

更新时间:2024-05-08 14:17:50作者:留学世界




1. 什么是local?


2. 形容词local的含义

作为形容词,local通常用来描述与特定地区或地方相关的事物。它可以表示某物是本地的、当地的、区域性的或局部的。例如,“I prefer to eat at local restaurants rather than chain ones”(我更喜欢在当地餐厅吃饭,而不是连锁店)。

3. 名词local的含义


3.1 当地居民:这是最常见的用法。Local指代某个特定地区或社区的居民。例如,“The locals are very friendly and welcoming”(当地人非常友好和热情)。

3.2 地方性产品:某些产品只能在特定地区生产或出售,这些产品就被称为local products(当地产品)。例如,“This market specializes in selling local produce”(这个市场专门售卖当地农产品)。

3.3 地方性活动:某些活动只能在特定地区才能进行,这些活动就被称为local activities(当地活动)。例如,“The town's annual festival is a popular local event”(这个城镇每年的节日是一项受欢迎的当地活动)。

3.4 地方性组织:local还可以指代某个特定地区的组织或机构。例如,“The local government is responsible for maintaining the city's infrastructure”(当地政府负责维护城市的基础设施)。

4. local在商业领域的用法

除了以上常见用法外,local在商业领域也有特殊含义。它可以指代某个公司或品牌在本地市场的表现和影响力。例如,“The company has been successful in establishing a strong local presence”(该公司已成功建立了强大的本地影响力)。



1. 发音:local的发音为/ˈləʊkəl/,其中/l/发音为舌尖与上齿龈接触,/əʊ/发音为开口元音,/k/发音为清辅音,/əl/发音为舌尖轻触上颚,最后的/l/发音为舌尖抵住上齿龈。

2. 读法:local一词的读法比较简单,按照英文单词的读法规则即可。首先读出/ləʊkəl/中的/ləʊ/部分,注意要将嘴唇张开成一个大圆形,并且舌头放平。接着读出/kəl/部分,注意要将舌头抵住上颚并带有一点轻微的气息。最后将两部分连起来即可得到/local/这个单词的正确发音。

3. 音标解析:

- /ˈl/: 这个符号表示重读音节,在单词local中就是第一个字母l。

- /ə/: 这个符号表示弱元音,在英语中有很多单词都会出现这个元音,比如the、a、of等等。

- /ʊ/: 这个符号表示闭口后元音,在英语中也被称作"短u"。

- /k/: 这个符号表示清辅音,发音时要将舌头抵住上颚,然后突然放开。

- /əl/: 这个符号表示轻辅音加元音,发音时要将舌头轻轻抵住上颚,然后带有一点气息。

4. 发音技巧:

- 注意/l/和/əʊ/两个元音的发音位置,/l/是舌尖与上齿龈接触,而/əʊ/是开口元音。

- 读到最后的/l/时,要让舌头抵住上齿龈,并带有一点气息。

- 可以多练习一些单词中含有这两个元音的单词,比如slow、snow、flow等等。

5. 读法注意事项:

- local一词中的"o"并不代表读作/o:/,而是一个开口元音/əʊ/。

- 注意不要将/kəl/部分读作/kɑːl/,这样就会变成另外一个单词了


1. local是指本地的、当地的意思,在翻译行业中也有着类似的含义。

2. 在翻译领域,local通常指的是当地的语言或文化,即母语水平或者具有当地文化背景的翻译人员。

3. 由于不同地区、不同国家有着不同的语言和文化背景,因此在翻译过程中,需要选择具有当地特色的local翻译人员来确保准确传达信息。

4. 与外国人交流时,local翻译人员可以更好地理解和表达当地特有的语言和文化习惯,从而避免因为文化差异而产生误解。

5. 在某些情况下,local也可以指当地市场或者本土化服务。例如,一些跨国公司需要将产品或服务本土化,在这种情况下,需要hire local translators来进行专业的本土化翻译工作。

6. 总之,在翻译行业中,local指代着具有当地语言和文化背景、能够更好地理解和传达信息的专业翻译人员。选择合适的local翻译人员可以确保准确传达信息,并且更加符合当地受众的阅读习惯


1. Local market: 当地市场

例句:I love shopping at the local market for fresh produce.


2. Local cuisine: 当地美食

例句:You have to try the local cuisine when you visit this city.


3. Local customs: 当地习俗

例句:It's important to respect and learn about local customs when traveling to a new place.


4. Local language: 当地语言

例句:I'm trying to learn the local language so I can communicate with the locals better.


5. Support local businesses: 支持本土企业

例句:It's important to support local businesses in order to boost the economy of your community.


6. Shop locally: 在本地购物

例句:I always try to shop locally instead of buying from big chain stores.


7. Local talent: 本土人才

例句:This city is known for its abundance of local talent in the arts and music scene.


8. Local news: 当地新闻

例句:I like to stay updated on local news to know what's happening in my community.


9. Local weather: 当地天气

例句:The local weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow.


10. Local landmark: 当地标志性建筑/景点

例句:The Eiffel Tower is a famous local landmark in Paris.



1. Native

同义词:indigenous, domestic, homegrown


- The local people were very welcoming and showed us around their village.

- This plant is native to this area and cannot be found anywhere else.

- We are proud to support local businesses and promote domestic products.

- The homegrown talent in our city never ceases to amaze me.

2. Regional

同义词:territorial, provincial, district


- The company has expanded its operations to cover regional markets.

- This issue is of territorial importance and must be handled carefully.

- Our provincial government is working on policies to improve the local economy.

- The district council has implemented new regulations for waste management.

3. Community-based

同义词:grassroots, neighborhood, communal


- We need to involve more community-based organizations in our project.

- This grassroots movement aims to promote environmental sustainability.

- Our neighborhood is known for its strong sense of community and support for each other.

- The communal living arrangement in this village has been passed down for generations.

4. Homey

同义词:cozy, comfortable, familiar


- The local café has a homey atmosphere that makes you want to stay all day.

- I love staying at my friend's house because it feels so cozy and welcoming.

- This hotel room doesn't feel like home, but it's definitely comfortable enough for a short stay.

- Despite being in a new city, the streets had a familiar feel that made me feel at ease.

5. Vernacular

同义词:local dialect, colloquial language, regional speech


- It was difficult for me to understand the locals' vernacular at first, but I picked it up quickly.

- The use of colloquial language in this book adds to its authenticity and local flavor.

- Each region has its own unique vernacular that reflects its culture and history.

- The regional speech in this play adds a layer of depth to the characters' personalities.

6. Autochthonous

同义词:aboriginal, native-born, autochthonic


- The autochthonous people of this land have a rich cultural heritage.

- He is proud to be a native-born citizen of this country.

- The aboriginal community has been fighting for their rights and recognition for years.

- This region is known for its autochthonic traditions and customs.

7. Provincial

同义词:local, regional, district


- Our provincial government has implemented new policies to support small businesses.

- This local festival celebrates the traditional customs of the region.

- The district court handles all cases related to local disputes.

- As a regional language, it is primarily spoken in the surrounding provinces.

8. Indigenous

同义词:native, aboriginal, original


- The indigenous people have a deep connection with the land and nature.

- This plant is indigenous to this area and cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

- The original inhabitants of this land were forced out by colonizers centuries ago.

- We must respect the traditions and beliefs of the aboriginal communities living here.

9. Homegrown

同义词:local, domestic, native


- We are proud to support homegrown businesses that contribute to our economy.

- This local artist's work has gained international recognition.

- Domestic products are often more affordable than imported ones.

- These native plants add a touch of beauty to our garden.

10. Regionalized

同义词:localized, decentralized, provincialized


- The company has regionalized its operations to better serve its customers.

- The localized approach to this issue has been more effective in finding solutions.

- Decentralization of power has led to more autonomy for regional governments.

- This province has been provincialized and is now considered a separate entity from the rest of the country


上一篇: chair英语怎么念


localised 的翻译是


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