

更新时间:2024-05-14 14:13:43作者:留学世界




1. Makelove的英文翻译是什么?

Makelove的英文翻译是“make love”。这个短语由两个单词组成,分别是“make”和“love”。其中,“make”的意思是“制造、创造、做”等,而“love”的意思是“爱、喜爱、钟爱”等。因此,整个短语的意思可以理解为“制造爱、创造爱”。

2. Makelove的含义是什么?


3. Makelove和have sex有什么区别?

Makelove和have sex都可以用来表示性行为,但它们之间有着微妙的区别。Makelove更加强调性行为中蕴含着深厚的情感和爱意,而have sex则更加偏向于生理上的欲望和满足。另外,在一些文化中,makelove也被视为一种浪漫而温柔的方式来表达爱意,而have sex则更加直接和粗鲁。

4. Makelove的用法示例

a. They spent the whole night making love.


b. I can feel that he truly loves me when we make love.


c. She believes that makelove is an important part of a healthy relationship.


5. Makelove和其他相关短语

除了makelove,还有许多其他与性行为相关的短语,如have sex、make out、sleep together等。它们之间也有着微妙的区别,但总的来说都可以用来表示两个人之间发生性关系。此外,还有一些更加委婉的表达方式,比如intimate、be intimate with等





makelove的正确发音为/meɪk lʌv/。其中,make的发音为/meɪk/,love的发音为/lʌv/。


在英语中,通常不会直接使用makelove这个短语来表达“做爱”的意思。相反,人们更倾向于使用其他词汇来描述这一行为。比如,“have sex”、“make love”、“get intimate”等等。因此,在日常交流中,并不推荐直接使用makelove这个短语。




除了上面提到的几个常用表达外,还有一些其他的方式可以用来表达做爱。比如,“have sexual intercourse”、“engage in sexual activity”、“have intimate relations”等等。根据不同的语境和场合,我们可以灵活运用这些表达来描述做爱这一行为。


由于makelove这个短语在英语中并不常用,因此在使用时要注意避免误解。如果想要表达“制造爱”的意思,可以使用make love to someone或者make love with someone这样的表达。如果想要表达“做爱”的意思,可以使用其他更加常用的表达方式


1. 什么是makelove?


2. makelove的用法


3. makelove的双语例句

- She wants to makelove with him tonight. (她想今晚和他做爱。)

- They were making love when the phone rang. (电话响起时他们正在做爱。)

- He doesn't just want to have sex, he wants to makelove with her. (他不只是想要性行为,他想和她做爱。)

- The couple was caught in the act of making love by their nosy neighbor. (这对夫妻被好事邻居撞见正在做爱。)

- She whispered "I love you" while they were making love. (她在两人做爱时低声说着“我爱你”。)

4. makelove与其他翻译的区别

在英语中,“make love”与“have sex”都可以表示性行为,但它们有着不同的含义和语气。相比之下,“have sex”更加直接和粗俗,而“make love”则更加浪漫和温柔。因此,在翻译时要根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式。

5. makelove的同义词

除了“make love”,还有一些其他的动词可以用来表示性行为,如“have sex”、“sleep together”、“get intimate”等。它们之间也有着不同的语气和含义,需要根据具体情况进行选择


1. Love-making: 爱做爱的过程,也可以用来指性行为。

2. Get intimate: 变得亲密,通常指两个人开始建立感情关系。

3. Make out: 亲吻,也可以指性爱。

4. Get physical: 发生肉体上的接触,通常指性行为。

5. Get frisky: 变得兴奋,通常指想要发生性行为。

6. Be intimate: 亲密地相处,也可以指性行为。

7. Have sex: 发生性关系。

8. Get it on: 发生性关系,也可以用来形容两个人之间的激情或热情。

9. Hook up: 建立一夜情或者短期的性伴侣关系。

10. Have a fling: 短暂的恋爱或者情感关系


1. Make love - This is the direct translation of "makelove" in English and it means to engage in sexual intercourse with someone.

2. Have sex - This is another common way of saying "makelove" in English. It is a more straightforward and explicit term for sexual activity.

3. Intimate relations - This phrase refers to the physical and emotional connection between two people during sexual activity, making it a suitable synonym for "makelove".

4. Get intimate - Similar to "intimate relations", this phrase also implies a deeper level of intimacy and connection between two people during sexual activity.

5. Be intimate - This phrase can also be used as a synonym for "makelove" and it emphasizes the emotional aspect of the act rather than just the physical.

6. Make out - This term is often used to describe passionate kissing or heavy petting, but it can also be used as a euphemism for sexual intercourse.

7. Get busy - This phrase can be used as a playful way of saying "makelove" and it implies that both partners are actively engaged in fulfilling each other's desires.

8. Get intimate with someone - Similar to "get intimate", this phrase also emphasizes the emotional connection between two people during sexual activity.

9. Have relations - This is another euphemism for sexual intercourse and can be used as a synonym for "makelove".

10. Get romantic - While not directly referring to sexual activity, this phrase implies doing something romantic or affectionate with someone, which could lead to making love.

These are just some examples of synonyms for "makelove" in English. It is important to note that each term may have different connotations and should be used appropriately depending on the context and relationship between partners

makelove的英文翻译是“make love”,读作/māk ˈləv/。它可以用作动词,表示“做爱”;也可以用作名词,表示“性爱”。在日常生活中,我们常常会用到这个词来表达爱情和亲密关系。比如,我和我的伴侣每天晚上都会makelove,这让我们的感情更加稳固。另外,还有一些相关的表达方式,比如“make love to someone”表示“与某人做爱”,“make love with someone”则表示“与某人共同享受性爱”。总之,makelove是一个非常常用的词汇,在英语中也有很多类似的表达方式。最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望大家喜欢我的文章,并且关注我们网站获取更多有趣的内容。谢谢!


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