

更新时间:2024-03-25 12:37:19作者:留学世界



1. gloves的定义



2. gloves的起源


3. gloves的分类


4. gloves的功能


5. gloves在文学作品中的意义


6. gloves在流行文化中的影响


7. gloves的使用注意事项




1. gloves的发音


2. gloves的意思


3. gloves的复数形式


4. gloves与hand和fingers的区别


5. gloves的相关短语


- put on gloves:戴上手套

- take off gloves:脱下手套

- glove compartment:汽车的手套箱

- velvet gloves:绒面手套,也指温和的态度或方式

6. gloves在文学作品中的使用

gloves这个词也经常出现在文学作品中,有时候它不仅仅是指实际的手套,还具有象征性意义。比如,在莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中,主人公哈姆雷特曾说过一句名言:“to be or not to be, that is the question”,而后面还有一句“whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?”其中“slings and arrows”就暗指“gloves”,表示遭受命运的折磨。

7. 拓展阅读:不同类型的gloves


- boxing gloves:拳击手套

- gardening gloves:园艺手套

- rubber gloves:橡胶手套,用于保护手部免受化学物质的伤害

- surgical gloves:外科手套,用于医疗手术

- fingerless gloves:无指手套,常见于运动员或摩托车手使用

- oven gloves:烤箱手套,用于保护手部免受高温热源的伤害


1. gloves的基本意思


2. gloves的用法

- 戴手套:wear gloves

- 脱手套:take off gloves

- 穿上手套:put on gloves

- 拿着手套:hold gloves

3. 双语例句:

- She always wears a pair of white gloves when she goes out. (她出门时总是戴着一副白色的手套。)

- He took off his gloves and shook hands with me. (他脱下手套和我握了握手。)

- The doctor put on surgical gloves before the operation. (医生在进行手术前戴上了外科手套。)

- She held her new leather gloves tightly in her hand. (她紧紧地抓着自己的新皮手套。)

4. 感情真挚:


5. 幽默感:



1. Put on your gloves: 戴上你的手套吧,保护双手不受寒冷侵袭。

2. Velvet gloves: 绒面手套,柔软温暖的感觉让人心生喜悦。

3. Iron fist in a velvet glove: 绒面手套中的铁拳,指隐藏在柔和外表下的强硬力量。

4. The gloves are off: 手套脱下来了,意味着不再客气,开始正面交锋。

5. Fit like a glove: 像手套一样合适,形容衣服或鞋子非常合身。

6. Hand in glove: 手套里的手,比喻关系密切、配合默契。

7. The gloves are on the other hand now: 手套现在换到了另一只手上,意味着局势发生了变化。

8. Throw down the gauntlet: 抛下挑战书,表示接受挑战或对立者进行挑衅。

9. White gloves treatment: 白手套待遇,指高级服务或特殊照顾。

10. Have someone eating out of your hand: 让某人从你的手中吃东西,形容掌控对方或让对方听命于你


1. Mittens

Mittens are a type of gloves that cover the whole hand and do not have individual fingers. They are often used in cold weather to keep the hands warm.

2. Gauntlets

Gauntlets are a type of gloves that extend past the wrist and sometimes even up to the elbow. They were originally worn as a form of armor, but now they are mainly used in sports such as fencing and archery.

3. Handwear

Handwear is a general term for any type of covering worn on the hands, including gloves, mittens, and gauntlets.

4. Fingerless Gloves

Fingerless gloves have openings for each finger, leaving the fingertips exposed. They are often used for tasks that require dexterity, such as typing or playing instruments.

5. Work Gloves

Work gloves are designed specifically for use in manual labor or other work-related tasks. They provide protection and grip while allowing the fingers to move freely.

6. Driving Gloves

Driving gloves are lightweight and often made of leather or other materials that provide good grip on a steering wheel. They also help to keep hands warm while driving in colder weather.

7. Ski Gloves

Ski gloves are designed for use during winter sports such as skiing or snowboarding. They are typically waterproof and insulated to keep hands warm and dry in cold temperatures.

8. Gardening Gloves

Gardening gloves protect hands from thorns, dirt, and other hazards while gardening. They can be made of various materials such as leather, rubber, or fabric.

9. Boxing Gloves

Boxing gloves are padded hand coverings used in boxing or other combat sports to protect both the wearer's hands and their opponent from injury.

10. Oven Mitts

Oven mitts are heat-resistant gloves used when handling hot dishes or cookware from ovens or stoves.

11. Cycling Gloves

Cycling gloves have padded palms to provide comfort and prevent blisters while riding a bike. They also help to improve grip on the handlebars.

12. Medical Gloves

Medical gloves are disposable gloves used by healthcare professionals to prevent cross-contamination and protect against exposure to bodily fluids.

13. Rubber Gloves

Rubber gloves are made of latex or other materials and are used for cleaning, washing dishes, or other household tasks that may involve exposure to chemicals or germs.

14. Leather Gloves

Leather gloves are made from animal hide and are often used for fashion purposes but can also provide warmth and protection in colder weather.

15. Evening Gloves

Evening gloves are long, elegant gloves worn with formal attire for special occasions such as weddings or opera performances.

16. Industrial Gloves

Industrial gloves are heavy-duty gloves designed for use in industrial settings such as factories or construction sites. They provide protection against hazards such as chemicals, heat, or sharp objects.

17. Driving Mitts

Driving mitts are similar to driving gloves but have a mitten-like design with openings for the thumb and fingers only, providing more warmth than traditional driving gloves.

18. Wrist Warmers

Wrist warmers cover the wrist area and part of the hand but do not have individual finger openings like traditional gloves. They provide warmth while allowing more dexterity than mittens.

19. Arm Warmers

Arm warmers cover the arms up to the elbow and can be worn over short-sleeved shirts or under long-sleeved shirts for extra warmth in colder weather.

20. Hand Muffs

Hand muffs are a type of handwear that covers both hands at once, providing warmth without having individual finger holes like traditional gloves or mittens





2024-03-25 12:02



2024-03-25 11:21



2024-03-25 10:37



2024-03-25 09:49

glossmen nm 的翻译是

你是否曾经遇到过“glossmen nm”这个术语?它究竟是什么意思,又该如何正确地发音?或许你已经在翻译行业中遇到过它,但并不清楚它的具体用法和相关例句。今天,我将为你揭开这个神

2024-03-25 09:16



2024-03-25 08:33