

更新时间:2024-03-09 22:52:05作者:留学世界



1. 眼睛的意思

在英语中,eye是指人或动物的视觉器官,也可以用来指代相似的器官,比如摄像头等。在生活中,我们经常会用到eye这个词来形容眼睛,比如“beautiful eyes”(美丽的眼睛),“teary eyes”(泪眼模糊)等。


2. 视野、视线的意思

除了指眼睛本身,eye也可以表示视野或视线。比如,“keep an eye on”(密切关注),“in the public eye”(众人瞩目)等。这些短语都是与视野和视线相关的表达方式。

3. 注意力、关注的意思

除了表示视野和视线外,eye还可以表示注意力和关注。例如,“catch someone's eye”(引起某人注意),“have an eye for detail”(对细节有敏锐的观察力)等。这些表达方式都与注意力和关注有关。

4. 睁开、看见的意思

除了以上几种含义外,eye还可以表示睁开和看见的意思。例如,“keep one's eyes open”(保持警惕),“see eye to eye with someone”(与某人有相同看法)等。这些表达方式都与睁开和看见相关。

5. 特定物体或事物的意思

除了以上几种含义外,eye还可以指代特定的物体或事物。例如,“apple of one's eye”(心爱的人或物),“a bird's eye view”(鸟瞰图)等。这些表达方式都与特定的物体或事物有关


1. 英语中的字母“e”和字母“i”组合在一起通常会发音为长音/i:/,而字母“y”则可以代替这两个字母的发音。所以,“eye”的正确发音应该是/i:/。

2. 如果单独看字母“e”,它的读音是/ɛ/,而字母“i”的读音是/aɪ/,所以单独读出来就是/ɛaɪ/。但是在英语中,通常会将这两个字母组合成一起发音,即/i:/。

3. 除了上面提到的长音/i:/之外,“eye”还有另外一种发音,即短元音/eɪ/。这种发音通常出现在单词的结尾,比如“key”、“money”等。

4. 如果想要练习正确地读出“eye”的发音,可以尝试用舌头抵住牙齿底部,然后向上移动舌头,在嘴唇稍微张开的同时将气息从嘴中吹出来。这样就能够产生正确的长元音/i:/。

5. 此外,在英语中还有一些特殊情况下,“eye”的发音可能会有所不同。比如在单词“height”中,“ei”的组合发出的是/dʒaɪt/的读音;在单词“either”中,“ei”的组合发出的是/ɛðər/的读音。

6. 如果想要更准确地掌握“eye”的发音,可以多听一些英语原声录音,模仿其中的发音,并不断练习。同时也可以参考一些英语发音指导书籍或网站,加深对英语发音规则的理解。

7. 最后,记住正确的发音是非常重要的,在日常交流中也会给人留下良好的印象。所以不妨多花点时间和精力来练习“eye”的正确发音,提升自己的英语口语水平


1. "eye"的读音是 /aɪ/,注意发音时舌头要抬起,嘴唇要稍微张开。

2. “eye”作为名词,表示“眼睛”,常用于以下句子中:

- She has beautiful blue eyes.(她有一双美丽的蓝眼睛。)

- I can't believe my eyes!(我简直不敢相信我的眼睛!)

- He has a keen eye for detail.(他对细节有敏锐的洞察力。)

3. “eye”也可以用作动词,表示“注视”、“瞄准”。例如:

- She eyed him suspiciously.(她怀疑地盯着他。)

- The hunter eyed his target through the scope.(猎人通过瞄准镜瞄准了目标。)

4. “in the eyes of”是一个固定搭配,意为“在某人看来”。例如:

- In the eyes of my parents, I can do no wrong.(在我父母看来,我没有做错什么。)

5. 关于“eye”的习语有:

- keep an eye on:密切关注、留意

例句:I'll keep an eye on your dog while you're away.(你离开时,我会好好照顾你的狗。)

- have an eye for:对...有鉴赏力、擅长

例句:She has an eye for fashion and always looks stylish.(她对时尚有眼光,总是穿着时尚。)

- turn a blind eye to:对...视而不见、选择忽略

例句:The teacher turned a blind eye to the students' misbehavior.(老师选择忽略学生的不良行为。)

6. “eye”在双语例句中的用法:

- She caught his eye across the room.(她在房间的一角引起了他的注意。)

- The painting caught my eye as soon as I entered the gallery.(我一进画廊就被这幅画吸引住了。)

- He has a sharp eye for spotting grammatical errors in writing.(他有敏锐的眼力,能发现写作中的语法错误。)

- The company is keeping a close eye on its competitors' moves.(公司正在密切关注竞争对手的动向。)


1. "In the blink of an eye" - 眨眼间,一瞬间

这个词组通常用来形容事情发生的非常快,几乎无法察觉的速度。例如:"The car disappeared in the blink of an eye."(汽车在眨眼间消失了。)

2. "Keep an eye on" - 注意,留意

这个词组表示要密切关注某人或某事物。例如:"Please keep an eye on the children while I'm cooking."(我做饭的时候请留意孩子们。)

3. "Have an eye for" - 对...有眼力,善于发现

这个词组表示某人对某种事物有特别的敏锐感知能力。例如:"She has a good eye for fashion."(她对时尚有很强的敏锐感知能力。)

4. "In the public eye" - 在公众视线中

这个词组指某人或某事受到公众关注和注意。例如:"Being a celebrity means living your life in the public eye."(成为名人意味着要在公众视线中过日子。)

5. "Eye-catching" - 引人注目的,吸引眼球的

这个词组用来形容某物具有吸引力,能够引起他人注意。例如:"The new store has many eye-catching displays."(新店里有很多吸引眼球的陈列品。)

6. "See eye to eye" - 意见一致,达成共识

这个词组表示两人或多人的想法或意见完全一致。例如:"We see eye to eye on most issues."(我们在大多数问题上意见一致。)

7. "An eye for an eye" - 以牙还牙,以眼还眼

这个词组表示要对别人做出同样的伤害作为报复。例如:"He believes in the principle of an eye for an eye."(他相信以牙还牙的原则。)

8. "Eagle eye" - 鹰眼,敏锐的视力

这个词组通常用来形容某人具有非常敏锐的视力和观察力。例如:"The detective had an eagle eye and noticed the smallest details."(侦探具有鹰眼,能够注意到最微小的细节。)

9. "Turn a blind eye" - 视而不见,置若罔闻

这个词组表示故意忽略某事或某人,不去处理或解决。例如:"The manager turned a blind eye to the employee's mistakes."(经理对员工的错误视而不见。)

10. "Eye-opener" - 开阔眼界的经历,启发性事件

这个词组指某件事情能够让人们看到新的事物,拓宽视野。例如:"The trip to Europe was a real eye-opener for me."(去欧洲旅行让我大开眼界。)


1. Visual organ

- The eye is the visual organ of the human body.

- The visual organ allows us to see the world around us.

2. Optic

- The optic nerve connects the eye to the brain.

- The optic disc is where the optic nerve enters the eye.

3. Orb

- The orb of the eye is made up of different structures.

- The orb is responsible for capturing and focusing light.

4. Peepers

- My peepers are feeling tired after staring at the computer all day.

- His bright blue peepers caught my attention immediately.

5. Pupil

- The pupil is the black center of the eye that controls how much light enters.

- When it's dark, your pupils dilate to let in more light.

6. Iris

- The iris gives our eyes their unique color.

- She has beautiful green eyes with a golden iris.

7. Ocular

- He suffered an ocular injury during his soccer game.

- Ocular diseases can affect vision and overall eye health.

8. Eyeball

- Our eyeballs move constantly, even when we're not aware of it.

- She couldn't believe her eyeballs when she saw her favorite celebrity walking down the street.

9. Organ of sight

- The eye is often referred to as the organ of sight.

- Without this vital organ, we would not be able to see anything at all.

10. Sight-giver

- Many people consider their eyes to be their most precious sense, as they are our sight-givers.

- Losing one's sight can be devastating and life-changing.

11. Visionary instrument

-The human eye is a remarkable visionary instrument that allows us to perceive depth, color, and movement.

-Artists often use their visionary instruments to create beautiful works of art that capture what they see with their eyes.

12. Eyelet

- The eyelet of a needle is where the thread is passed through.

- The eyelet of a hook is where the fishing line is attached.

13. Ocular globe

- The ocular globe refers to the entire structure of the eye, including the eyeball and its surrounding structures.

- The ocular globe can be affected by various diseases and conditions, such as glaucoma and cataracts.

14. Optic instrument

- Glasses and contact lenses are both examples of optic instruments that help correct vision.

- Many people rely on optic instruments to improve their eyesight and quality of life.

15. Orbicular organ

- The orbicular organ is another term for the eye, emphasizing its spherical shape.

- The orbicular organ is a complex structure that allows us to see the world in all its beauty.

16. Viewing tool

- Our eyes are our most important viewing tools, allowing us to take in our surroundings and make sense of the world.

- With our viewing tools, we can appreciate nature's wonders and connect with others through eye contact.

17. Eyebulb

-The eyebulb contains all the necessary structures for vision, including the retina, lens, and cornea.

-The eyebulb is constantly working to provide us with clear vision throughout our lives.

18. Optic device

- A microscope is an example of an optic device used to magnify tiny objects that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

- Optic devices have revolutionized science and medicine by allowing us to see things at a microscopic level.

19. Seeing apparatus

-The human eye is a remarkable seeing apparatus that has evolved over millions of years to help us survive and thrive in our environment.

-The seeing apparatus works in conjunction with other sensory organs to provide us with a complete understanding of our surroundings.

20. Eye organ

-The eye organ consists of various parts that work together to allow us to see.

-The health of the eye organ is crucial for maintaining good vision and overall well-being.

21. Sight organ

- Our eyes are our primary sight organs, allowing us to see the world in all its beauty.

- The sight organ is a delicate and complex structure that requires proper care and attention to function optimally.

22. Viewing mechanism

- The human eye is an incredible viewing mechanism that can detect even the slightest changes in light and color.

- With this viewing mechanism, we can appreciate the beauty of a sunset or the details of a painting.

23. Optic tool

- The eye is our most important optic tool, allowing us to see objects near and far with clarity.

- Optic tools have been used for centuries to enhance our vision and improve our quality of life.

24. Orbital sphere

- The orbital sphere is another term for the eye, emphasizing its round shape.

- The orbital sphere contains all the necessary structures for vision and is protected by the bones of the skull.

25. Eyesight provider

- Our eyes are our primary eyesight providers, allowing us to see colors, shapes, and movement in our environment.

- Many people rely on their eyesight providers to navigate through their daily lives and appreciate the world around them.






2024-03-09 22:24



2024-03-09 21:58

eye witness 的翻译是

你是否听说过“eye witness”这个词?它源自英文,但在翻译行业中也有着重要的地位。它究竟是什么意思?怎么读?它又有哪些用法和双语例句呢?还有哪些相关的词组和同义词示例?接下来,

2024-03-09 21:29



2024-03-09 21:00



2024-03-09 20:35



2024-03-09 20:03