

更新时间:2024-04-17 05:43:59作者:留学世界





1. 激励、鼓舞

当我们遇到挑战或困难时,常常需要一些激励和鼓舞来继续前进。这时候,我们可以说someone inspires us(某人激励了我们),或者something inspires us(某事激励了我们)。例如:

- His speech inspired me to never give up on my dreams. (他的演讲激励我永远不要放弃我的梦想。)

- The beautiful scenery inspired her to write a poem. (美丽的风景启发了她写一首诗。)

2. 启发


- The artist was inspired by nature to create this masterpiece. (这位艺术家受大自然启发创作出这件杰作。)

- Reading books can inspire you to think differently. (阅读书籍可以启发你去思考不同的问题。)

3. 激发、引起


- The movie inspired a lot of laughter from the audience. (这部电影引起了观众们的笑声。)

- Her bravery inspired admiration in everyone around her. (她的勇气激发了周围每个人的敬佩。)


1. 美式发音:[in-spahyuh r]

2. 英式发音:[in-spahyuhr]

3. 音标:/ɪnˈspaɪər/

4. 含义:激励,鼓舞,启发

5. 词性:动词

6. 源自拉丁语“inspirare”,意为“吹入,激起”

7. 在英语中,inspire通常用作及物动词,后接宾语和介词to或with

8. inspire to do sth.: 激励某人做某事

9. inspire with sth.: 用某物激励某人

10. 例句:

- The coach's words inspired the team to win the game.


- The painting was inspired by the artist's trip to Paris.


11. inspire也可以用作不及物动词,意为“受到启发,产生灵感”

12. inspire + sb./sth.: 激发某人/某物的灵感

13. 例句:

- The beautiful scenery inspired me to write a poem.


- This book has inspired many people to pursue their dreams.


14. inspire还可以用作名词,意为“灵感,启发”

15. 例句:

- The artist's inspiration came from nature.


- This song is an inspiration to many young musicians.


16. 总结:inspire是一个多功能的词汇,既可以表示激励、鼓舞,也可以表示受到启发、产生灵感。在不同的语境中使用,能够给读者带来不同的感受和理解。希望你在学习英语过程中能够从中获得灵感,并且用它来激励自己不断进步!


1. inspire的基本用法


2. inspire的常见搭配

(1) inspire sb. to do sth.

例句:His speech inspired the students to work harder.


(2) be inspired by...

例句:The design of this building was inspired by traditional Chinese architecture.


(3) be inspired with/by...

例句:She was inspired with/by a great idea for her next novel.


(4) inspire hope/confidence/fear/awe, etc.

例句:The leader's inspiring speech filled the audience with hope for a better future.


3. inspire在商业领域中的用法


4. inspire的双语例句

(1) Their success story has inspired many young entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams.


(2) The beautiful scenery of the mountains inspired the artist to create a series of landscape paintings.


(3) Her courage and determination inspired her teammates to never give up.


(4) The new product was designed to inspire consumers' interest and increase sales.




1. Inspire someone to do something: 激励某人做某事

例如:Her words inspired me to pursue my dreams.

2. Inspire confidence: 增强信心

例如:His strong leadership skills inspired confidence in the team.

3. Inspire creativity: 激发创造力

例如:The beautiful scenery inspired her to paint.

4. Inspire greatness: 激发伟大

例如:His determination and hard work inspired greatness in others.

5. Inspire change: 鼓舞改变

例如:Their passionate speeches inspired change in society.

6. Be an inspiration to someone: 成为某人的榜样

例如:Her perseverance and success have been an inspiration to many young girls.

7. Inspire hope: 带来希望

例如:The charity's work has inspired hope in the lives of many underprivileged children.

8. Inspirational quotes: 励志语录

例如:She loves reading books filled with inspirational quotes for motivation.

9. Inspired by nature: 受自然启发

例如:The designer's latest collection was inspired by the beauty of nature.

10. Inspiring stories: 感人故事

例如:The book is filled with inspiring stories of people who have overcome challenges and achieved success


1. Motivate - 激励,鼓舞

例句:His words motivated me to work harder and achieve my goals.

2. Encourage - 鼓励,激励

例句:The teacher encouraged her students to never give up on their dreams.

3. Spur - 刺激,促进

例句:The success of his friend spurred him to work harder and achieve his own goals.

4. Stimulate - 刺激,激发

例句:The new project stimulated her creativity and inspired her to come up with new ideas.

5. Ignite - 点燃,激起

例句:Her passion for music was ignited by her favorite musician's performance.

6. Incite - 煽动,激励

例句:The leader's speech incited the crowd to take action and fight for their rights.

7. Trigger - 触发,引起

例句:The beautiful scenery triggered memories of his childhood and inspired him to write a poem.

8. Infuse - 注入,灌输

例句:His positive attitude infused everyone around him with energy and motivation.

9. Instill - 教导,灌输

例句:Her parents instilled in her a love for learning, which inspired her to pursue higher education.

10. Galvanize - 激励,鼓舞

例句:The team's victory galvanized the entire school, inspiring them to work together towards success.

11. Kindle - 点燃,唤起

例句:Her determination kindled a fire within her, inspiring her to overcome all obstacles and achieve her dreams.

12. Provoke - 激起,引发

例句:The artist's work provoked strong emotions in the viewers, inspiring them to think and reflect.

13. Enliven - 活跃,使充满生气

例句:The music enlivened the party, inspiring everyone to dance and have a good time.

14. Embolden - 鼓舞,激励

例句:Her bravery emboldened others to speak up and fight for their rights.

15. Uplift - 提升,振奋

例句:The kind words of her friend uplifted her spirits and inspired her to keep going



inspiron是什么意思 inspiron的中文翻译、读音、例句


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