

更新时间:2024-05-24 05:09:21作者:留学世界





1. 减号

首先,我们最熟悉的意思就是减号。在数学中,我们用它来表示两个数相减的运算符号。比如,“5 minus 3”就是“5减去3”的意思。

2. 负数

除了减号,minus也可以表示负数的意思。比如,“minus 5”就是负五的意思。

3. 缺少、缺失

除了数学术语外,在日常生活中我们也经常会用到minus这个词。比如,“我的钱包里少了20美元”,可以说“My wallet is minus 20 dollars”。

4. 消极、不利

此外,minus还可以表示消极或不利的意思。比如,“她对这项工作持消极态度”,可以说“She has a minus attitude towards this job”。

5. 不包括、除去


1. minus的发音


2. minus的含义

除了表示减号外,minus还可以作为名词和动词使用。作为名词时,它指代负数或缺点;作为动词时,它的意思是减去或扣除。例如,“The temperature is minus 10 degrees.”(温度是零下10度),“He always sees the minus side of things.”(他总是看事物的缺点),“You need to minus the tax from your total income.”(你需要从总收入中扣除税款)。

3. 近义词

在口语中,人们可能会用一些近义词来替代minus。比如,“subtract”(减去)、“take away”(拿走)、“deduct”(扣除)等都可以表示减法运算。但在数学术语中,这些词并不完全等同于minus。

4. 拼写和用法注意事项

当我们把minus作为形容词使用时,要注意它的拼写形式。比如,“a minus sign”(一个减号)、“a minus temperature”(一个零下的温度)。此外,minus也可以作为前缀加在其他词前面,表示“负”的意思,比如“minus sign”(负号)、“minus value”(负值)。

5. 在口语中的常用表达

除了数学运算外,minus还有一些常见的用法。比如,“on the minus side”(从消极的角度来看)、“minus one point”(扣一分)、“minus one vote”(反对一票)等。这些表达在日常生活中都比较常见,如果我们想要表达某种消极或否定的意思,可以使用这些短语。



1. minus的读音是[ˈmaɪnəs],简单来说就是“迈纳斯”。

2. minus作为一个英语单词,有多种用法,下面就为大家介绍几种常见的用法,并附上双语例句。

a) 作为名词,表示“减号”,常用于数学和物理学中。例如:5 minus 3 equals 2. (5减3等于2)

b) 作为形容词,表示“负的”,常用于描述数字或情绪。例如:He has a minus attitude towards life. (他对生活有消极的态度)

c) 作为动词,表示“减去”,常用于数学和计算机领域。例如:You can't just minus expenses from your income. (你不能仅仅从收入中减去支出)

d) 作为副词,表示“除去”,常用于描述某件事物缺少某种特征。例如:He is smart, minus the arrogance. (他很聪明,除了那种傲慢的态度)

e) 在口语中,还可以用来表示“没有”,相当于英语中的“No”。例如:Minus my friends, I wouldn't have had such a great time at the party. (如果没有我的朋友们,我在派对上就不会玩得那么开心了)

f) 最后要提到的是,在一些特定的场合,minus也可以作为“差距”或“缺点”的意思。例如:The minus of this product is its high price. (这个产品的缺点是价格太高)


1. "Minus" is pronounced as [ˈmaɪnəs], which is simply "maɪ-nəs".

2. As an English word, "minus" has multiple uses. Here are some common ones with bilingual examples.

a) As a noun, it means "subtract sign" and is often used in math and physics. For example: 5 minus 3 equals 2.

b) As an adjective, it means "negative" and is used to describe numbers or emotions. For example: He has a minus attitude towards life.

c) As a verb, it means "to subtract" and is commonly used in math and computer fields. For example: You can't just minus expenses from your income.

d) As an adverb, it means "without" and is used to describe something lacking a certain feature. For example: He is smart, minus the arrogance.

e) In spoken language, it can also be used to mean "no", similar to the English word "no". For example: Minus my friends, I wouldn't have had such a great time at the party.

f) Lastly, in specific contexts, "minus" can also mean "gap" or "disadvantage". For example: The minus of this product is its high price.

No matter which usage you choose, "minus" always conveys a sense of reduction or lack, so use it flexibly to make your English expression more authentic


1. "minus one" - 减一,通常用于倒数计时,如"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one... minus one! Happy New Year!"

2. "minus sign" - 减号,用于表示减法运算,如4-2=2中的"-"就是减号。

3. "minus temperature" - 负温度,指低于零度的温度,如零下十度可以表示为"-10 degrees".

4. "minus point" - 缺点,指某事物或人的不足之处,如"He is a great speaker, but his lack of humor is a minus point."

5. "minus size" - 小尺寸,通常用于衣服或鞋子的尺码较小的情况,相反的词组为"plus size".

6. "minus points" - 扣分项,在考试或比赛中指得分较少或犯规等会被扣分的情况。

7. "minus world" - 负世界,在游戏中指隐藏关卡或秘密地图等。

8. "minus person" - 消极的人,指总是抱怨、消沉、悲观的人。

9. "double minus" - 双倍减少,在商业交易中指价格大幅下降或折扣力度加大。

10. "life minus" - 生活压力大,在日常生活中指工作、学习、家庭等压力过大的状态


1. Negative

- Did you know that "minus" can also be read as "negative"? It's true! So the next time you see a minus sign in math, just remember it's the same as saying "negative."

2. Less

- Another way to read "minus" is "less." For example, if you have 5 apples and someone takes away 2, you can say that you have 5 minus 2 apples. But instead of saying "minus," you can also say "less." So now you have 3 apples.

3. Reduce

- When something is taken away or decreased, we can also use the word "reduce." So if your salary gets reduced by $100, it means that your salary is now $100 less than before. And in this case, we can also say that your salary has been reduced by $100.

4. Subtract

- In math, we use the word "subtract" to mean taking away one number from another. This is another synonym for "minus." For example, if you need to subtract 7 from 10, you can say 10 minus 7 or simply subtract 7 from 10.

5. Decrease

- Just like how we use "reduce" to mean taking away or decreasing something, we can also use the word "decrease" as a synonym for "minus." So if your weight decreases by 5 pounds, it means that your weight has been reduced by 5 pounds.

6. Minuend and Subtrahend

- These two words may sound complicated, but they are actually just fancy terms for the numbers used in subtraction. The number being subtracted from (minuend) and the number being subtracted (subtrahend). So when we say “10 minus 7,” “10” is the minuend and “7” is the subtrahend.

7. Take away

- Lastly, we have the common phrase "take away" as another synonym for "minus." This is often used in everyday conversation, especially when talking about food. For example, if you take away 3 slices of pizza from a whole pizza, you can say that you have 1 minus 3 slices of pizza left.

So there you have it, multiple ways to read and use "minus" in English. Whether it's in math or everyday conversations, now you know some synonyms for this commonly used word. So go ahead and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge!





2024-05-24 04:43



2024-05-24 04:17

minority是什么意思 minority的中文翻译、读音、例句


2024-05-24 03:49



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