更新时间:2024-01-03 11:59:26作者:留学世界
1. 定义
2. 派生词
- Accusation:名词,意为“指责,控告”
- Accuser:名词,意为“控告者”
- Accusing:形容词,意为“指责的”
3. 用法示例
- He was accused of stealing money from the company.
- The teacher accused the student of cheating on the test.
4. 搭配短语
- Accuse someone of something:指责某人做某事
例如:She accused her husband of lying to her.
- Be accused of something:被指控做某事
例如:He was falsely accused of murder and spent years in prison.
- Accuse someone falsely:错误地指责某人
例如:The police apologized for accusing the wrong person.
5. 同义词辨析
6. 相关词汇
- Guilty:形容词,意为“有罪的”
- Innocent:形容词,意为“无辜的”
7. 使用场景
8. 注意事项
1. 发音:[əˈkjuːz]
2. 词性:动词
3. 含义:指控,指责,谴责
4. 例句:
- He was accused of stealing money from the company.
- The teacher accused the students of cheating on the exam.
- The government was accused of corruption by the media.
5. 拓展:
accusation (n. 指控,指责)
accuser (n. 控告人,原告)
6. 同义词:blame, charge, indict, censure
7. 反义词:defend, exonerate, acquit
8. 用法小贴士:
- accuse通常接受一个人作为宾语,表示对某人提出指控或指责。
- accuse也可以接受某事物作为宾语,表示对某件事情提出怀疑或归咎。
- accuse后面常跟of短语,表示被指控的内容。
9. 注意事项:
- He was accused of being late for work.
- He was criticized for being late for work.
- The teacher accused the students of not studying hard enough.
- The teacher reminded the students to study harder.
1. 使用非正式的语气,让我们来探讨一下“accuse”的用法吧!
2. 什么是“accuse”?简单来说,就是指指责或谴责某人犯了某种错误或罪行。
3. 例如,“She accused her husband of cheating on her.”(她指责她的丈夫出轨了。)
4. “Accuse”常与介词“of”连用,表示被指控的内容。
5. 除了指责,也可以用于表达对某人的怀疑或猜测。
6. 例如,“I wouldn't accuse him of lying, but I'm not sure if he's telling the truth.”(我不敢说他在撒谎,但我也不确定他说的是真话。)
7. “Accuse”也可以作为及物动词使用,后接双宾语结构。
8. 例如,“He accused me of stealing his wallet.”(他指责我偷了他的钱包。)
9. 另外,“accuse”还可以用作名词,表示被告、被告人的意思。
10. 例如,“The accused was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.”(被告被判有罪并被判终身监禁。)
11. 总之,“accuse”的用法多样,可以表示指责、怀疑或作为名词使用。记住它常与介词“of”连用,表示被指控的内容即可。
12. So, don't be too quick to accuse someone without solid evidence!(所以,不要轻易指责某人,没有确凿的证据!)
13. “Accuse”这个词虽然带有一定的负面意义,但也可以运用幽默感来化解尴尬的场面。
14. 比如,“I accuse you of being too handsome for your own good.”(我指控你长得太帅了,自作多情。)
15. 或者,“I accuse you of being a chocolate thief!”(我指控你是一个巧克力小偷!)
16. 最后送上一个笑话,“Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!”(西红柿为什么会变红?因为它看到了沙拉酱!)这就是幽默感啦~
17. 希望通过本次介绍,你对“accuse”的用法有了更深入的了解,并且能够在日常生活中灵活运用。记住,尊重他人,并且保持幽默感,才能让生活更加美好!
1. Accuse someone of something - 指控某人某事
例句:The police accused him of stealing the money from the bank.
2. Falsely accuse - 虚假指控
例句:He was falsely accused of cheating on the exam.
3. Accuse someone of doing something - 指责某人做某事
例句:She accused her husband of not helping with household chores.
4. Accuse someone of being something - 指责某人是某种类型的人
例句:The media often accuses celebrities of being selfish and materialistic.
5. Accused person - 被告
例句:The accused person pleaded not guilty in court.
6. Accusation - 指控,控告
例句:He denied the accusation that he had been involved in the scandal.
7. False accusation - 虚假指控
例句:She was devastated by the false accusations made against her.
8. Accusatory tone - 指责的语气
例句:Her accusatory tone made him feel defensive.
9. Accusing finger/eyes/gaze - 指责的手势/目光/注视
例句:All eyes turned to her accusingly as she walked into the room late.
10. Accused party - 被告方,被指控方
例句:Both the accused parties were found guilty and sentenced to prison.
11. Innocent until proven guilty - 无罪推定原则,即被告在未被证明有罪之前为无罪状态。
例句:According to law, everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
12. Accuse and convict - 指控和定罪
例句:The prosecutor was determined to accuse and convict the suspect.
13. Accuse of a crime - 指控犯罪
例句:The police accused him of committing a serious crime.
14. Accuse falsely - 虚假指控
例句:He was accused falsely by his enemies in an attempt to ruin his reputation.
15. Accusatory remarks/comments/statements - 指责性的言论/评论/声明
例句:His accusatory remarks caused tension in the workplace
1. Blame:指责,责备。例如:Many people blame the government for the current economic crisis.
2. Accuse of:指控,控告。例如:The police accused him of stealing the car.
3. Charge with:指控,指责。例如:He was charged with embezzlement of company funds.
4. Denounce:谴责,公开批评。例如:The opposition party denounced the government's decision.
5. Condemn:谴责,批评。例如:The judge condemned the defendant to life in prison.
6. Censure:谴责,严厉批评。例如:The newspaper censured the mayor for his corrupt practices.
7. Implicate:牵连,涉嫌。例如:He was implicated in a series of robberies in the neighborhood.
8. Frame/Plant evidence on:诬陷,栽赃。例如:The detective was accused of framing evidence on innocent suspects.
9. Impeach/Indict/Sue/Prosecute: 控告,起诉。例如: The president was impeached for his involvement in a corruption scandal.
10. Cast aspersions on: 污蔑,诽谤。例如: The politician cast aspersions on his opponent's character during the debate