更新时间:2024-11-09 21:07:21作者:留学世界
首先,让我们来看一下字面意思。作为形容词,“thirsty”的意思是“口渴的”。它通常用来描述一个人需要喝水的状态,比如:“I'm really thirsty, can I have some water?”(我非常口渴,可以给我点水吗?)但是,在英语中,“thirsty”还有一些其他的含义。
此外,“thirsty”还可以用来形容一种迫切的需求。比如,如果你很饿,可以说“I'm so thirsty for some food right now.”(我现在非常渴望吃点东西。)或者当你对某个事情充满热情、渴求时,也可以说“I'm really thirsty for this opportunity.”(我非常渴望这个机会。)
(1) be thirsty: 口渴,表示自己处于一种需要喝水的状态。
例句:I've been walking for hours, I'm really thirsty now.
(2) get thirsty: 变得口渴,指人在某种情况下感觉到口干舌燥。
例句:After running for 30 minutes, I started to get really thirsty.
(3) feel thirsty: 感觉口渴,指人有一种需要喝水的感觉。
例句:I always feel thirsty after eating spicy food.
(4) quench one's thirst: 解渴,指通过喝水来满足自己的口渴感。
例句:There's nothing better than a cold glass of water to quench your thirst on a hot day.
(5) parched with thirst: 口干舌燥,形容极度口渴。
例句:After hiking in the desert for hours, we were parched with thirst.
(1) thirsty for knowledge: 对知识渴求,指对学*和获取知识有强烈的欲望。
例句:She's always been thirsty for knowledge, that's why she decided to pursue a PhD.
(2) thirsty for success: 渴望成功,指对取得成就和成功有强烈的渴求。
例句:He's always been thirsty for success, that's why he works so hard and never gives up.
(3) thirsty for adventure: 渴望冒险,指对探索和冒险有强烈的兴趣。
例句:She's always been thirsty for adventure, that's why she loves traveling to new places.
(1) parched: 口干舌燥的,形容极度口渴。
例句:After running a marathon, I was parched and desperately needed water.
(2) dehydrated: 脱水的,指身体缺乏水分。
例句:If you don't drink enough water, you'll become dehydrated and feel very weak.
(3) dry mouth: 口干,指嘴里没有足够的唾液,感觉非常干燥。
例句:After eating too much salty food, I always wake up with a dry mouth.
(4) thirsty as a camel: 像骆驼一样口渴,指极度口渴。
例句:I've been hiking in the desert all day, I'm as thirsty as a camel now.
(5) dying of thirst: 渴死了,形容非常非常口渴。
例句:After playing soccer for 2 hours, I was dying of thirst and needed to drink a lot of water.
1. “thirsty”的基本含义是“口渴的”,但在英语中它还有其他的用法哦!
2. 在俚语中,“thirsty”也可以指代渴望、迫切想要的意思,比如“I'm thirsty for success.”(我渴望成功。)
3. 如果说一个人“thirsty for attention”,则表示他或她渴望得到关注。
4. 在网络用语中,“thirsty”也经常被用来形容那些过于追求认可和赞美的人,比如“She's so thirsty for likes on social media.”(她太渴望在社交媒体上获得点赞了。)
5. “thirsty”也可以被用来形容酒精饮料,比如“Are you thirsty for a beer?”(你想喝点啤酒吗?)
6. 双语例句:
- I'm so thirsty, can you get me a glass of water?(我好渴,你能给我拿杯水吗?)
- She's been working hard all day, she must be thirsty for a cold drink.(她一整天都在努力工作,一定很想喝冷饮了。)
- The plants in my garden are looking very thirsty, I need to water them soon.(我花园里的植物看起来很干渴,我需要尽快给它们浇水。)
- He's always posting selfies on social media, he must be really thirsty for attention.(他总是在社交媒体上发自拍,一定是非常渴望得到关注。)
- After running for an hour, I was so thirsty for a cold beer.(跑了一个小时后,我渴望喝一杯冰啤酒。)
1. Thirsty for knowledge - 渴求知识
这个词组中的thirsty表示“渴求,渴望”,常用来形容对知识的渴求。例如:“He is always thirsty for knowledge and spends most of his time reading books.”(他总是渴求知识,大部分时间都在阅读书籍。)
2. Thirsty for success - 渴望成功
在这个词组中,thirsty也表示“渴望”,但是指的是对成功的渴望。例如:“The young entrepreneur was thirsty for success and worked tirelessly to achieve his goals.”(年轻的企业家渴望成功,不辞辛劳地努力实现自己的目标。)
3. Thirsty for adventure - 渴求冒险
Thirsty在这个词组中表示“渴求”,指的是对冒险和刺激的渴望。例如:“She has always been thirsty for adventure, so she decided to go backpacking in South America.”(她一直渴求冒险,所以决定去南美洲背包旅行。)
4. Thirsty for revenge - 渴望复仇
这个词组中的thirsty意为“渴望”,但是指的是对复仇的渴求。例如:“The protagonist was thirsty for revenge after his family was killed by the villain.”(主角因为家人被反派杀害而怀着复仇的渴望。)
5. Thirsty for power - 渴求权力
在这个词组中,thirsty表示“渴求”,指的是对权力的渴望。例如:“The corrupt politician was always thirsty for power and would do anything to stay in office.”(腐败的政治家总是渴求权力,不惜一切手段来保住自己的职位。)
6. Thirsty for change - 渴望改变
Thirsty在这个词组中表示“渴望”,指的是对改变的渴求。例如:“The citizens were thirsty for change and demanded a new government.”(市民们渴望改变,要求换届政府。)
7. Thirsty for love - 渴望爱情
这个词组中的thirsty意为“渴望”,但是指的是对爱情的渴求。例如:“She had been single for a long time and was getting thirsty for love.”(她已经单身很久了,开始渐渐地渴望爱情。)
8. Thirsty for attention - 渴求关注
在这个词组中,thirsty表示“渴求”,指的是对关注和重视的渴望。例如:“The child was always acting out because he was thirsty for attention from his busy parents.”(这个孩子总是表现出问题行为,因为他需要忙碌的父母给予更多关注。)
9. Thirsty for change - 渴望改变
Thirsty在这个词组中表示“渴望”,指的是对改变的渴求。例如:“The employees were thirsty for change and demanded better working conditions.”(员工们渴望改变,要求更好的工作条件。)
10. Thirsty for success - 渴望成功
这个词组中的thirsty意为“渴望”,但是指的是对成功的渴求。例如:“The athlete was always thirsty for success and trained hard every day.”(这位运动员总是渴望成功,每天都会努力训练。)
1. Parched: 干渴的
2. Dehydrated: 脱水的
3. Craving: 渴望的
4. Hungry: 饥渴的
5. Yearning: 渴望的
6. Desperate: 绝望的
7. Thirsting: 口渴的
8. Longing: 渴望的
9. Eager: 渴望的
10. Craving for: 对...渴求
thirsty是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是口渴的。我们可以通过正确的发音和正确的用法来更好地运用这个词。例如,在夏天的炎热天气里,我们可以说“I am thirsty”来表达自己口渴了。除了基本用法外,我们还可以通过学*一些常用的词组和同义词来丰富自己的词汇量,从而更加流利地表达自己。希望通过本文的介绍,大家对thirsty有了更深入的了解,并且能够在日常生活中灵活运用。我是网站编辑,喜欢就关注我吧!让我们一起学*更多有趣、实用的英语知识吧!