

更新时间:2024-04-12 10:32:53作者:留学世界





1. hurt的基本含义

首先,我们来看一下hurt最基本的含义。作为动词,hurt意为“伤害”、“使痛苦”、“受伤”等。例如,“He hurt his leg while playing football.”(他在踢足球时受伤了。)另外,作为名词,hurt也可以表示“疼痛”或者“伤口”。比如,“The hurt in her heart was too much to bear.”(她心中的痛苦太难以忍受了。)

2. 拼写和发音


3. 可能引申出的其他含义

除了上面提到的基本含义,hurt还有一些可能的引申含义。比如,“hurt feelings”可以表示“受伤的感情”,“hurt pride”则是指“受伤的自尊”。此外,hurt也可以用来表示“损害”、“破坏”等。例如,“The scandal really hurt his reputation.”(这起丑闻真的损害了他的声誉。)

4. 用于日常口语


5. 结尾小提示



1. 英语中的"hurt"一词是一个动词,意为“伤害、使痛苦”。

2. 它的发音为/ hɜːt /,其中/h/发音时要注意舌头位置,要伸出舌尖贴住下齿龈,同时吸气;/ɜː/发音时舌头要放松,嘴唇微微张开;/t/发音时要把舌尖轻轻触碰上齿龈。

3. 可以通过以下方式来练习这个单词的发音:

a. 口型练习:先放松嘴唇,然后用力伸出舌头贴住下齿龈,同时吸气。接着放松舌头,张开嘴唇发出长长的/h/声。最后把舌尖轻轻触碰上齿龈发出/t/声。

b. 分解练习:将单词"hurt"分解成/h/, /ɜː/, /t/三个音节分别练习发音,并逐渐加快速度。

4. 注意不要把/t/的发音变成/d/,避免读错为“heard”这个单词。

5. 此外,在英语中还有一些类似的单词也是以/hurt/结尾,如convert(转换)、advert(广告)等,它们的发音也是相似的。

6. 如果想要更准确地掌握"hurt"这个单词的发音,可以通过听英语原生者的发音来模仿练习。可以在网上搜索相关视频或者使用学习英语的App来进行听力练习。

7. 最后,提醒大家注意单词"hurt"的发音中间没有元音,所以读起来会比较生硬。在实际交流中,可以稍微加上一点元音连接,使得发音更加自然流畅


1. 什么是"hurt"?


2. "hurt"的发音


3. "hurt"作为动词

作为动词时,hurt表示造成疼痛或伤害。例如:"I hurt my knee while playing basketball."(我在打篮球时弄伤了膝盖。)

4. "hurt"作为名词

作为名词时,hurt指身体上或情感上的痛苦。例如:"The hurt in her eyes was evident."(她眼中的痛苦显而易见。)

5. "hurt"作为形容词

作为形容词时,hurt表示受伤的或受损害的。例如:"She has a hurt ankle."(她脚踝受伤了。)

6. 双语例句:

- My head hurts from all the studying I've been doing lately.


- The hurt on her face was evident when she heard the news.


- He hurt his back while lifting weights at the gym.


- The hurt caused by her words was too much to bear.



1. Hurtful words - 伤人的话语

2. Hurt feelings - 受伤的感情

3. Heartache - 心痛

4. Emotional pain - 情感上的痛苦

5. Physical pain - 身体上的疼痛

6. Mental anguish - 心理上的痛苦

7. Deep wound - 深刻的伤口

8. Scarred heart - 受伤的心灵

9. Painful memories - 痛苦的回忆

10. Suffering and sorrow - 苦难和悲伤

11. Agonizing experience - 痛苦的经历

12. Wounded soul - 受伤的灵魂

13. Broken heart - 破碎的心

14. Emotional distress - 情绪困扰

15. Mental pain and suffering - 心理痛苦

16. Aching heart - 疼痛的心

17. Traumatic experience - 创伤性经历

18. Inner turmoil - 内心纷乱

19. Heartbreak and disappointment- 心碎和失望

20.Psychological trauma- 心理创伤


1. Painful - "Hurt" is often used to describe a physical or emotional pain, similar to the word "painful". For example, "The injury hurt a lot" or "Her words hurt my feelings".

2. Sore - This word can be used to describe a minor pain or discomfort, similar to the feeling of being "hurt". For instance, "My muscles are sore after working out" or "My throat is sore from yelling".

3. Aching - When something is "hurting", it may also be described as "aching". This word is often used to describe a dull, continuous pain. For example, "My back has been aching all day" or "His heart was aching after their breakup".

4. Injured - Similar to the word "hurt", this term is often used to describe physical harm or damage. For instance, "She was injured in the car accident" or "He injured his ankle while playing basketball".

5. Wounded - This word can also be used to describe physical harm or injury, but it may also have emotional connotations. For example, "The soldier was wounded in battle" or "She felt deeply wounded by his betrayal".

6. Damaged - When something is damaged, it has been physically harmed or impaired in some way. This can also be used to describe emotional harm. For instance, "The vase was damaged during shipping" or "Their friendship was damaged by their argument".

7. Affected - This word can be used to describe both physical and emotional harm caused by an outside force. For example, "The storm affected many homes in the area" or "His harsh words affected her deeply".

8. Distressed - Similar to the word "hurt", this term can be used to describe both physical and emotional pain and suffering. It often implies a state of extreme discomfort or unease. For instance, "The injured animal looked distressed and in pain" or "She was deeply distressed by the news of her father's illness".

9. Harmed - This word is often used to describe physical or emotional damage caused by an outside force. For example, "The environment is being harmed by pollution" or "His reputation was harmed by the scandal".

10. Strained - When something is "hurting", it may also be described as "strained". This word can be used to describe a feeling of tension or pressure, both physically and emotionally. For instance, "Her strained muscles were causing her pain" or "Their strained relationship was taking a toll on both of them"





2024-04-12 10:13

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2024-04-12 09:54

hurt 的翻译是


2024-04-12 09:35



2024-04-12 09:16

hurray是什么意思 hurray的中文翻译、读音、例句


2024-04-12 08:57



2024-04-12 08:38