

更新时间:2024-04-09 13:28:48作者:留学世界



1. 概念解释



2. 用法示例

- He held the puppy in his arms.(他抱着小狗。)

- She holds a degree in economics.(她拥有经济学学位。)

- The company holds a monopoly on the market.(该公司垄断了市场。)

3. 派生词


- holder:n. 持有人;支持者

- holdable:adj. 可持有的

- holding:n. 持有物;土地所有权

4. 同义词和反义词

hold的同义词包括grasp、grip、clutch等,反义词则有release、let go等。

5. 常见搭配短语

- hold on:等一下;坚持不懈

- hold back:阻止;抑制

- hold out:坚持到最后

- hold up:支撑;延误

6. 口语表达中的用法差异


- We're going to hold a party this weekend.(我们这周末要举办一个聚会。)

- Let's hold off on making a decision until we have more information.(在我们有更多信息之前,先保留做出决定。)

7. 常见错误用法

- 错误:I can't hold myself.(我无法控制自己。)

正确:I can't hold myself back.(我无法控制自己的情绪。)

- 错误:He held his breath for 10 minutes.(他屏住了呼吸10分钟。)

正确:He held his breath for 10 seconds.(他屏住了呼吸10秒钟。)

8. 拓展知识


- n. 控制;支持;保持

e.g. The Democrats took hold of Congress in the last election.(民主党在上次选举中掌控了国会。)

- v. 拥抱;握手

e.g. They held each other tightly before saying goodbye at the airport.(他们在机场告别前紧紧拥抱。)


1. hold的发音


2. 美式英语发音


3. 英式英语发音


4. hold与其他单词连用时的变化

当hold与其他单词连用时,在美式和英式英语中都会出现一些变化。例如,在动词短语"to hold on"中,hold会变成/həʊld ɒn/或者/hɒld ɒn/;在名词短语"take hold of"中,则会变成/take həʊld əv/或者/take hɒld əv/。

5. hold的读法

除了以上的发音外,hold还有一些特殊的读法。例如,在一些特定的短语中,hold会被读作/hɔːld/,如"in the hold of";而在某些情况下,它也可以被读作/həʊld ɒn/或者/həʊld ɒn/,如"hold on tight"。



1. "hold"是一个常用的英语单词,读音为[həʊld],意为"抓住、握住、保持"等。

2. 在口语中,"hold"还可以作为一个俚语,表示"等一下、别挂断电话"的意思。例如:"Can you hold for a moment? I'll transfer your call to the manager."(你能稍等一下吗?我会把你的电话转给经理。)

3. "hold on"也是一个常用的短语,意为"坚持、忍耐、稍等一下"。例如:"Just hold on, we'll be there soon."(稍等一下,我们马上就到。)

4. "hold back"表示"阻止、压制、抑制情感或行动"。例如:"She couldn't hold back her tears when she heard the news."(当她听到这个消息时,她忍不住哭了起来。)

5. "hold up"可以指物体被支撑住或停顿不前,也可以表示被延误或耽搁。例如:"The bridge was damaged and couldn't hold up the weight of the truck."(桥梁受损无法承受卡车的重量。) "The traffic accident held up our journey for two hours."(交通事故耽搁了我们两个小时的旅程。)

6. "get a hold of something/someone"意为"联系上某人/某物"。例如:"I finally got a hold of my friend after trying to call her all day."(我终于在一整天的打电话后联系上了我的朋友。)

7. "hold someone/something responsible/accountable"表示"责怪某人/某事"。例如:"The company was held responsible for the environmental damage caused by their factory."(这家公司被指责因为他们工厂造成的环境破坏。)

8. "hold someone's hand"可以指牵着某人的手,也可以表示在困难时期给予支持和帮助。例如:"My mother held my hand during the scary movie."(妈妈在看恐怖电影时牵着我的手。) "My friends held my hand and helped me through the tough times."(我的朋友们支持我度过了艰难的时期。)

9. "hold your horses"是一个习语,意为"冷静、别操之过急",相当于中文的"慢慢来、莫着急"。例如:"Hold your horses, we need to think this through before making a decision."(冷静点,我们需要仔细考虑再做决定。)

10. "hold the line"表示保持电话线路连接,也可以指保持现状或遵守规则。例如:"Please hold the line, I'll transfer you to the correct department."(请不要挂断电话,我会把你转接到正确的部门。) "We must hold the line and not give in to their demands."(我们必须坚持立场,不向他们的要求屈服。)


1. Hold on:等一下,停留,坚持

例句:Can you hold on for a minute?(你能等一下吗?)

2. Hold back:阻止,抑制,扣留

例句:She couldn't hold back her tears when she heard the news.(当她听到这个消息时,她忍不住流泪了。)

3. Hold off:推迟,拖延,抵挡

例句:We decided to hold off the meeting until next week.(我们决定把会议推迟到下周。)

4. Hold up:支撑,耽搁,举起

例句:The pillars are used to hold up the roof of the building.(这些柱子用来支撑建筑物的屋顶。)

5. Hold out:伸出,坚持,提供

例句:He held out his hand to help her stand up.(他伸出手帮助她站起来。)

6. Hold together:保持团结,维持一致

例句:We need to hold together in order to achieve our goal.(为了实现我们的目标,我们需要保持团结。)

7. Hold responsible for:追究责任

例句:The company will hold him responsible for the loss of the project.(公司会追究他对项目损失的责任。)

8. Get ahold of: 找到某人/某物

例句: I finally got ahold of the book I've been looking for.(我终于找到了我一直在找的那本书。)

9. Hold one's breath: 屏住呼吸

例句: The audience held their breath as the acrobat performed his dangerous stunt.(观众们屏住呼吸,看着杂技演员表演危险的特技。)

10. Hold a grudge: 怀恨在心

例句: She still holds a grudge against her ex-boyfriend for cheating on her.(她仍然对她的前男友背叛她耿耿于怀。)

11. Hold your horses: 别急,冷静一下

例句: Hey, hold your horses! We still have plenty of time to finish the project.(嘿,别急!我们还有足够的时间完成这个项目。)

12. Hold the line: 保持电话线路不断开

例句: Please hold the line while I transfer your call to the right department.(请不要挂断电话,我会把你的电话转接到正确的部门。)

13. Hold down a job: 保住一份工作

例句: He has trouble holding down a job because of his bad temper.(由于他脾气暴躁,他很难保住一份工作。)

14. Hold court: 开庭审理/举行法庭辩论

例句:The judge will hold court tomorrow to hear arguments from both sides of the case.(法官将在明天开庭审理,听取双方对案件的论点。)

15. Hold the fort: 维持阵地/保卫阵地

例句:The soldiers were instructed to hold the fort until reinforcements arrived.(士兵们被指示要守住阵地,直到增援部队到达。)

16. Hold sway: 占主导地位/控制

例句:The dictator held sway over the country for many years before being overthrown.(这个独裁者统治这个国家多年,直到被推翻。)

17. Hold a candle to: 与…相比较

例句:No one can hold a candle to her when it comes to cooking.(在烹饪方面,没有人能与她相比。)

18. Hold one's own: 自力更生/保持自己的立场

例句:Despite facing challenges, she managed to hold her own and achieve success in her career.(尽管面临挑战,她设法自力更生,在事业上取得了成功。)

19. Hold all the cards: 控制局势/拥有优势

例句:He holds all the cards in this negotiation and we have no choice but to agree with his terms.(在这次谈判中,他掌握着局势,我们别无选择只能同意他的条件。)

20. Hold someone's hand: 支持某人/给某人指导

例句:As a mentor, it is important to hold your mentee's hand and guide them through their challenges.(作为一名导师,帮助你的学员并引导他们克服挑战是很重要的。)


1. Grasp - “hold”可以用作动词,表示抓住或握住某物的动作。同义词“grasp”也有类似的意思,例如:“He held the rope tightly.”(他紧紧地抓住了绳子。)“Grasp”也可以用来表示理解或领会某个概念,例如:“I can’t grasp the meaning of this poem.”(我无法理解这首诗的意思。)

2. Keep - “hold”的另一个常见意思是保持或保留某物。同义词“keep”也有类似的含义,例如:“Please hold the door open for me.”(请帮我把门保持开着。)“Keep”还可以表示继续拥有某物,例如:“She has held her position as CEO for 10 years.”(她已经担任CEO职位10年了。)

3. Support - “hold”的另一个含义是支撑或支持某物。同义词“support”也可以用来表示类似的意思,例如:“The pillars hold up the roof of the building.”(这些柱子支撑着建筑物的屋顶。)“Support”还可以指提供帮助或赞助,例如:“We will hold a charity event to support the local community.”(我们将举办一场慈善活动来支持当地社区。)

4. Grasp/understand - 如前所述,“hold”也可以表示理解或掌握某个概念。同义词“grasp”和“understand”也有类似的含义,例如:“It took me a while to grasp/understand the concept.”(我花了一些时间才理解这个概念。)

5. Possess - “hold”的另一个意思是拥有某物。同义词“possess”也可以用来表示类似的意思,例如:“He holds a large collection of rare books.”(他拥有一大批珍稀书籍。)“Possess”还可以指控制或支配某物,例如:“The company holds a monopoly on this product.”(该公司垄断了这种产品。)

6. Embrace - “hold”的另一个意思是拥抱或拥有某人/物体。同义词“embrace”也可以用来表示类似的含义,例如:“She held her newborn baby in her arms.”(她把新生儿抱在怀里。)“Embrace”还可以指接受或欢迎某种观点或想法,例如:“We should embrace diversity and inclusivity in our society.”(我们应该在社会中接纳多样性和包容性。)

7. Control - “hold”的另一个含义是控制或管理某物。同义词“control”也有类似的意思,例如:“He held the reins tightly as he rode the horse.”(他紧紧地握着缰绳骑马。)“Control”还可以指控制某种情况或状况,例如:“The government is trying to hold inflation under control.”(政府正在努力控制通货膨胀。)

8. Occupy - “hold”的另一个含义是占据或占领某物。同义词“occupy”也可以用来表示类似的意思,例如:“This building holds a lot of historical significance.”(这座建筑具有重要的历史意义。)“Occupy”还可以指居住或拥有某个空间,例如:“The hotel can hold up to 200 guests.”(这家酒店最多能容纳200位客人。)

9. Detain - “hold”的另一个含义是拘留或扣留某人/物体。同义词“detain”也有类似的意思,例如:“The police held the suspect for questioning.”(警方拘留嫌疑人进行询问。)“Detain”还可以指阻止某人离开,例如:“Bad weather conditions can hold flights at the airport.”(恶劣的天气状况可能会让航班滞留在机场。)

10. Contain - 最后,“hold”的最后一个常见含义是包含或容纳某物。同义词“contain”也可以用来表示类似的意思,例如:“The jar can hold up to 1 liter of water.”(这个罐子最多能装1升水。)“Contain”还可以指控制或限制某物,例如:“The medication can help to hold the symptoms at bay.”(这种药物可以帮助控制症状。)


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