更新时间:2024-10-16 15:24:18作者:留学世界
1. 学生
2. 瞳孔
除了指代学生外,pupils还有一个常见的含义是瞳孔。这也是它最原始的意思,源自拉丁语的"pupilla",意为"小女孩、小眼睛"。因此,在医学领域,我们会经常听到医生提及pupil size(瞳孔大小)或者说the pupils are dilated(瞳孔扩大)。
3. 学校
此外,在英国和澳大利亚等国家,pupils也可以指代整个学校。例如,在英国的一些报纸标题中,你可能会看到"Pupil numbers soar in UK schools(英国学校学生人数激增)"这样的用法。
4. 弟子
1. 什么是pupils?
2. 如何正确发音?
3. 有什么幽默的读法吗?
4. 如何用在句子中?
如果你想说某个学校有很多学生,可以这样说:“There are a lot of pupils in this school.” 或者简单地说:“This school has many pupils.”
5. 还有其他意思吗?
除了指学生之外,pupils还可以表示眼睛的黑色部分,也就是瞳孔。所以如果你想问别人是否戴隐形眼镜,可以问:“Do you have pupils?” 意思就是是否戴隐形眼镜让你的瞳孔变小。
6. 怎么用更加俏皮地表达?
如果你想要更加俏皮地表达“学生”,可以用“little scholars”(小学者)或者“young minds”(年轻的心灵)来代替pupils。这样会让你听起来更有创意和幽默感
1. pupils的用法
2. pupils作为“学生”的用法
在英语中,pupils通常指小学生或初中生,相当于中文中的“学生”。例如:“The teacher gave her pupils a quiz.”(老师给她的学生们出了一道测验题。)此外,pupils也可以指某个特定的班级或年级的学生群体。例如:“The pupils in this class are very well-behaved.”(这个班级的学生非常守纪律。)
3. pupils作为“小学生”的用法
在英语中,pupils有时也会被用来指小学阶段的孩子们。例如:“The school has over 500 pupils.”(这所学校有500多名小学生。)此外,pupils还可以与其他词搭配使用,如:primary school pupils(小学生)、elementary school pupils(小学生)等。
4. pupils作为“瞳孔”的用法
除了表示“学生”或“小学生”,pupils还有另外一个意思,即“瞳孔”。这是因为在医疗领域,pupils也被用来指眼睛中的黑色圆形部分。例如:“The doctor used a flashlight to check the pupils of the patient.”(医生用手电筒检查了病人的瞳孔。)
5. pupils的双语例句
1)The teacher asked the pupils to recite the poem in front of the class.(老师让学生们在全班同学面前背诵这首诗。)
2)The pupils were excited about their upcoming field trip.(学生们对即将到来的实地考察感到兴奋。)
3)Her pupils dilated when she saw her crush walking towards her.(当她看到心仪的人走向她时,她的瞳孔放大了。)
4)The school has a strict policy on bullying and all pupils are expected to follow it.(这所学校对欺凌有严格的政策,所有学生都应该遵守。)
1. Pupils是一个复数形式的词,单数形式为pupil,意为“学生”。它可以用来指小学生、中学生或大学生,具体取决于上下文。
2. Pupils at school: 指在学校里的学生,可以用来指小学生或中学生。
3. Primary pupils: 指小学生,primary在这里表示“初级的、基础的”。
4. Secondary pupils: 指中学生,secondary在这里表示“第二阶段的、高级的”。
5. University pupils: 指大学生,university在这里表示“大学”。
6. Boarding pupils: 指寄宿制学校的学生,boarding表示“寄宿”的意思。
7. Day pupils: 指走读制学校的学生,day表示“白天”的意思。
8. Pupils' performance: 指学生们的表现或成绩。
9. Pupils' behavior: 指学生们的行为举止。
10. Pupils' progress: 指学生们的进步情况。
11. Bright pupils: 指聪明的、有才华的学生,bright在这里表示“聪明”的意思。
12. Diligent pupils: 指勤奋的、刻苦努力的学生,diligent表示“勤奋”的意思。
13. Talented pupils: 指有天赋或特长的学生,talented表示“有天赋的、有才能的”的意思。
14. Active pupils: 指活跃的、积极参与的学生,active表示“积极的、活跃的”的意思。
15. Well-behaved pupils: 指表现良好、行为规范的学生,well-behaved表示“表现良好”的意思。
16. Disruptive pupils: 指调皮捣蛋、影响教学秩序的学生,disruptive表示“破坏性的、扰乱性的”的意思。
17. Challenging pupils: 指具有挑战性、难以教育或管理的学生,challenging表示“具有挑战性的”。
18. Gifted pupils: 指具有天赋或才华、需要特殊教育或培养的学生,gifted表示“有天赋的、有才能的”的意思。
19. Struggling pupils: 指学习困难或面临挑战、需要额外帮助和支持的学生,struggling表示“挣扎着前进”的意思。
20. Special needs pupils: 指需要特殊教育或关怀、具有身体或智力上障碍的学生,special needs表示“特殊需求”的意思
1. Students
- This is a commonly used synonym for "pupils" and refers to individuals who are learning in a school or educational setting.
- Example: "The students in the class were all eager to learn about the new topic."
2. Learners
- Similar to "students", this word emphasizes the act of acquiring knowledge or skills.
- Example: "The learners in this program come from diverse backgrounds."
3. Scholars
- This term is often used to describe students who are dedicated and excel academically.
- Example: "The scholars in this university are known for their outstanding research work."
4. Disciples
- In an educational context, this word can refer to students who follow a particular teacher or philosophy.
- Example: "The disciples of this renowned professor have gone on to become successful professionals in their fields."
5. Pupils' counterparts in other languages:
- Spanish: Alumnos
- French: Élèves
- German: Schülerinnen und Schüler
6. Children/Youths/Teens/Kids
- These words can be used as synonyms for "pupils" when referring specifically to young students.
- Example: "The children in the elementary school were excited for their field trip."
7. Apprentices
- This term is often used in vocational or trade schools, where students are learning a specific skill or trade.
- Example: "The apprentices at the carpentry workshop were taught by experienced craftsmen."
8. Trainees
- Similar to apprentices, this word refers to individuals who are undergoing training for a particular job or skill.
- Example: "The trainees at the company were given hands-on experience during their internship program."
9. Scholars-in-training/Learners-in-training/Students-in-training
- These phrases emphasize that the individuals are still developing their knowledge and skills.
- Example: "The scholars-in-training were mentored by experienced professors throughout their graduate studies."
10. Novices/Neophytes
- These words refer to individuals who are new or inexperienced in a particular field.
- Example: "The novices in the cooking class were taught basic techniques before moving on to more advanced recipes."
11. Protégés
- This term can be used to describe students who are being guided and mentored by a more experienced individual.
- Example: "The protégés of this renowned artist were taught various techniques and styles of painting."
12. Students' counterparts in other languages:
- Spanish: Estudiantes
- French: Étudiants
- German: Studenten
13. Pupils' synonyms for specific age groups:
- Kindergarteners/Preschoolers: Children who attend kindergarten or preschool.
- Elementary/Primary school students: Children in the early years of formal education.
- Middle school/Junior high school students: Students in the middle years of formal education, typically between elementary and high school.
- High school/Senior high school students: Students in the final years of formal education before entering college or university.
14. Descendants/Offspring/Descendants-in-waiting
- These terms can be used to refer to future generations of pupils, emphasizing the passing down of knowledge and skills.
- Example: "The descendants-in-waiting will carry on their family's legacy of excellence in music."
15. Pupils' synonyms for different types of educational institutions:
- College/University students
- Graduate/Postgraduate students
- Vocational/Tertiary students
- Trade/Apprenticeship students
总结来说,pupils是一个常用的英文单词,它的意思是学生或者小学生。在英语中,它的发音为/ˈpjuːplz/,读起来比较简单。pupils在句子中可以作为主语或者宾语,常见的词组有“dilated pupils”和“bright-eyed pupils”。同时,我们也可以用“students”或者“children”来替换pupils。希望本文对大家有所帮助,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我将会为大家带来更多有趣的知识和内容。谢谢阅读!