们参观了博物馆。)
2. Lead: lead也可以作为ushered的同义词,它的意思是“领导、带领”,常用来指“引路、开路”。例如:“The police officer led the lost hikers out of the forest.”(警察带领迷路的徒步者走出了森林。)
3. Escort: escort可以用来表示ushered的意思,它的含义是“护送、护卫”,也可以指“陪同、陪伴”。例如:“The bodyguard escorted the celebrity to her car.”(保镖护送这位名人上车。)
4. Accompany: accompany也是ushered的同义词,它的意思是“陪伴、陪同”,常用来表示某人在旅途中或活动中有另一人与其一起。例如:“My friend accompanied me to the doctor's appointment.”(我的朋友和我一起去看医生。)
5. Introduce: introduce也可以作为ushered的同义词,它的含义是“介绍、引见”,常用来表示将某人介绍给其他人认识。例如:“She introduced me to her colleagues at the office party.”(她在办公室聚会上向我介绍了她的同事们。)
6. Show: show也可以表示ushered的意思,它的含义是“展示、指示”,常用来指引导某人前往某处或展示某物给他人看。例如:“The tour guide showed us the way to the top of the mountain.”(导游给我们指示如何到达山顶。)
7. Escorting: ushered还可以用其名词形式escorting来表示,意为“护送、陪同”。例如:“The president's bodyguards were responsible for his escorting during the parade.”(总统的保镖负责在游行期间护送他。)
8. Accompaniment: accompaniment也是ushered的名词形式,它的意思是“陪伴、伴随”,常用来表示某人或物与另一人或物一起出现。例如:“The singer's performance was accompanied by a live orchestra.”(歌手的表演由现场乐队伴奏。)
9. Conduct: conduct也可以作为ushered的同义词,它的意思是“引导、带领”,常用来指引导他人做某事或走向某处。例如:“The teacher conducted the students to their seats in the auditorium.”(老师引导学生们到礼堂里坐好。)
10. Steer: steer也可以表示ushered的含义,它的意思是“引导、指引”,常用来指将某人或物带向特定方向。例如:“The captain steered the ship into the harbor.”(船长将船驶入了港口。)