

更新时间:2024-01-13 20:19:41作者:留学世界



1. 定义



2. 来源


3. 同义词


4. 用法示例

- My aunt is coming to visit us this weekend.


- Aunt Lily is my mom's older sister.


- I'm going to stay at my aunt's house for a few days.


5. 意义延伸


6. 与其他语言的对比



1. aunt的意思是“姑妈”、“阿姨”,是指父母的姐妹或兄弟的妻子。

2. aunt在英语中的发音为/ænt/,读音类似于“安特”。

3. 在英式英语中,aunt也可以被称为“aunty”,读作/ˈɑːnti/。

4. aunt也可以用来指代女性亲戚以外的年长女性,比如祖母、外祖母、大姨等。

5. 在美式英语中,有时也会用aunt来称呼母亲的朋友或同辈女性。

6. aunt一词源自古英语单词“æmete”,意为“父亲的姊妹”。

7. 在古代,aunt是一个尊敬和尊称的称谓,用来表示对年长女性的敬意。

8. 在现代英语中,aunt常常用来表示对女性亲戚或熟悉女性的亲切称呼。

9. 除了直接称呼某人为aunt之外,在口语中也可以使用表达方式如下:

- “My aunt”:我的姑妈/阿姨

- “Aunt Mary”:玛丽阿姨

- “Auntie Anne”:安妮阿姨

10. 在家庭关系中,aunt与niece(侄女)和nephew(侄子)有着密切的联系。

11. aunt也可以用作动词,意为“做姑妈/阿姨”的角色,或指代对年轻人的支持和帮助。

12. 在英国,每年的7月第一个星期日被称为“Aunt and Uncle Day”,是一个庆祝姑叔舅伯关系的节日。

13. 总的来说,aunt是一个非常亲切和尊敬的称呼,在家庭关系中扮演着重要的角色


1. Aunt的基本意思


2. Aunt作为亲属称呼

在英语中,Aunt通常用来称呼父母的姐妹或兄弟的妻子。例如,“My aunt is coming to visit us this weekend.”(我的姑妈这个周末要来看我们。)另外,在一些家庭中,孩子们也会把母亲的姐妹或兄弟称为“aunt”。

3. Aunt作为尊称

除了作为亲属称呼外,Aunt也可以被用作一种尊称,表示对年长女性或女性朋友的尊敬和亲密。例如,“Thank you for your help, Aunt Mary.”(谢谢你的帮助,玛丽阿姨。)

4. 双语例句

1) My aunt and uncle live in the countryside.


2) My favorite aunt always brings me gifts when she visits.


3) She's not really my aunt, but I've always called her that.


4) Aunt Lucy is a great cook, her food is always delicious.



1. "Auntie Know-It-All" - 意为有点唠叨的阿姨,总是对一切事情都有意见。

2. "Cool Aunt/Crazy Aunt" - 意为酷阿姨/疯狂阿姨,通常指年轻时尚的阿姨或者有点古怪的阿姨。

3. "Aunt Flo" - 意为月经,常用于幽默地指代女性月经周期。

4. "Auntie's Boy/Girl" - 意为阿姨的宝贝,通常指被宠爱的侄子或侄女。

5. "Auntie's Day Out" - 意为阿姨出游日,指和阿姨一起出门旅行或玩耍的日子。

6. "Auntie's Favorite" - 意为阿姨最喜欢的人,通常指被阿姨特别疼爱的人。

7. "Like an Aunt to Me" - 意为像个阿姨一样,通常用来形容对某人特别亲近而不是直接称呼他们为家庭成员。

8. "Aunty Time" - 意为和阿姨共度时光,可以是一起看电影、聊天或做其他有趣的事情。

9. "My Dear Aunt Sally" - 意为我亲爱的阿姨莎莉,是一个常用的幽默引用,源自数学中的一个公式。

10. "Auntie's Wisdom" - 意为阿姨的智慧,指阿姨经常给出的有价值的建议和意见


1. Auntie - This is a commonly used term for aunt, especially in British English. It is often used by children to refer to their father's sister.

2. Aunt-in-law - This refers to the wife of one's uncle or the sister-in-law of one's parent.

3. Auntie-kins - This is a more affectionate term for aunt, often used by children or close family members.

4. Auntie Mame - This is a reference to the popular 1958 film and Broadway play "Auntie Mame" about an eccentric and lively aunt who takes care of her nephew.

5. Aunty - Similar to "auntie," this term is also used to refer to one's aunt in British English.

6. Great-aunt - This refers to the sister of one's grandparent, or the aunt of one's parent.

7. Niece/ Nephew - These are terms for the children of one's siblings, making them your nieces and nephews and you their aunt or uncle.

8. Godmother - In some cultures, this term is used for a woman who acts as a mentor or guardian figure in a child's life, similar to an aunt.

9. Aunt Bessie - This is another reference to popular culture, specifically the character Aunt Bessie from the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show."

10. Maternal/Paternal Aunt - These terms specify whether your aunt is from your mother's side or father's side of the family.

11. Tia/ Tante/ Zia/ Tiya/ Khala- These are various translations for "aunt" in different languages such as Spanish, French, Italian, Tagalog, and Arabic respectively.

12. Big/Little Aunt - These terms are often used in Chinese culture to differentiate between older and younger aunts within extended families.

13. Maiden Aunt - This term is used to refer to an unmarried or childless aunt.

14. Auntie Dear - This is a term of endearment used for a beloved aunt, often by young children.

15. Auntie Em - Another reference to popular culture, this term comes from the character Auntie Em in "The Wizard of Oz."

16. Khala-Khala - In Bengali culture, this term is used for one's mother's sister, making them your maternal aunt.

17. Aunt Sally - This is a slang term for an easy target or someone who is easily fooled, often used in British English.

18. Surrogate Aunt - This refers to someone who takes on the role of an aunt figure in a child's life, even if they are not biologically related.

19. Matriarch/ Patriarch - These terms are sometimes used to refer to the oldest or most respected female or male member of a family, who may also be referred to as "aunt" or "uncle."

20. Spinster Aunt - Similar to "maiden aunt," this term is often used in a derogatory way to describe an unmarried and childless woman who is seen as past her prime.

21. Cool/Crazy/Quirky Aunt - These terms are often used affectionately to describe an aunt who has a unique and fun personality.

22. Aunty-ji - In Indian culture, this term is often used as a respectful title for an older woman, including one's aunt.

23. Fairy Godmother - Similar to "godmother," this term refers to someone who plays a nurturing and guiding role in someone's life, like an aunt would.

24.Aunt Jemima- This is another reference from popular culture, specifically the character from the pancake brand who has become synonymous with traditional home-cooked meals and motherly love.

25. Step-aunt/ Half-aunt - These terms refer to an aunt who is related through marriage or only partially related through blood


上一篇: 21世纪英文缩写




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