

更新时间:2024-12-05 04:57:02作者:留学世界




1. “访问”:visit作为名词时,最常见的意思是指前往某处进行短期停留或交流。比如,“I will visit my grandparents this weekend.”(我这个周末会去看望我的祖父母。)又如,“We are planning to visit the museum tomorrow.”(我们计划明天去参观博物馆。)


2. “参观”:与前面提到的意思相似,visit也可以指前往某个地方进行参观。比如,“I want to visit the Eiffel Tower when I go to Paris.”(我去巴黎时想要参观埃菲尔铁塔。)

3. “访问者”:除了作为动词和名词外,visit还可以指某个地方来访的人。“The museum had over 100,000 visits in the past year.”(这家博物馆去年有超过10万次的参观人数。)另外,“He had many visits from his friends while he was in the hospital.”(他在医院期间有很多朋友来看望他。)

4. “客人”:在某些情况下,visit也可以指作为访客的人。“We had a visit from our neighbors last night.”(昨晚我们的邻居来做客了。)又如,“I'm expecting a visit from my sister next week.”(我下周期待着我妹妹的到访。)

5. “短期停留”:除了指具体的访问或参观,visit还可以表示一段短暂的停留。“She is here for a short visit before she goes to London.”(她在去伦敦之前会在这里短暂停留。)

6. “一次旅行”:最后,visit还可以指一次旅行或出行。“I took a visit to New York last month.”(我上个月去纽约旅行了一次。)又如,“I'm planning a visit to Europe next year.”(明年我计划去欧洲旅行。)


1. visit的发音


2. visit的词性解释


- 拜访、访问:指去看望或者去某个地方参观。

- 访问、旅行:指到某个地方去旅游或者度假。

3. visit的近义词


- trip:指短期的旅行或者出差。

- journey:指长途旅行。

- tour:指参观多个景点或者多个城市的旅行。

- excursion:指短途旅行或者远足。

4. visit的用法示例

(1) I went to visit my grandparents last weekend.


(2) We are planning a visit to Europe next summer.


(3) We took a trip to the beach last month.


(4) The journey from New York to Los Angeles takes about six hours by plane.


(5) We're going on a tour of Europe next month.


(6) We went on an excursion to the mountains yesterday.


5. visit的派生词


- visitor:访客,参观者。

- visitation:访问,拜访。

- revisit:再次访问。

- visited:受过访问的。

6. visit的常用短语

(1) pay a visit to:拜访某人或某地。

(2) on a visit:在访问中。

(3) return a visit:回访,回去拜访。

(4) drop in for a visit:顺道拜访。

(5) make a brief visit:进行短暂的拜访


1. 用法概述


2. 双语例句

1) I'm planning a visit to my grandparents next week. (我计划下周去看望我的祖父母。)

2) The museum offers free visits to students on weekends. (这家博物馆周末向学生免费开放参观。)

3) The president's visit to China has strengthened the bilateral relationship between the two countries. (总统对中国的访问加强了两国之间的双边关系。)

4) We had a visit from our neighbors last night. (昨晚我们邻居来拜访了我们。)

5) The doctor made a house visit to check on the patient's condition. (医生去家里探望病人并检查他的身体状况。)

3. 不同用法解析

a. 作为可数名词时,"visit"可以指一次访问或参观的行为,也可以指被访问或被参观的地方。

例如:I made a visit to my friend's new house yesterday.


b. 作为不可数名词时,"visit"可以指访问或参观的活动或状态。

例如:I really enjoyed my visit to the art gallery last week.


4. 注意事项


a. "Visit"通常与介词"to"连用,表示去某个地方参观或拜访。

例如:We are planning a visit to the Great Wall next month.


b. "Visit with someone"是一个固定搭配,意为“和某人聊天”、“和某人交谈”。

例如:I always enjoy visiting with my grandparents on weekends.


c. "Pay a visit to someone/something"也是一个常用搭配,表示“拜访某人/某地”。

例如:We decided to pay a visit to our old school during our trip.




1. Visitation - 访问

Visitation refers to the act of visiting or being visited by someone, especially in a formal or official capacity.

2. Visitor - 访客

A visitor is someone who goes to visit a person or place, often for a specific purpose.

3. Visiting - 访问

Visiting is the act of going to see someone or something, often for a short period of time.

4. Visitation rights - 探视权

Visitation rights refer to the legal right of a non-custodial parent to visit their child after a divorce or separation.

5. Visitation schedule - 探视时间表

A visitation schedule is a plan that outlines when and how often the non-custodial parent will have visitation with their child.

6. Visitant - 访客

A visitant is someone who visits a place temporarily, often for pleasure or leisure.

7. Visitation center - 探视中心

A visitation center is a facility where parents can have supervised visits with their children in cases where there are safety concerns.

8. Visiting hours - 探视时间

Visiting hours refer to specific times when visitors are allowed to see patients in hospitals, prisons, or other institutions.

9. Site visit - 现场访问

A site visit is an on-site inspection or examination of a location, typically done for business purposes.

10. Visit fee - 访问费用

A visit fee is the charge for receiving services from a professional such as a doctor or lawyer during an in-person meeting.

11. Virtual visit - 虚拟访问

A virtual visit is an online meeting or consultation between two parties using video conferencing technology.

12. Official visit - 正式访问

An official visit is when someone visits another country as part of their official duties, such as a government representative or diplomat.

13. Courtesy visit - 礼节性访问

A courtesy visit is a formal visit made as a gesture of respect or to establish friendly relations, often between leaders of different countries.

14. Site visit report - 现场访问报告

A site visit report is a document that outlines the findings and observations from a site visit, often used for evaluation or assessment purposes.

15. Visit count - 访问次数

Visit count refers to the number of times a website or web page has been accessed by visitors.

16. Home visit - 家访

A home visit is when someone, such as a social worker or healthcare provider, visits a person's home to provide services or support.

17. Visit visa - 访问签证

A visit visa is a type of visa that allows someone to enter and stay in a country for a limited period of time for tourism or visiting purposes.

18. Return visit - 再次访问

A return visit is when someone goes back to see someone or something they have previously visited.

19. Visit duration - 访问时长

Visit duration refers to the length of time spent visiting someone or something.

20. Visit log - 访问记录

A visit log is a record of all visits made by individuals to a particular place, often used for security purposes


1. Trip

- Example: I took a trip to Paris last summer.

2. Excursion

- Example: We went on an excursion to the Grand Canyon.

3. Journey

- Example: The journey to the top of the mountain was challenging but worth it.

4. Tour

- Example: We signed up for a tour of the city's famous landmarks.

5. Expedition

- Example: The team embarked on an expedition to Antarctica.

6. Visitation

- Example: The visitation to the museum was enlightening and informative.

7. Pilgrimage

- Example: Many people make a pilgrimage to Mecca each year.

8. Stay

- Example: Our stay in Rome was unforgettable.

9. Sojourn

- Example: We enjoyed our sojourn in the countryside, away from the city's hustle and bustle.

10. Journeying

- Example: The journeying through different countries gave us a unique perspective on different cultures.

11. Jaunt

- Example: We took a jaunt to the beach for some relaxation.

12. Excursion

- Example: Our excursion to the vineyards was educational and enjoyable.

13. Expedition

- Example: The expedition to explore the rainforest was physically demanding but rewarding.

14. Touring

- Example: We spent two weeks touring Europe and visiting famous landmarks.

15. Voyage

- Example: The voyage across the ocean was long but exciting.

16. Retreat

- Example: We planned a retreat to get away from our busy lives and relax in nature.

17. Pilgrimage

- Example: Many people make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for religious reasons.

18.Passing through

-Example :We were just passing through this town on our road trip, but we decided to stop and explore for a bit.


-Example :The trek through the mountains was challenging, but we were rewarded with stunning views at the top.

20. Call

-Example :We received a call from our friends inviting us to visit them in their new home


上一篇: garble 的翻译是




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