

更新时间:2024-10-16 15:13:18作者:留学世界





1. 眼睛的窗户


2. 表达情绪


3. 身体健康指标


4. 眼睛中的小世界



1. 令人困惑的发音:是“pyoo-puhlz”还是“pyoo-pahyz”?

2. 其实很简单:它的正确发音是“pyoo-puhlz”,和单词“people”的结尾发音相同。

3. 你可能听过的错误发音:有些人会把它念成“pee-yoo-ls”,这其实是不正确的。

4. 这个词的意思:pupils指的是学生,特指小学生或中学生。

5. 但也有其他含义:在医学上,pupils还可以指眼睛中的瞳孔部分。

6. 来自拉丁语:这个词源于拉丁语中的“pupillus”,意为“小孩子”。

7. 和英语中另一个单词有关:pupils和英语中另一个常用单词“pupil”有关,它们都来自同一个拉丁语根词。

8. 不要搞混了:虽然两个单词拼写相似,但意思完全不同。pupil指的是老师教导的学生,而pupils则是一群学生。

9. 现在你知道了:所以下次遇到这个单词时,记住要说“pyoo-puhlz”,而不是其他奇怪的发音哦!


1. What is the meaning of "pupils" in English?

"Pupils" is the plural form of the word "pupil", which refers to a young student who is learning under the guidance of a teacher.

2. How to use "pupils" in a sentence?

- The teacher was impressed by her pupils' enthusiasm for learning.

- The school has over 500 pupils enrolled this year.

- The pupils were excited to go on a field trip to the zoo.

3. Other forms of "pupil":

- Singular: pupil

- Adjective: pupilless (without pupils), pupilary (related to pupils)

4. Synonyms for "pupils":

students, learners, scholars, disciples

5. Antonyms for "pupils":

teachers, instructors, educators

6. Examples of using "pupils" in different contexts:

- In biology class, we learned about the structure and function of our pupils.

- The teacher noticed that one of her pupils was struggling with math and offered extra help after class.

- As part of their community service project, the high school pupils volunteered at a local nursing home.

7. Idioms related to "pupils":

- To be an eager pupil: to be enthusiastic and eager to learn

Example: She was always an eager pupil and excelled in all her classes.

- To be a slow pupil: to have difficulty understanding or learning

Example: He was considered a slow pupil in math but with extra help from his teacher, he improved significantly.

8. Common mistakes when using "pupils":

- Confusing it with "students": While both words refer to learners, students are usually older and in higher levels of education compared to pupils.

- Using it as an adjective instead of a noun: Remember that "pupil" is a noun and cannot be used as an adjective.

Incorrect: The pupilless girl was born with a rare condition.

Correct: The girl without pupils was born with a rare condition.

9. Translation of "pupils" in different languages:

- Spanish: alumnos

- French: élèves

- German: Schüler

- Italian: alunni

- Portuguese: alunos

10. Conclusion:

In English, "pupils" refers to young students who are learning under the guidance of a teacher. It is important to use this word correctly and avoid common mistakes, such as using it as an adjective or confusing it with "students". By understanding its meaning and usage, you can effectively communicate about pupils in both written and spoken English


1. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed: 意为充满精神和活力的,形容学生们在学习中充满热情和活力。

2. A sea of eager faces: 意为一片渴望的面孔,用来形容学生们充满期待地等待老师的指导。

3. A fountain of knowledge: 意为知识的源泉,用来形容学生们从老师那里汲取知识。

4. The apple of the teacher's eye: 意为老师心目中的宝贝,用来形容老师对学生们的喜爱和关怀。

5. The cream of the crop: 意为精英中的精英,用来形容学生们中最优秀、最出色的人才。

6. A bundle of energy: 意为充满活力的一束能量,用来形容年轻的学生们充满活力和活跃。

7. A breath of fresh air: 意为新鲜空气,用来比喻年轻有活力的学生给教育界注入新鲜血液。

8. The future leaders: 意为未来领袖,用来形容年轻一代将成为国家未来发展的领导者。

9. Budding talents: 意为潜力无限的人才,用来形容学生们具有巨大的发展潜力。

10. A ray of hope: 意为一线希望,用来形容年轻的学生们带来的希望和改变


1. Students - This is a commonly used synonym for pupils and refers to individuals who are enrolled in a school or educational institution.

2. Learners - This term also refers to students, but emphasizes the process of acquiring knowledge and skills rather than just being enrolled in a school.

3. Scholars - This word is often used to describe students who are highly dedicated and excel academically.

4. Disciples - This term has religious connotations and can be used to refer to students who are devoted followers of a particular teacher or mentor.

5. Novices - This word is often used to describe pupils who are new or inexperienced in a particular subject or field of study.

6. Prodigies - This term refers to exceptionally talented pupils who possess natural abilities in a certain area, such as music or mathematics.

7. Apprentices - This word is commonly used to describe pupils who are learning a trade or skill under the guidance of a skilled professional.

8. Protégés - Similar to disciples, this term refers to students who are mentored by someone more experienced and knowledgeable in their field of study.

9. Trainees - This term is often used in professional settings and refers to individuals who are undergoing training for a specific job or role.

10. Pupils' synonyms related to age:

- Children/Youth/Teens - These words can be used interchangeably with pupils, but specifically refer to individuals within certain age ranges.

- Minors/Juveniles/Adolescents - These terms also refer to young individuals, but may have legal implications depending on the context.

- Students-in-training/Pupils-in-training/Learners-in-training - These phrases emphasize the fact that these individuals are still developing their skills and knowledge through education.

- Youngsters/Kids/Tots/Juniors/Schoolchildren/Schoolkids/Schoolers/Students-to-be/Little ones - These terms are more informal and may be used to refer to younger pupils


上一篇: Amalie[艾米莉




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