

更新时间:2024-05-06 02:55:44作者:留学世界



1. 词源解析



2. 植物特征


3. 色彩含义


4. 文学意义


5. 常见用途


6. 现代文化中的lilac





不过,除了这个含义之外,lilac还有另外一个意思。在英文中,它也可以用来形容某种颜色——淡紫色。所以当你看到“lilac dress”(淡紫色连衣裙)或者“lilac sky”(淡紫色天空)这样的短语时,就知道它们指的是什么了。

如果你想要正确地使用这个单词,在口语中可以用来表示紫丁香花时,可以说“Can you smell the lilacs?”(你能闻到紫丁香花的香味吗?)。而当用来表示颜色时,则可以说“I love your lilac sweater!”(我喜欢你那件淡紫色的毛衣!)


1. 作为女孩名字的lilac

lilac在英文中是紫丁香的意思,因此作为女孩名字时,常被用来表达柔美、优雅和浪漫的气质。例如,著名歌手Miley Cyrus的妹妹Noah Cyrus的英文名就是Lilac。

2. 作为男孩名字的Lilac


3. Lilac作为姓氏

除了作为名字使用外,lilac也可以用作姓氏。例如,著名电影导演Mira Nair的原始姓氏就是Lilac。

4. Lilac在诗歌中的运用

由于紫丁香花语中常被解读为“初恋”的象征,因此lilac也经常出现在诗歌中,表达对初恋或初恋情人的思念和回忆。比如著名诗人Sylvia Plath就曾写过一首诗歌《Lilacs》,描写她对初恋情人的怀念之情。

5. Lilac作为艺术作品的名字

除了在诗歌中的运用外,lilac也经常出现在艺术作品的名称中。例如,美国画家Mary Cassatt就有一幅名为《Lilacs in a Window》的画作,描绘了窗外紫丁香盛开的景象。

6. Lilac作为品牌名称

由于lilac所代表的浪漫和优雅气质,它也经常被用作品牌名称。例如,知名化妆品公司L'Occitane就有一款叫做“Lilac Blossom”的香水


1. Lilac - This is the obvious choice when it comes to English names containing the word "lilac". It is a beautiful and unique name for a girl, inspired by the delicate and fragrant lilac flower.

2. Lilacine - This name is derived from the Latin word "lilacinus" which means "lilac-colored". It is a more uncommon name, but still has a lovely sound to it.

3. Lilach - This is a Hebrew name that also means "lilac". It can be used for both boys and girls, making it a versatile choice.

4. Lila - While not directly related to the word "lilac", this name has a similar sound and feel to it. It means "night" in Arabic, but also has associations with the color purple, which is often associated with lilacs.

5. Lilia - This name comes from the Latin word "lilium" which means "lily". While not exactly the same as lilacs, lilies are also beautiful flowers and share some similarities with lilacs in terms of appearance and fragrance.

6. Lilas - This French name directly translates to "lilac" in English. It has a soft and elegant sound that would make a lovely name for a girl.

7. Lilo - This Hawaiian name means "generous one" or "generous spirit". While not directly related to lilacs, it could be seen as a nod to the generosity of nature in producing such beautiful flowers.

8. Lillias - This is an old English variation of the name Lily, but with an added "s" at the end. It gives it a unique twist while still maintaining its connection to lilies and by extension, lilacs.

9. Lilika - Another variation of Lily, this time with a more exotic twist thanks to its Greek origin. It means "lily" or "pure" and would make a lovely name for a girl.

10. Lilou - This French name means "lily" or "pearl". While not directly related to lilacs, it has a similar delicate and feminine feel to it.

11. Lilavati - This is a Sanskrit name meaning "beautiful woman". It has a poetic sound to it and could be seen as a tribute to the beauty of lilacs.

12. Lilwen - This Welsh name means "white lily". While not exactly the same as lilacs, it still has a connection to the beautiful white flowers that are often associated with them.

13. Lilibet - This is a diminutive form of Elizabeth, but with the added bonus of having "lil" at the beginning. It could be seen as a subtle nod to lilacs while still being a more traditional name.

14. Lileas - This Scottish name means "lily". While not directly related to lilacs, it has a similar sound and feel to it.

15. Liliosa - This Spanish name means "lily-like" or "innocent". It could be seen as another nod to the beauty and purity of lilacs.

16. Lilandria - This unique name doesn't have any specific meaning, but it has a beautiful sound that could be perfect for a little girl. It also contains the letters "li" which could be seen as referencing lilacs.

17. Lilianna - A combination of Lily and Anna, this name means "gracious lily". While not exactly the same as lilacs, it still maintains its connection to lilies and their beauty.

18. Lilikaia - Another unique option, this name doesn't have any specific meaning but has an exotic sound that could make for an interesting choice for a girl's name.

19. Lillith - This name has Hebrew origins and means "of the night" or "night monster". While not directly related to lilacs, it could be seen as a nod to their beautiful and fragrant blooms that often open at night.

20. Lilav - This Hindi name means "beloved" or "darling". It has a sweet and endearing sound that could make for a lovely name for a girl


1. 翻译行业中的新兴术语


2. lilac的含义


3. 在翻译领域中,“lilac”指什么?


4. lilac在翻译行业中的重要性


5. 如何实现“lilac”级别的翻译?



lilac这个词源自阿拉伯语“lilak”,意为“紫色的花朵”。它不仅仅是一种花卉,更是一种美丽和浪漫的象征。在英文名中,lilac也被广泛应用,给人们带来了无限的想象空间。比如著名的歌手Lilac Wine、小说家Lilac Girls以及电影《The Lilac Bus》等。此外,在翻译行业中,lilac也有着重要的作用,常被用来代表柔和、浪漫和优雅等特质。作为网站编辑,我也深深被lilac这个词所吸引,并希望通过本文能够让更多人了解它的魅力。如果你也喜欢lilac,就请关注我们吧!我是网站编辑,期待与你分享更多有趣的内容。




2024-05-06 02:29

likeyou 的翻译是


2024-05-06 02:05



2024-05-06 01:42



2024-05-06 01:18



2024-05-05 23:57

Like you 的翻译是

你是否曾经遇到过一些不熟悉的词汇,却又想要了解它们的含义和用法?比如,最近流行的翻译词汇 "Like you",你是否也想知道它的真正含义是什么?是一种赞美还是一种嘲讽?又或者是一种

2024-05-05 23:38