

更新时间:2024-02-11 23:39:25作者:留学世界



1. conducted是什么意思



2. conducted的用法


3. conducted与其他词汇的搭配

在实际使用中,conducted还可以与其他词汇搭配使用,形成不同的短语。比如,“conduct a study”表示“进行一项研究”,“conduct an experiment”表示“做一次实验”,“conduct an interview”表示“进行一次采访”。

4. 用幽默感了解conducted




1. conducted的含义


2. conducted的发音


3. 音标解析




/d/: 清辅音,舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从口腔中间通过;

/ʌ/: 短元音,“嗯”的发音;

/k/: 清辅音,舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从口腔中间通过。

4. 含义延伸


5. 例句赏析

1) The experiment was conducted in a controlled environment.(实验在受控环境下进行。)

2) The conductor conducted the orchestra with great passion.(指挥家用极大的热情指导乐团。)

3) The company has conducted a thorough market research before launching the new product.(公司在推出新产品之前进行了彻底的市场调研。)

6. 搭配搭配


- experiment:实验

- research:研究

- investigation:调查

- survey:调查

- interview:采访

- meeting:会议

- training:培训

7. 同义词替换


- carry out:进行、实施

- guide:指导、引导

- manage:管理、处理

8. 参考发音链接


9. 总结回顾

conducted是一个常用的英语单词,它可以表示“进行”、“实施”、“指导”等含义。它的发音为/kənˈdʌktɪd/,重读音节为第一个音节“kən”。除了基本含义外,在特定语境下还可以表示“引导”、“管理”等含义。为了避免使用重复的单词,可以考虑使用carry out、guide、manage等同义词替换。如果想要更准确地掌握其发音,可以参考相关链接


1. 什么是conducted?


2. conducted的用法

- Conducted可以接不同的宾语,如研究、调查、谈话等,表示进行这些活动。

- 它也可以接介词with,表示与某人一起进行某项活动。

- 当表示指挥、管理时,它也可以接介词by或者over。

3. 双语例句

- The experiment was conducted by a team of researchers from top universities.


- The interview was conducted with the help of a translator.


- The concert was conducted by a renowned conductor.



1. Conducted survey: 进行调查

2. Conducted research: 进行研究

3. Conducted experiment: 进行实验

4. Conducted analysis: 进行分析

5. Conducted interview: 进行访谈

6. Conducted investigation: 进行调查

7. Conducted study: 进行研究

8. Conducted examination: 进行检查

9. Conducted audit: 进行审计

10. Conducted review: 进行复查


1. Carried out

"Conducted" is often used to describe the act of carrying out a task or activity. Therefore, "carried out" can be used as a synonym for "conducted." For example, "The experiment was conducted by a team of scientists" can also be written as "The experiment was carried out by a team of scientists."

2. Performed

Similar to "carried out," "performed" can also be used as a synonym for "conducted." It implies that an action or task was completed successfully. For instance, "The survey was conducted by the marketing department" can also be written as "The survey was performed by the marketing department."

3. Executed

When talking about conducting something in a formal or professional manner, "executed" can be used as a synonym for "conducted." It conveys a sense of precision and efficiency in completing a task. For example, "The investigation was conducted by the police department" can also be written as "The investigation was executed by the police department."

4. Undertaken

To undertake something means to take on the responsibility or task of doing it. Therefore, it can also be used as a synonym for "conducted." For instance, "The study was conducted by the research team" can also be written as "The study was undertaken by the research team."

5. Administered

When referring to conducting an official or organized activity, such as an exam or test, "administered" is a suitable synonym for "conducted." It implies that the activity was overseen and managed in a professional manner. For example, "The test was conducted by the teacher" can also be written as"The test was administered by the teacher."

6. Directed

In some cases, when someone conducts an activity with authority and control, they are said to have directed it. Therefore, "directed" can be used as a synonym for "conducted." For example, "The meeting was conducted by the chairman" can also be written as "The meeting was directed by the chairman."

7. Organized

Similar to "directed," when someone conducts an activity with structure and planning, they are said to have organized it. Hence, "organized" can also be used as a synonym for "conducted." For instance, "The event was conducted by the event coordinator" can also be written as "The event was organized by the event coordinator."

8. Managed

To conduct something successfully often requires good management skills. Therefore, "managed" can be used as a synonym for "conducted." It implies that the task or activity was handled efficiently and effectively. For example, "The project was conducted by the project manager" can also be written as"The project was managed by the project manager."

9. Implemented

When referring to conducting something in a practical or tangible way, such as putting a plan into action, "implemented" is a suitable synonym for "conducted." It conveys the idea of carrying out something in a systematic and organized manner. For instance, "The new policy was conducted by the HR department" can also be written as"The new policy was implemented by the HR department."

10. Carried through

To carry through means to complete or accomplish something successfully. Therefore, it can also be used as a synonym for "conducted." It implies that an action or task has been carried out until its completion. For example, "The investigation was conducted by the detective until it was solved" can also be written as"The investigation was carried through by the detective until it was solved."


上一篇: Comodo的翻译是


conducted 的翻译是


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