

更新时间:2024-11-12 15:02:27作者:留学世界




1. truelove是什么意思


2. truelove在歌词中的含义


3. truelove在不同语境下的含义

除了在歌词中,truelove也可以用来形容某种事物或感情。比如,“She found her true love in painting.”(她在绘画中找到了自己真正的爱),“He has a true love for nature.”(他对大自然有着真挚的热爱)。总之,在各种语境下,truelove都代表着一种纯粹、坚定、无私的感情。

4. truelove与其他表达爱情的词汇区别


5. truelove在日常生活中的应用

除了在歌词中,truelove也可以被用来表达对某人或某物的真挚、坚定的爱。例如,“She is my truelove.”(她是我的真爱),“I have a truelove for traveling.”(我对旅行有着真挚的热爱)。它也可以被用来形容某种理念或价值观,比如,“Their truelove for justice and equality has inspired many people.”(他们对正义和平等的真爱激发了许多人)。



1. "truelove"是一个英文单词,读作/truːlʌv/。

2. 这个单词由两部分组成,"true"和"love",分别表示真实和爱情。

3. 在歌词中,"truelove"通常指的是真挚的爱情,也可以理解为真正的爱。

4. 该单词在歌曲中出现的次数和位置可能会有所不同,具体要根据具体歌曲来确定。

5. 如果你想更好地理解这个单词,可以尝试听一些英文歌曲,并结合上下文来学*它的用法。

6. 此外,在英文歌曲中还有一种常见的写法是 "true love",表示同样的意思。

7. "truelove"这个单词也可以用作动词,意为 "真心相爱" 或者 "真心喜欢"。

8. 在美国英语中,有时也会把 "true love" 缩写为 "TL" 来表示。

9. 总之,在学*如何读写这个单词时,最重要的是要理解它所代表的含义和用法


1. truelove的定义和用法


2. truelove的双语例句

- I found my truelove in you. (我在你身上找到了真爱。)

- Their love for each other is a true love that will last forever. (他们对彼此的爱是一种永恒的真爱。)

- She finally realized that her truelove was right in front of her all along. (她终于意识到她的真爱一直就在她身边。)

- They promised to love each other unconditionally, a true love that knows no boundaries. (他们承诺无条件地彼此相爱,这是一种没有界限的真爱。)

- Despite the challenges and obstacles, their truelove never wavered. (尽管面临挑战和困难,他们的真爱从未动摇。)

3. truelove与其他表达方式


- Eternal love (永恒的爱情)

- Unconditional love (无条件的爱情)

- Pure love (纯粹的爱情)

- Deep love (深刻的爱情)

- Everlasting love (永恒不变的爱情)

4. truelove在歌词中的运用


- "Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden (《真心实意地》)

- "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston (《我会永远爱你》)

- "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion (《我的心将继续》)

- "Endless Love" by Diana Ross and Lionel Richie (《无尽的爱》)


1. "Truelove"是一首由英国流行乐团Coldplay演唱的歌曲,收录在他们的第六张专辑《Ghost Stories》中。这首歌曲以其动听的旋律和深刻的歌词而闻名,是许多人心中的经典之作。

2. 歌词中的“truelove”指的是真爱,歌曲讲述了一个人对失去真爱后的痛苦和思念。下面是这首歌曲的部分歌词及其翻译示例:

- "For a second, I was in control / I had it once, I lost it though"(一度我觉得自己控制了一切 / 曾经拥有过,却又失去了)

- "And all along the light's reflecting / And I'm still here waiting for you"(灯光反射着你身影 / 我仍在等待着你)

- "Time and time again / Come on, let's start anew"(一次又一次地 / 让我们重新开始吧)

- "I tried my best to keep you close / But life got in between"(我尽力想把你留在身边 / 但生活却挡在我们之间)

- "And now I'm left with nothing but your ghost"(现在我只剩下你的幽灵)

3. 这首歌曲充满了对失去真爱的悲伤和无奈,但也表达了重新开始的希望。它让人们感受到爱情的珍贵和脆弱,也让人们明白即使失去了真爱,仍然要勇敢地面对生活。

4. “Truelove”的歌词翻译示例尽可能保持原歌曲的意境和情感,并力求精准详细。希望这首歌曲能够给大家带来启发和感动,让我们珍惜身边的每一个真爱


1. "Truelove" by Pink ft. Lily Allen

This catchy pop song is all about finding your true love and holding onto it. With lyrics like "I hate that I like you, but I can't put nobody else above you," it perfectly captures the ups and downs of being in a relationship.

2. "Love Story" by Taylor Swift

This classic love song tells the story of two people from different worlds who fall in love against all odds. It's a sweet reminder that true love knows no boundaries.

3. "All of Me" by John Legend

With heartfelt lyrics such as "Cause all of me loves all of you, love your curves and all your edges," this romantic ballad is sure to make you swoon. It's a beautiful tribute to the idea of loving someone unconditionally.

4. "I Choose You" by Sara Bareilles

This upbeat and uplifting song celebrates the decision to choose someone as your partner for life. It's a perfect choice for a wedding or anniversary playlist.

5. "Lucky" by Jason Mraz ft. Colbie Caillat

This duet is a sweet ode to finding that special someone who makes you feel lucky to have them in your life. The acoustic guitar and harmonies make it a perfect song for a cozy night in with your significant other.

6. "You Are the Love of My Life" by Sam Cooke

This soulful classic is an oldie but goodie when it comes to songs about true love. The smooth vocals and romantic lyrics make it an instant mood booster.

7. "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston

No list of love songs would be complete without this iconic ballad from the late Whitney Houston. It's a powerful declaration of undying love that will give you goosebumps every time you listen to it.

8. "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley

Another timeless classic, this song captures the feeling of falling head over heels for someone and not being able to resist it. It's a must-have on any romantic playlist.

9. "You Are the Reason" by Calum Scott

This emotional ballad is a reminder that sometimes, true love means sacrificing everything for the person you love. It's a tear-jerker but also a beautiful tribute to the power of love.

10. "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith

This rock ballad was made famous by its appearance in the movie Armageddon, but it has since become a staple in any list of love songs. Its lyrics perfectly capture the feeling of wanting to spend every moment with your true love.

With these songs on your playlist, you'll have the perfect soundtrack for celebrating true love and all its ups and downs. Happy listening!





2024-11-12 14:52

true love 的翻译是

“true love”的翻译是什么意思?如何准确地表达这个浪漫而又复杂的概念?它在不同文化中又有着怎样的解释和比较?如果你对这些问题感兴趣,那么本文将为你揭开真爱的神秘面纱。从

2024-11-12 14:42



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