

更新时间:2024-11-13 05:06:24作者:留学世界




1. 什么是turtles?


2. turtles在英语中的发音


3. turtles与其他动物的区别


4. turtles在英语文学作品中的象征意义


5. turtles在文化中的重要性


6. turtles与环境保护



1. 什么是turtles?


2. turtles的发音


3. 如何正确读出turtles?


4. 其他相关单词


- turtle:海龟

- tortoise:陆龟

- terrapin:沼泽龟

- carapace:甲壳

- shell:壳

- flipper:鳍状肢


1. 使用turtles作为名词时,表示“海龟”,是指生活在海洋中的爬行动物。例如:

- I saw a group of turtles swimming in the ocean. (我看到一群海龟在海洋中游泳。)

- The conservation center is dedicated to protecting endangered turtles. (这个保护中心致力于保护濒危的海龟。)

2. 在俚语中,turtles也可以用来形容缓慢的速度,类似于英文表达“slow as a turtle”。例如:

- Come on, hurry up! You're as slow as a turtle! (快点,你走得跟乌龟一样慢!)

- The traffic was moving at a turtle's pace due to the heavy snow. (由于大雪,交通行驶缓慢如乌龟般的速度。)

3. 当turtles与其他单词组合时,也有不同的含义和用法。例如:

- Turtle neck: 高领衫,指领口高到可以折叠起来遮住脖子的衣服。

- Turtle shell: 乌龟壳,用来形容坚硬的外壳或者难以改变的情况。

- Turtle dove: 斑鸠,常被用来象征爱情和忠诚。

4. 在双语例句方面,我们来看几个关于turtles的例子:

- The conservation center is home to hundreds of turtles, including the endangered leatherback turtle. (这个保护中心是成百上千只海龟的家园,其中包括濒危的鳄龟。)

- My daughter loves to draw turtles, she thinks they're the cutest animals. (我女儿喜欢画海龟,她觉得它们是最可爱的动物。)

- It took us hours to get to the island by boat, but it was worth it when we saw the baby turtles hatching on the beach. (我们花了几个小时才坐船到达那个小岛,但当我们看到海滩上孵化出来的小海龟时,一切都值得。)


1. "Slow and Steady": 这个词组来自于寓言故事《乌龟和兔子》中,乌龟因为缓慢的速度最终赢得了比赛。在现实生活中,我们常用这个词组来形容某人或某事物的步伐缓慢但稳定。

2. "Turtle Speed": 这个词组用来形容非常缓慢的速度,通常带有一种幽默的语气。比如说,当我们等待某人做事情时,就可以说他/她的速度就像海龟一样慢。

3. "Turtling": 这个词指的是海龟游泳时收起头和四肢进入壳中的动作。在游戏领域,"turtling"也被用来形容玩家采取保守策略、躲避攻击并集中力量防守的行为。

4. "Turtle Neck": 这是指一种高领衣服,因为它看起来像海龟收起头进入壳中的样子而得名。

5. "Terrapin Time": 这个词组源自美国南部方言,指的是非常缓慢和放松的生活节奏。类似于中国人说的"闲云野鹤"。

6. "Turtle Dove": 这是指一种白色的鸟类,因为它们的背部有黑色斑纹,看起来像海龟壳一样而得名。

7. "Turtle Power": 这个词组源自动画片《忍者神龟》,用来形容某人或某物具有强大的力量和能力。

8. "Turtlenecking": 这个词指的是两个人非常亲密地贴在一起,就像海龟收起头和四肢一样。通常用来形容情侣间的亲密行为。

9. "Turtle Shell": 这是指海龟的壳,也可以用来比喻某人或某物具有坚固、可靠的保护层。

10. "Turtle Time": 这个词组源自电影《终结者2》,指的是主角使用时间机器回到过去改变未来时所处的时间段。现在被用来形容做事缓慢、拖延时间的行为


1. Tortoises

- This term refers to any land-dwelling turtle, including those that live in deserts and forests.

- Example: The Galapagos tortoise is one of the largest species of turtles, with some individuals weighing over 500 pounds.

2. Terrapins

- This term is used to describe turtles that live in fresh or brackish water, such as ponds, lakes, and rivers.

- Example: The diamondback terrapin is a species of turtle found in the eastern United States.

3. Chelonians

- This term encompasses all species of turtles, including tortoises and terrapins.

- Example: Chelonians are known for their unique shells, which provide protection and support for their bodies.

4. Testudines

- This scientific term refers to the order of reptiles that includes turtles, tortoises, and terrapins.

- Example: The testudines are one of the oldest living groups of reptiles, dating back over 220 million years.

5. Shelled reptiles

- This term describes turtles based on their distinguishing feature - a hard protective shell.

- Example: Shelled reptiles have evolved to have different types of shells depending on their habitat and lifestyle.

6. Sea turtles

- This term specifically refers to turtles that live in saltwater environments.

- Example: Sea turtles are known for their long migrations across oceans to lay eggs on specific beaches.

7. Pond sliders

- This term is used to describe a type of turtle commonly found in ponds and lakes.

- Example: The red-eared slider is a popular pond slider species often kept as pets.

8. Box turtles

- This term describes a group of land-dwelling turtles with hinged shells that can close completely for protection.

- Example: Box turtles are able to retract their heads and legs into their shells when threatened.

9. Freshwater turtles

- This term refers to turtles that live in freshwater habitats, including rivers, lakes, and ponds.

- Example: Freshwater turtles are often found basking on logs or rocks in their habitats.

10. Reptiles with shells

- This term encompasses all reptiles that have shells, including turtles, tortoises, and even some species of lizards.

- Example: Reptiles with shells have evolved to have unique adaptations for survival in their environments





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