

更新时间:2024-01-24 04:58:56作者:留学世界





1. 作为代词,both表示两者都,常用于对比两个人或事物时使用。例如,“Both of my parents are doctors.”(我父母双双都是医生。)这里的“both”指的是父母双方都是医生。

2. 作为形容词,both表示两者的共同特征或相同点。例如,“They have both studied abroad.”(他们都曾经留学过。)这里的“both”指的是他们共同拥有留学经历。

3. 作为副词,both表示两者同时发生或同时存在。例如,“She can speak both English and French fluently.”(她能够流利地说英语和法语。)这里的“both”指的是她同时掌握英语和法语



1. 单独使用时,"both"的读音为/bəʊθ/,其中"th"发音为清辅音/t/。

2. 如果与名词连用,如"both boys",则读作/bəʊθ/,其中"th"发音为清辅音/t/。

3. 如果与动词连用,如"I love both of them.",则读作/bəʊð/,其中"th"发音为浊辅音/d/。

4. 如果与形容词连用,如"I like them both.",则读作/bəʊθ/,其中"th"发音为清辅音/t/


1. both的基本用法


2. both的双语例句

- Both of them are good students. (他们两个都是好学生。)

- We both like watching movies. (我们俩都喜欢看电影。)

- Both options are viable. (这两个选择都可行。)

3. 使用both的注意事项

a) both通常用于肯定句中,表示肯定的语气。

b) 在句子中,both通常放在动词之前。

c) 如果要强调两者都具有某种特性,可以使用both...and...结构。

4. 反问和举例子

a) Are you both coming to the party? (你们俩都要来参加派对吗?)

b) Both John and Mary are from France. (约翰和玛丽都来自法国。)

5. 幽默感

- I can't decide between these two dresses, they're both so pretty! (我无法决定这两件衣服哪件更漂亮,它们俩都太美了!)

- We both got lost on our way to the restaurant, but at least we found each other! (我们俩在去餐厅的路上都迷路了,但至少我们找到了彼此!)


1. both of them:指的是两个人或物,常用于强调两者都具有某种特征或行为。

例如:Both of them are good at playing basketball.

2. both A and B:表示A和B都具有某种特征或行为,常用于列举两个相似的事物。

例如:She is both beautiful and intelligent.

3. both A as well as B:表示A和B都具有某种特征或行为,与“both A and B”意思相同,但语气更加强调。

例如:He is both a doctor as well as a teacher.

4. both...and...:表示“既...又...”,常用于连接两个并列的形容词或动词。

例如:He is both tall and handsome.

5. both sides:指的是两方面,常用于讨论问题时表示双方的立场或观点。

例如:Both sides have their own reasons for the argument.

6. both ways:可以指“双向”的意思,也可以表示“两种方式”。

例如:This road allows traffic to go both ways.

The problem can be solved in two ways, we can choose either one.

7. on both counts:指的是在两方面都符合某种标准或要求。

例如:You have succeeded on both counts, congratulations!

8. not...both...and...:表示“不仅...而且”,常用于否定句中强调另外一个肯定的情况。

例如:She is not only beautiful, but also intelligent.

9. both...and also...:表示“不仅...而且还”,与“not...both...and...”意思相同,但语气更加强调。

例如:He is both handsome and also very kind.

10. both A and B alike:表示A和B都一样,常用于强调两者的相似性。

例如:Both the father and the son alike have a great sense of humor


1. Together: This word is often used to convey the same meaning as "both" in a more casual and friendly way. For example, "Let's go to the party together" can also be said as "Let's both go to the party."

2. As well as: This phrase is commonly used to express that two things or people are included or involved in something. For instance, "Both John and Mary are coming to the movie, as well as their friends."

3. In addition: Similar to "as well as," this phrase also indicates that two things or people are included in a statement. For example, "Both cats and dogs make great pets, in addition to other animals like rabbits and birds."

4. Also: This word can be used to show that something is true for two people or things at the same time. For instance, "Both my parents also enjoy hiking and camping."

5. Together with: This phrase has a similar meaning to "as well as" and is often used when talking about two things or people that are connected or related in some way. For example, "Both my sister and I love traveling together with our friends."

6. Along with: This phrase is another way of saying "together with" and can be used interchangeably in most cases. For instance, "Both my brothers along with their wives will be attending the wedding."

7. Jointly: This adverb means that something is done by two or more people working together. For example, "Both teams jointly won the championship trophy last year."

8. Concurrently: This adverb means happening at the same time or simultaneously. It can also be used in place of "both" when talking about two actions occurring simultaneously. For instance, "The concert was both entertaining and educational; concurrently showcasing different music genres."





2024-01-24 04:37



2024-01-24 04:16



2024-01-24 03:55

both of us 的翻译是

你是否曾经遇到过不知道如何翻译的词语?或者是想要了解更多关于某个词汇的用法和例句?今天,我将带你一起探索一个常见的翻译难题——“both of us”。这个简单的短语背后,却隐藏

2024-01-24 03:34



2024-01-24 03:13



2024-01-24 02:52