

更新时间:2024-04-08 09:48:47作者:留学世界



1. hide的定义



2. hide作为动词的用法

a. 隐藏:当hide作为动词时,最常见的含义就是指将某物或某人隐藏起来。比如,“She hid the present in the closet.”(她把礼物藏在了衣柜里。)这里的hide就表示将礼物藏起来。

b. 掩盖:除了指实物的隐藏外,hide还可以指掩盖事实真相。比如,“He tried to hide his disappointment.”(他试图掩饰自己的失望。)这里的hide表示掩盖感情。

c. 遮蔽:另外,hide也可以表示遮蔽某物或某人。比如,“The trees hid the house from view.”(树木遮蔽着房子,使其看不见。)这里的hide表示遮挡。

3. hide作为名词的用法

a. 皮革:作为名词时,hide指代兽皮制成的皮革。比如,“The jacket is made of genuine hide.”(这件夹克是用真皮制成的。)

b. 兽皮:除了指皮革外,hide也可以表示动物的兽皮。比如,“The hunter proudly displayed his latest hide.”(猎人自豪地展示着他最新的兽皮。)

4. hide的其他用法

a. 隐瞒:除了上述常见用法外,hide还可以表示隐瞒某事或某人。比如,“He hid the truth from his parents.”(他对父母隐瞒了事实真相。)

b. 躲藏:在口语中,hide也可以表示躲藏或躲避某人或某物。比如,“I saw him hiding behind the tree.”(我看见他躲在树后面。)

5. 总结

6. 注意事项


a. 不要与hid混淆:hid是hide的过去式和过去分词形式,在文章中需要注意使用正确的形式。

b. 不要与其他单词混淆:有些单词的拼写和hide相似,但含义不同。比如,“height”(高度)和“hide”(隐藏)。

c. 不要滥用:在文章中,应该避免过多地使用hide,可以通过替换其他同义词来避免重复


1. hide的意思


2. hide的发音和拼写


3. hide的用法



- She hid the key under the doormat.(她把钥匙藏在门垫下。)

- He tried to hide his disappointment.(他试图掩饰自己的失望。)



- The hunter sold the hides of the animals he killed.(猎人出售他所杀动物的皮毛。)

- The couch was made of high-quality hide.(这张沙发是用优质皮革制成的。)

4. hide与其他单词搭配

(1)hide away:把某物藏起来

例如:He hid away all his money in a secret place.(他把所有的钱都藏在一个秘密的地方。)

(2)hide from:躲避、避开

例如:She hid from her ex-boyfriend when she saw him on the street.(当她在街上看到前男友时,她躲避了他。)

(3)hide out:躲藏、藏身

例如:The fugitive hid out in the mountains for weeks before he was caught.(逃犯在被抓住前在山里藏了几个星期。)

5. hide的同义词和反义词



6. hide的常见短语

(1)hide and seek:捉迷藏游戏

(2)in hiding:隐藏中

7. hide在生活中的应用


- 在玩捉迷藏游戏时,我们会说Let's play hide and seek!(让我们来玩捉迷藏游戏吧!)

- 当你想要从某人那里得到一些隐私信息时,你可能会说Can you please tell me what you're hiding?(你能告诉我你在隐藏什么吗?)

- 在购买皮革制品时,你可能会被告知这是真皮,它的质量很好,它是由hide制成的


1. hide作为动词,意思是“隐藏”,常用于描述物体或人的行为。


- She hid the present behind her back. (她把礼物藏在背后。)

- The thief hid in the bushes to avoid being caught. (小偷躲在灌木丛中以避免被抓住。)

2. hide也可以表示“遮盖”,通常用于描述事物遮挡住其他事物的情况。


- The clouds hid the sun, making it a gloomy day. (云层遮挡了阳光,让天气变得阴沉。)

- His tall frame hid the view of the stage for those sitting behind him. (他高大的身影挡住了坐在他后面的人对舞台的视线。)

3. 除了以上两种意思,hide还可以表示“隐瞒”、“保密”。


- He couldn't hide his excitement when he received the good news. (当他收到好消息时,他无法掩饰自己的兴奋。)

- She tried to hide her disappointment, but her tears gave her away. (她试图掩饰自己的失望,但眼泪却暴露了她。)

4. 在日常口语中,hide还可以作为一个俚语,表示“躲避”、“逃避”。


- Stop hiding from your responsibilities and face them like an adult. (别逃避你的责任,像个成年人一样面对它们。)

- He's been hiding from his problems by drinking every night. (他每晚都通过喝酒来逃避自己的问题。)

5. hide也可以用作名词,指“兽皮”、“兽毛”。


- The hunter proudly showed off his latest bear hide. (猎人自豪地展示他最新的熊皮。)

- The coat was made from the softest hide of a reindeer. (这件外套是用最柔软的驯鹿皮制成的。)


1. hide away 隐藏,躲藏

2. hide out 躲藏,隐藏

3. hide and seek 捉迷藏游戏

4. hide behind 藏在...后面,掩饰

5. hide one's feelings 隐藏某人的感情

6. hide one's true colors 掩盖某人的真实意图

7. in hiding 躲藏中,隐藏身份

8. hide from 躲避,避开

9. hide oneself 使自己隐匿起来

10. hideous monster 丑陋的怪物

11. keep something hidden 将某物保密或隐藏起来

12. hide in plain sight 明目张胆地隐藏起来

13. under the guise of 隐藏在...的掩护下

14. a hidden agenda 隐藏的目的或动机

15. keep one's head down 低调行事,保持低调

16. keep a secret 保守秘密

17. cover up 掩盖,掩饰

18. bury the truth 掩埋真相

19. conceal one's identity 隐瞒身份

20.hide one's true feelings 掩饰真实感受

21.hide and go seek 捉迷藏游戏

22.hide in the shadows 藏身于阴影中

23.hide from view 藏匿不露面

24.hide one's face 遮掩脸部

25.keep something under wraps 将某物保密不公开

26.hide one's emotions 隐藏情绪

27.under the cover of 在...的掩护下

28.conceal the truth 隐瞒真相

29.beneath the surface 在表面下隐藏着

30.hide from the world 隐藏自己不与外界接触

31. keep a low profile 保持低调

32. hide one's intentions 掩盖意图

33. hidden treasure 藏宝物

34. keep something to oneself 将某事保密不告知他人

35. out of sight, out of mind 眼不见心不烦

36. hide one's mistakes 掩饰错误

37. behind closed doors 在密闭的房间里,秘密地进行

38. hidden dangers 潜在的危险

39. hide one's embarrassment 掩饰尴尬

40. under wraps 保密,保守秘密


1. Conceal - This word means to hide something or keep it secret. For example, "She tried to conceal her emotions, but I could see the sadness in her eyes."

2. Disguise - This word refers to changing one's appearance or behavior in order to hide one's true identity or intentions. For instance, "He disguised himself as a waiter in order to sneak into the party."

3. Camouflage - This is a term used for blending in with one's surroundings in order to remain hidden. It can also refer to disguising something as something else. For example, "The soldiers wore camouflage uniforms to blend in with the forest."

4. Mask - Similar to disguise, this word means to cover up one's true self or intentions. It can also refer to hiding one's emotions or feelings. For instance, "He masked his disappointment with a smile."

5. Obfuscate - This is a more formal term for hiding or making something unclear or confusing on purpose. For example, "The politician obfuscated the truth in order to avoid answering the question."

6. Secrete - This word means to hide something away or store it secretly. It can also refer to producing and releasing a substance, such as sweat or hormones. For instance, "The spy secreted important documents in his briefcase."

7. Veil - This refers to covering or concealing something completely, often with cloth or another material. It can also mean obscuring something from view or understanding. For example, "She veiled her face with a scarf in order to protect herself from the harsh wind."

hide是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是“隐藏”。它的发音为/haid/。hide可以用作动词,表示“躲藏,隐匿”,也可以用作名词,表示“隐藏处”。在双语例句中,我们可以看到hide在不同场景下的灵活运用。例如,“The cat likes to hide under the bed.”(这只猫喜欢躲在床下。)和“He tried to hide his tears.”(他试图掩饰自己的眼泪。)hide还有许多常见的词组,如“hide and seek”(捉迷藏)、“hide away”(隐藏)、“hide one's feelings”(掩饰感情)等等。另外,与hide意思相近的同义词还有conceal、cover、mask等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个单词。我是网站编辑小明,喜欢就关注我吧!




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