更新时间:2024-11-12 09:22:28作者:留学世界
1. tried的基本含义
Tried是英文中的一个形容词,意思是“经过考验的”、“经过实践的”、“经历过的”。它通常用来形容某件事物或某个人具有可靠性、可信赖性,经过验证或证明有效。例如:“这种方法已被证明是有效的,它是tried and tested(经过验证和测试)的。”
2. tried在不同语境下的含义
除了基本含义外,tried还可以指“曾试图过但失败了”的意思。例如:“他曾尝试过改变自己,但最终还是回到了原来的样子。他是一个tried but failed(曾试图但失败了)的人。”
此外,在法律领域中,tried也可以指“已被审判”的意思。例如:“这名被告已被判定有罪,他将在下周接受tried and convicted(审判和定罪)。”
3. tried与其他词汇搭配使用
a. well-tried:指“经受考验的”,强调某物或某人经历了多次测试或实践后仍然表现出色。例如:“这种方法是well-tried and effective(经受考验且有效)的。”
b. tried-and-true:也表示“经受考验的”,强调某物或某人在多次实践中被证明是可靠的。例如:“这位老师的教学方法是tried-and-true(经受考验的)。”
c. tried and tested:与tried and true意思相同,也表示“经过验证的”。例如:“这种产品是tried and tested(经过验证的),可以放心使用。”
4. 其他相关表达
a. trial and error:指“反复试验”的意思,强调通过不断尝试来找到最佳解决方案。例如:“我们只能通过trial and error(反复试验)来解决这个问题。”
b. trial run:指“试运行”的意思,通常用于测试新产品或系统。例如:“在正式推出之前,我们会先进行几次trial runs(试运行)。”
c. put to the test:指“经受考验”的意思,强调某物或某人将被置于困难或挑战中以测试其能力或可靠性。例如:“这项计划将在接下来的几个月内被put to the test(经受考验)。”
1. 读音:[traɪd]
2. 英文意思:尝试、试图
3. 源自:动词try的过去式和过去分词形式,常用于表示已经做过某事或经历过某种情况。
4. 使用场景:可以用于表达对某件事情的尝试或努力,也可以表示曾经经历过某种情况。
5. 例句:
- I tried my best to finish the project on time, but it was just too difficult.
- Have you ever tried skydiving before? It's an amazing experience!
6. 幽默应用:
- Tried and tested: 经过尝试和验证的,表示经受过考验。
- Been there, done that, tried everything: 已经经历过了,做过了,也尝试了各种方法
1. 什么是tried?
2. tried作为动词时的用法
a. 表示尝试:I tried to fix the car, but I couldn't figure out what was wrong.
b. 表示努力:She tried her best to finish the project on time.
c. 表示检验、验证:The scientist tried different methods to prove his theory.
3. tried作为形容词时的用法
a. 表示经过实验或检验后被证明有效或可靠:This is a tried and tested method for losing weight.
b. 表示经受过考验、有经验丰富:He is a tried and true friend who has always been there for me.
4. 双语例句
a. I have never tried sushi before, but I'm willing to give it a try.
b. He tried his hand at painting, but soon realized it wasn't his talent.
c. The company has tried various marketing strategies, but none of them seem to be working.
1. Have you ever tried...? - 你有没有试过...?
2. Tried and true - 经过实践证明的,经得起考验的
3. Tried and tested - 经过试验的,经受过考验的
4. Tried and failed - 试过但失败了
5. Tried-and-true method - 经典有效的方法
6. Tried-and-tested formula - 已经被验证有效的公式
7. Tried and trusted - 经得起信任的,可靠的
8. Tried my best - 尽力了,竭尽全力
9. First tried, then true - 先尝试,后证明有效
10. Never tried, never known - 不尝试就不会知道
1. Attempted
- Definition: having made an effort to do something, but not necessarily succeeding
- Example: She attempted to climb the mountain, but turned back due to bad weather.
2. Tested
- Definition: having been put through a trial or evaluation
- Example: The new product has been thoroughly tested before being released to the market.
3. Endeavored
- Definition: attempted or tried with great effort and determination
- Example: He endeavored to learn a new language by studying every day for hours.
4. Strived
- Definition: made a great effort or struggled to achieve something
- Example: The team strived for victory in the championship game.
5. Assayed
- Definition: attempted or tried something, especially in a scientific or analytical manner
- Example: The scientist assayed different methods before finding the most effective solution.
6. Undertaken
- Definition: taken on or attempted a task or project
- Example: She has undertaken the challenge of running a marathon next month.
7. Experimented with
- Definition: tried out different methods or ideas in order to see what works best
- Example: The chef experimented with various ingredients before creating her signature dish.
8. Tackled
- Definition: took on or attempted a difficult task
- Example: He tackled the problem head on and found a solution through persistence and hard work.
9. Tried out
- Definition: tested something in order to see if it works
- Example: She tried out different hairstyles before settling on one for her wedding day.
10. Sampled
- Definition: tried out a small portion of something in order to get an idea of its quality
- Example: They sampled various wines at the tasting event before deciding which one to purchase