

更新时间:2024-01-22 08:28:53作者:留学世界

"探寻blunt的反义词,你是否想过?" 读者们,你们是否曾经困惑过如何正确读音blunt?或者,你们是否发现自己在使用blunt时总是感觉不够准确?今天,我们将一起来探讨这个词的反义词是什么。除此之外,我们还会带你了解blunt的常见用法和双语例句,以及相关的词汇和短语。最后,我们还会给出一些同义词示例,帮助你更好地理解这个词。让我们一起来揭开blunt的神秘面纱吧!


1. Sharp

Sharp is the most commonly used antonym for the word "blunt". It refers to something that has a fine or pointed edge, making it capable of piercing or cutting through objects. In contrast to blunt, which implies a lack of sharpness, sharp suggests precision and accuracy.


2. Pointed

Pointed is another antonym for blunt that can be used to describe something that has a sharp or tapered end. It can also refer to someone who speaks in a direct and critical manner, in contrast to someone who is blunt and straightforward.

3. Keen

Keen is a word that can have multiple meanings, one of which is being sharp or having a sharp edge. As an antonym for blunt, it can be used to describe something that is finely sharpened or honed.

4. Edgy

Edgy is an informal term that can be used as an antonym for blunt in certain contexts. It often refers to something that has a sharp or jagged edge, but it can also describe someone's personality as being tense or irritable.

5. Acute

Acute is an adjective that means having a sharp point or angle. As an antonym for blunt, it can be used to describe something that is precise and focused rather than dull and uninteresting.

6. Cutting

Cutting is another word that has multiple meanings, one of which is having a sharp edge or point. As an antonym for blunt, it can refer to something that is incisive and critical rather than straightforward and honest.

7. Piercing

Piercing is often used as an antonym for blunt when describing physical objects such as weapons or tools. It suggests something with a sharp point or tip that can penetrate through surfaces.

8. Jagged

Jagged refers to something with rough or uneven edges, making it very different from the smoothness associated with blunt objects. It can also be used to describe someone's personality as being sharp and unpredictable.

9. Prickly

Prickly is an adjective that can be used to describe something that has small, sharp points or thorns. As an antonym for blunt, it can also refer to someone who is easily offended or irritable.

10. Fine

Fine is a word with many different meanings, one of which is being thin or sharp. As an antonym for blunt, it can be used to describe something that has a delicate or precise edge, such as a fine-tipped pen or a fine-edged knife.

In conclusion, there are many different words that can be used as antonyms for the word "blunt". These include sharp, pointed, keen, edgy, acute, cutting, piercing, jagged, prickly and fine. Each of these words has its own unique connotations and usage in different contexts. By understanding their meanings and nuances, we can better express ourselves and communicate effectively in our writing and speech. So the next time you need to use an antonym for blunt in your writing or conversation, you will have plenty of options to choose from!


1. 什么是blunt?


2. 如何正确读音blunt?


3. 常见反义词有哪些?


4. 如何在日常生活中使用这些反义词?


5. 为什么要学习反义词?




1. Blunt作为形容词,表示“钝的,不锋利的”,它的反义词是“sharp”或“pointed”。例如:

- The knife is too blunt to cut through the meat. (这把刀太钝了,无法切开肉。)

- She used a sharp pencil to draw the fine details. (她用一支尖笔来画精细的细节。)

2. Blunt也可以表示“直率的,坦率的”,它的反义词是“diplomatic”或“tactful”。例如:

- He is known for his blunt and honest opinions. (他以直率和诚实的观点而闻名。)

- The politician was criticized for his lack of tact in handling sensitive issues. (这位政治家因处理敏感问题时缺乏策略性而受到批评。)

3. 另外,blunt还可以作为动词使用,意为“使变钝”,它的反义词是“sharpen”。例如:

- You need to sharpen your knife before cutting the vegetables. (在切蔬菜之前你需要把刀子磨利。)

- The constant use of this pencil has blunted its tip. (这支铅笔经常使用导致其尖端变钝了。)

4. 下面列举一些blunt在双语例句中的常见用法:

- His blunt remarks offended many people in the audience.


- The doctor used a blunt instrument to check the reflexes.


- She has a blunt personality, but she means well.


- The company's profits have been blunted by the recent economic downturn.


- He was too blunt to realize that his words were hurting her feelings.


5. 总结:blunt作为形容词时,常见的反义词是“sharp”或“pointed”,表示“钝的,不锋利的”;作为动词时,常见的反义词是“sharpen”,表示“使变钝”。此外,blunt还可以表示“直率的,坦率的”,其反义词为“diplomatic”或“tactful”。在双语例句中,blunt通常用于描述人物性格、评论或影响等方面


1. Sharp - 尖锐的,尖利的,锋利的

2. Pointed - 尖的,尖锐的,尖角的

3. Edgy - 锋利的,尖锐的,刺耳的

4. Keen - 敏锐的,敏捷的,敏感的

5. Acute - 急性的,剧烈的,敏锐的

6. Incisive - 锋利而深刻地,犀利地

7. Piercing - 刺耳的,刺骨般的

8. Penetrating - 透彻的,深入思考或理解问题

9. Cutting - 锋利而有效地表达观点或批评他人

10. Razor-sharp - 剃刀般锋利地表达或思考

11. Bladed - 有刀片状物质覆盖或形成

12. Jagged - 锯齿状或不规则形状

13. Prickly - 多刺植物一样有棘手或难以处理之意

14. Spiky - 尖头状或突出物体形成之意

15. Barbed - 钩状物质覆盖或形成之意,在语言中指伤人之话语。

16. Pointy- 尖头状或突出物体形成之意。

17. Stinging- 刺痛、灼伤之感觉,也可指语言上的刺激。

18. Sharp-tongued - 善于挖苦或伤人言辞的人。

19. Severe - 严厉的,严肃的,强烈的

20. Stern - 严厉的,严肃的,不容许违反规定

21. Harsh - 刻薄的,苛刻的,尖酸刻薄

22. Cruel - 残酷无情的,无情地伤害他人

23. Brutal - 残暴的,野蛮的,粗暴无礼

24. Ruthless - 无情的,冷酷无情地对待他人

25. Merciless - 无情地对待他人或没有怜悯心

26. Unfeeling - 冷漠无情地对待他人或事物

27. Insensitive - 缺乏同情心或体谅他人之意

28. Callous - 冷酷无情、漠不关心之意

29. Heartless- 没有同情心或感受力之意。

30. Inconsiderate- 不考虑他人感受、自私自利之意。

31. Tactless- 不圆滑、缺乏社交技巧之意。

32. Impolite- 不礼貌、粗鲁行为之意。

33. Rude- 粗鲁、不友好、无礼之意。

34. Crude- 粗鲁、粗俗、不文雅之意。

35. Vulgar- 粗俗、粗鄙、下流之意。

36. Coarse- 粗糙的,粗俗的,不文雅的。

37. Rough- 粗糙的,粗暴的,不文雅的。

38. Unrefined- 未经加工或提炼的,粗糙的,粗野的。

39. Uncouth- 不文雅的,粗野的,没有教养的。

40. Crass- 愚蠢或缺乏敏感度之意


1. Sharp: A sharp knife is the opposite of a blunt one. (一个锋利的刀子是钝的刀子的反义词。)

2. Pointed: The pointed end of a pencil is the opposite of a blunt one. (铅笔的尖端是钝的尖端的反义词。)

3. Keen: A keen mind is the opposite of a blunt one. (敏锐的头脑是钝的头脑的反义词。)

4. Honed: A honed blade is the opposite of a blunt one. (磨过的刀刃是钝的刀刃的反义词。)

5. Edged: An edged tool is the opposite of a blunt one. (有锋利边缘的工具是钝工具的反义词。)

6. Acute: An acute angle is the opposite of a blunt one. (锐角是钝角的反义词。)

7. Piercing: A piercing scream is the opposite of a blunt one. (尖锐的尖叫声是钝声音的反义词。)

8. Incisive: An incisive comment is the opposite of a blunt one. (一针见血的评论是钝评论的反义词。)

9. Penetrating: A penetrating gaze is the opposite of a blunt one. (穿透性凝视是钝凝视的反义词。)

10. Cutting: A cutting remark is the opposite of a blunt one.(刻薄言论是钝言论的反义词。)


上一篇: aunt意思英语




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