

更新时间:2024-04-23 03:48:09作者:留学世界





1. 汁液

首先,最常见的意思当属“汁液”。比如说,橙汁就是orange juice,苹果汁就是apple juice。

2. 饮料

除了指具体的汁液外,“juice”也可以表示任何一种饮料。比如说,如果你想喝一杯果汁,可以说“I want some juice”(我想要点果汁)。

3. 电力

在口语中,“juice”还可以表示电力。比如说,“My phone is running out of juice”(我的手机没电了)。

4. 活力、精力

“juice”也可以用来表示活力或者精力。比如说,“I need some caffeine to give me some juice for this exam”(我需要一些咖啡因来让我有精神应付这次考试)。

5. 利润、收益

在商业领域,“juice”也可以表示利润或者收益。比如说,“The company is finally making some real juice this quarter”(这家公司终于在本季度赚了一大笔钱)



1. 发音:首先,我们来说说“juice”的发音。它的读音是/dʒuːs/,其中/dʒ/为“j”的发音,/uː/为长音“u”的发音,/s/为“s”的发音。

2. 读法:接下来我们来谈谈如何正确地读这个单词。首先要注意的是,“juice”应该是一个轻声词,也就是说没有重音。其次,在读这个单词时要注意将/uː/的长音拉长一点,并且在/s/结尾处要轻轻地吐气。

3. 举例子:有些同学可能会问,“那么‘juice’和‘use’的发音不一样吗?”其实它们两个的发音非常相似,只是在第二个字母上有所不同。当我们读“juice”时,嘴唇要稍微向前突出一点;而读“use”时则要稍微闭紧嘴唇。你可以试着对比一下,相信你会发现这个小小的差别。

4. 幽默感:最后,我想和大家分享一个有趣的发音问题。在英语中,“juice”这个单词还有另外一个意思,就是“果汁”。那么如果我们要说“我想喝果汁”,应该怎么说呢?是“I want to drink juice”还是“I want to juice drink”?答案是前者!因为在英语中,动词通常放在名词之前。所以记住了吗?喝果汁就是“drink juice”,不要搞错顺序哦!



1. juice的基本用法


2. 双语例句

- I love drinking fresh orange juice in the morning.


- Can you pass me the tomato juice, please?


- The recipe calls for a cup of apple juice.


- She squeezed the lemon to get its juice.


- This book is full of wisdom, it's like a juice for your mind.



1. Fresh juice: 新鲜果汁

例如:I love drinking fresh juice in the morning.(我喜欢早上喝新鲜果汁。)

2. Juice bar: 果汁吧

例如:Let's go to the juice bar and try their new smoothie.(我们去果汁吧尝尝他们的新冰沙吧。)

3. Juice cleanse: 果汁排毒

例如:I'm doing a three-day juice cleanse to detox my body.(我正在进行为期三天的果汁排毒,清洁我的身体。)

4. Orange juice: 橙汁

例如:Can I have a glass of orange juice with my breakfast?(我可以在早餐时来一杯橙汁吗?)

5. Fruit juice: 水果汁

例如:My favorite fruit juice is pineapple and mango blend.(我最喜欢的水果汁是菠萝和芒果混合的。)

6. Vegetable juice: 蔬菜汁

例如:I like to mix some vegetable juice into my smoothies for added nutrients.(我喜欢在冰沙里加入一些蔬菜汁,增加营养。)

7. Juice carton: 果汁盒子

例如:I always pack a small juice carton in my bag for a quick energy boost during the day.(我总是在包里备一小盒果汁,随时给自己补充能量。)

8. Juice extractor: 果汁机

例如:My mom bought a new juice extractor and we've been experimenting with different juice recipes.(我妈妈买了一台新的果汁机,我们一直在尝试不同的果汁配方。)

9. Juice fast: 果汁断食

例如:Some people do a juice fast to lose weight quickly, but it's not recommended for long-term health.(有些人为了快速减肥进行果汁断食,但这并不建议长期做。)

10. Pulp-free juice: 无果肉果汁

例如:I prefer pulp-free juice because I don't like the texture of fruit pulp in my drink.(我更喜欢无果肉的果汁,因为我不喜欢饮料里有水果渣的质感。)


1. Beverage

- Juice is a popular beverage that is made from the extraction or pressing of fruits and vegetables.

- Beverage is a general term for any drinkable liquid, including juice.

2. Nectar

- Nectar refers to the sweet liquid found in flowers that attracts pollinators, but it can also refer to fruit juice that has been strained or blended.

- Juice can be considered a type of nectar, as it is a sweet liquid derived from fruits and vegetables.

3. Extract

- Extract is a concentrated form of a substance, obtained through a process of extraction.

- Juice can be seen as an extract of the nutrients and flavors found in fruits and vegetables.

4. Elixir

- Elixir is often used to describe a magical or medicinal potion, but it can also refer to a refreshing and invigorating drink.

- Juice can be seen as an elixir for the body, providing essential vitamins and minerals to nourish and revitalize it.

5. Squash

- Squash is a concentrated syrup made from fruit juice, sugar, and water that is mixed with water to make a refreshing drink.

- Juice can be used as an alternative to squash, as it provides natural sweetness without added sugars.

6. Squeeze

- Squeeze refers to the action of pressing something firmly in order to extract its liquid content.

- Juice is often made by squeezing fruits or vegetables in order to extract their juices.

7. Liquid refreshment

- Liquid refreshment refers to any beverage that provides hydration and quenches thirst.

- Juice can be considered a liquid refreshment, providing hydration along with essential vitamins and minerals.

8. Fruit essence

- Fruit essence refers to the concentrated flavors extracted from fruits through distillation or other methods.

- Juice contains the essence of fruits in its concentrated form, providing intense flavor without added sugars or artificial ingredients.

9. Pressing

- Pressing refers to the action of extracting liquid from fruits or vegetables using pressure.

- Juice is often made through pressing, as it is a natural and efficient way to extract the juices from fruits and vegetables.

10. Sip

- Sip refers to the action of drinking something slowly and in small amounts.

- Juice can be enjoyed by sipping, as it is a refreshing and flavorful drink that can be savored with each sip



juicer是什么意思 juicer的中文翻译、读音、例句


2024-04-23 03:29

jufd162 (Fitch)僕のペットは爆乳インストラクター 敏感

今天我给大家带来的是一个令人兴奋的话题——jufd162 (Fitch)。你是否好奇这个标题代表着什么?它究竟是什么含义?在这篇文章中,我将会为你揭开这个神秘的面纱,让你了解jufd162 (

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