

更新时间:2024-02-11 22:07:24作者:留学世界





1. 名词用法:

- 关注、担心:作为名词,concern指的是对某件事情或某个人的关心、担忧。例如:We share the same concern about the environment.(我们对环境问题有着相同的关注。)

- 问题、事项:concern也可以指某个具体的问题或事项。例如:The main concern of the meeting is to discuss the budget.(会议的主要议题是讨论预算。)

- 利益、利害关系:在商业领域,concern还可以表示利益或利害关系。例如:The company's main concern is to increase profits.(公司最关心的是增加利润。)

2. 动词用法:

- 关系到、涉及:作为动词,concern表示与某个人或事物有关联或涉及。例如:This decision concerns all employees in the company.(这个决定与公司所有员工都有关系。)

- 担心、使不安:concern也可以表示担心或使不安的意思。例如:I am concerned about my daughter's health.(我很担心我女儿的健康状况。)


1. "concern"的基本含义

在英语中,"concern"是一个多义词,可以作为名词、动词和形容词使用。作为名词时,它的基本含义是指关心、担忧、关注的事物或问题。例如:"I have a concern about my son's education."(我对我儿子的教育有所担忧。)

2. "concern"的发音及读音技巧


3. "concern"作为动词的用法

作为动词时,"concern"主要有两种用法:一是指使某人担心或关心某事物;二是指与某事物有关或涉及到某事物。例如:"The news concerned me."(这则消息让我感到担忧。);"This problem concerns all of us."(这个问题涉及我们所有人。)

4. "concerned"作为形容词的用法

作为形容词时,"concerned"意为“担心的”、“关切的”、“有兴趣的”。它通常用于表示对某件事情感兴趣或担心,并且通常与介词"about"连用。例如:"I am concerned about my health."(我对我的健康很关心。);"The teacher is concerned about her students' progress."(老师对学生的进步很关心。)

5. "concerning"作为介词的用法

作为介词时,"concerning"意为“关于”、“就……而言”。它常用于表示讨论或谈论某事物,也可以与动词不定式连用,表示目的。例如:"We had a meeting concerning the new project."(我们开了一个会讨论新项目。);"I have something important to tell you concerning your future."(我有一件重要的事要告诉你,关于你的未来。)

6. "concerned with"和"concerned about"

这两个短语都可以表示“关于”、“有关”,但它们在使用上有些区别。"concerned with"通常指涉及某个特定领域或范围,而"concerned about"则更加普遍,可以指任何事物。例如:"She is concerned with environmental protection."(她关心环境保护。); "He is concerned about his financial situation."(他担心自己的财务状况。)

7. 其他相关短语

除了以上提到的短语外,还有一些与“concern”相关的常用短语,如:"have no concern about"(不关心);"show concern for"(表现出关心);"take into concern"(考虑)等。

8. "concern"的同义词和反义词


9. "concerned vs concerning"



1. What is "concern"?

Concern (n.) refers to a feeling of worry, anxiety, or interest in something or someone.

2. How to use "concern" in a sentence?

- I have a concern about my grades this semester.

- The safety of our children is our main concern.

- The company's financial concerns have been resolved.

- Her health has been a major concern for her family.

3. Expressing Concern:

- I am concerned about your well-being.

- We are deeply concerned about the current situation.

- It's concerning to see the rise in crime rates.

- I share your concerns about the environment.

4. Collocations with "concern":

- Major concern: A significant worry or issue.

Example: Climate change is a major concern for scientists and environmentalists.

- Area of concern: A specific topic or subject that causes worry.

Example: Education is an area of concern for many parents.

- Cause for concern: Something that should be worried about or taken seriously.

Example: The recent data on air pollution is a cause for concern.

5. Concern as a verb:

Concern (v.) means to cause worry, interest, or involvement in something or someone.

Example: The recent events have concerned the entire community.

6. Bilingual Examples:

- 我担心我的考试成绩。(I am concerned about my exam grades.)

- 他的健康一直是家人的主要关注点。(His health has been the family's main concern.)

- 我们对目前的情况深感担忧。(We are deeply concerned about the current situation.)

- 我们都有环境方面的担忧。(We all share concerns about the environment.)


1. To have concerns about something - 对某事有担忧

例如:I have concerns about the safety of this product.


2. To express concern - 表达关心

例如:She expressed her concern for the environment by participating in a beach clean-up.


3. Areas of concern - 关注的领域

例如:The government is focusing on areas of concern such as education and healthcare.


4. Concerned citizen - 关心公民

例如:As a concerned citizen, I believe it is important to speak out against injustice.


5. Matter of concern - 令人担忧的事情

例如:The increase in crime rates is a matter of concern for the local community.


6. Concerning issue - 令人关注的问题

例如:The concerning issue of climate change needs to be addressed urgently.


7. Main concern - 主要关注点

例如:Our main concern should be the well-being of our employees.


8. Voice one's concerns - 表达某人的担忧

例如:I appreciate that you voiced your concerns about the project.


9. Genuine concern - 真正的关心

例如:Her genuine concern for others is what makes her a great leader.


10. Beyond one's concern - 超出某人的关注范围

例如:The situation is beyond our concern and we need to seek help from experts.



1. Worry: This word can be used to express a feeling of concern or anxiety about something.

Example: I'm worried about my upcoming exam.

2. Care: This word can be used to show that someone is concerned about something or someone.

Example: She cares deeply about the environment.

3. Interest: This word can be used to indicate that someone is paying attention to or is invested in something.

Example: His interest in politics has grown over the years.

4. Involvement: This word can be used to show that someone is actively participating in or concerned with a particular situation.

Example: Her involvement in the charity event was crucial for its success.

5. Responsibility: This word can be used to convey a sense of duty or obligation towards something or someone.

Example: It's our responsibility to take care of our planet.

6. Consideration: This word can be used to express thoughtfulness and concern for others.

Example: Thank you for your consideration during this difficult time.

7. Regard: This word can be used to show respect and concern towards someone or something.

Example: I have great regard for her opinions and advice.

8. Mindfulness: This word can be used to convey a state of being aware and attentive, often with a sense of care and concern.

Example: Practicing mindfulness has helped me become more aware of my own emotions and those of others.

9. Distress: This word can be used to describe a feeling of worry, anxiety, or discomfort.

Example: The news of the natural disaster caused great distress among the community.

10. Preoccupation: This word can be used to indicate that someone is deeply engrossed in thoughts or concerns about something.

Example: His preoccupation with his work often leads him to neglect his personal life


上一篇: bab英语怎么读




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